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The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 554 - Farewell
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Taking Lucas and Tiresh was like taking a heavy baggage on his shoulders. Even if he didn't want to admit it, everything fell down to this boiling point. Jin Rou didn't want to waste their lives so he needed to leave them here.

The two heard what Jin Rou and the demon was talking about and couldn't help but feel disappointed. They wanted to accompany the young master in that place but they knew they couldn't. With their current strength, they might just pull Jin Rou's leg down. They didn't want that to happen.

Jin Rou could see their faces and sighed. He came over to them and said, "You don't have to look like this. It's not like this will be the end. If fate permits it, we will meet again."

That's right. Who knows, perhaps if they become stronger than ever they would meet Jin Rou once again? The two knew they life in two different worlds. If they become more powerful, they might have the chance to meet him again.

Jin Rou tapped the shoulders of Lucas and said, "Take care of Tiresh. This pouch contains pointers and techniques to attain at least Origin level in the future. These are all compatible with you and Tiresh, so be sure to learn this. Also, I'll leave the dark unicorn here to protect you, so you don't have to worry about the attacks from others."

Jin Rou was aware that there was a possibility that the powerhouses he offended might seek revenge to Lucas and Tiresh when they found out that he was no longer around so he would leave layers of protection for the two.

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"One more thing," Jin Rou added, "There is an item in the pouch that you can distinguish isn't for you or Tiresh. Give that to beggar that we meet on the way here. That is my payment for him for the chaos sets."

"I understood, Young Master." Lucas bowed deeply and said, "I thank you for this grace you have showered upon us."

Tiresh also bowed deeply, following Lucas' gesture.

Jin Rou accepted this gesture and smiled. If mishaps wouldn't happen in the future, these two would be the top existences of this continent. The items in the pouch contained so many mysteries and power that would boost their strength to the next levels.

"Before we do business, it will be great if you kill that rat hiding in the void." Jin Rou said to Zacharite, "Now that you are under my 'favor', you can at least do this much for me."

"But of course, Your Majesty." Zacharite was brimming with respect to the other party that he was calling Jin Rou with such honorifics, "I'll take care of it right now."

Inside the void, Pope Origin almost lost his strength when he heard the demon's words. He wanted to run away but the place was still sealed because of Jin Rou.

"Found you." Then suddenly, a chilling voice could be heard from behind him. It sent chills running down Pope's spine.

"You... you wouldn't dare to kill me!" Pope Origin's voice was trembling from fear, "I am the Pope of the Church. Our power is immense and cannot be underestimated. Do not make a mistake. If ever I die, they will surely chase you to the ends of the world!"

"Oh dear, three or four origins aren't even enough to contain me. If your church can bring six or seven of them, they might be able to kill me with an average chance." Zacharite smiled viciously, "Now time to receive your death. I don't want to make His Majesty wait."

"Ahhh!" The origin screamed in pain as a ball of black thorns appeared on his body, piercing it in all directions. Blood flowed and sprayed like a fountain. It was a bloody and gory sight as his innards were thrown along with the piercing thorns.

The suffering of the Pope didn't last, he immediately died after a few seconds. On the last moments of his life, he wanted to say something but being his throat pierced, he could say it.

Jin Rou could see the total happenings inside the void and smiled, "With the loss of the two origins, the power balance of this world will have a great shift. Perhaps, war will start to ensue."

Jin Rou wasn't joking. With the loss of the two origins, a war between Darkglow Clan and Church was inevitable. After all, they would seek accountability against each other for the loss of their respective powerhouses. Losing an origin was no joking matter, it could bring absolute catastrophe for them since many wolves were vying for their large piece of meat. Many people wouldn't hesitate to take a bite of this.

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"Tiresh, Lucas, I will prepare a talisman gate that you can use. Use it after giving the item to the beggar." Jin Rou said, "This commotion is quite large, you have to go now."

Jin Rou paused for a moment and looked at the dark unicorn, "These two will be under your care. I have put my aura around them so if something happens to them, I will know. So you better do your job right or I'll eat your meat."

"Don't worry, Young Master. I am ready to protect them with all my life." The dark unicorn was prepared, "But, can you at least give me a name before you leave? I cannot live being called beast, dark unicorn, or whatever."

Jin Rou observed the unicorn and smirked, "Okay then. Your name is Fellius."

"Fellius... a cool name! Thank you, Young Master." The dark unicorn was elated.

"Your Majesty, we have to go now." Zacharite said, "The Church will soon be here since they dispatched so many people after confirming their pope's death. It will also be troublesome for your comrades if they arrive."

"Very well, then." Jin Rou looked at the two friends he made during his trip here in the Lower Immortal, "I hope the next time I see you, you two have already swept the entire continent."

With that, Jin Rou turned into a streak of light towards an unknown direction together with Zacharite.