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The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 555 - Entering Great Hell
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Tiresh wanted to give Jin Rou one last hug before his departure. Unfortunately, she didn't have the guts to do so and could only see him slowly fade in her vision. Who knows if they would really meet again? Perhaps if they did, she was already old. Or perhaps, they wouldn't see each other again.

Lucas held his tears from falling. Seeing Jin Rou depart broke his heart. At first, he thought that he already severed his feelings to the world, yet it wasn't the case yet. He promised to himself that he would everything to get stronger and stronger and reach a realm where he could stand by Jin Rou's side.

"Tiresh, let's go." Lucas said to the woman who was frozen on her spot, "No matter how you look, Young Master isn't going to turn back. Not for anyone, not for us. We can only strive to be stronger so that in the future, we can stand side to side by him."

Compared to the bond Lucas and Jin Rou created, Tiresh's was deeper since she was with Jin Rou since the crossing to the Uncrossable Sea.

After a while, Tiresh took a deep breath and said, "Let's go. We cannot be seen my Young Master's enemies here, can we?"

Lucas nodded. They then rode the dark unicorn together and flew to the horizon. Their next stop would be where the beggar-like vendor to give the item Jin Rou asked them to.


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"Whoosh! Whoosh!" In an unknown place far far away from Hera's Domain, two streaks of light descended from the sky. They were like two meteors descending from the heavens.

Of course, they were the demon Zacharite and Jin Rou.

"We're here, Your Majesty." Zacharite said as he showed an ancient door that filled with vines. They were currently in a strange forest where vines filled it, "This is the door leading to the Great Hell."

Jin Rou observed the door and its mysteries. After a while, he confirmed that this door was real, "I see."

"Your Majesty, please let me give you a reminder before we enter." Zacharite said, "As I'm no longer part of the Great Hell, the demons will surely try to hunt us down. In fact, even the Great Demons will make a move to kill us. What we are about to do is very dangerous. I know you are very powerful, but there are also Great Demons who are almost at the same level as you, Your Majesty."

"I understand. We will proceed with caution. Unless required, we won't fight against the demons. Of course, I'll make sure to guarantee your safety. I will take you also to the Upper Immortal, which is your long lasting dream." Jin Rou said. He was very confident that he could survive. Even if he faced with other universal laws, he had enough resources to keep his life.

"As you wish, Your Majesty." Zacharite said. He could only trust Jin Rou for now. No, in fact, trusting Jin Rou was the biggest bet he could ever make. After a few seconds, he walked to the ancient door and touched it. As a dignified member of the demons in the past, he still had the ability to open the gates to Great Hell.

"Creak!" The ancient door slowly opened in response to Zacharite's touch. It showed off a blinding light as it opened fully for the world.

"We need to enter now, Your Majesty." Zacharite said with a hurried tone, "This phenomenon will be seen by many people so there will be some to rush here to know what's going on."

"Okay, let's move on then." Jin Rou said as he entered the gate without hesitation. The demon followed suit and the ancient door slowly closed its being from he world.

As time passed by, many old beings arrived at the place and discovered nothing. In fact, even the ancient door disappeared from this place so they were puzzled as to what really had happened.


"Buzz!" Jin Rou and Zacharite slid past a broken space and entered the Great Hell. However, there was a problem right off the bat.

Four demons were standing by and their weapons were directing its tip to towards the two.

"Zacharite, you have guts to return here and your even brought a human. How funny." One demon said in a mocking tone.

"Flesis, I can see that even you are already the new captain, you still have some lingering insecurities to me." Zacharite smirked, "Well, it's understandable. No matter what you do, you cannot overshadow my greatness."

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"Shut your trap, Exiled!" Flesis shouted, "I know that you will eventually come here. Great Demon Belial wants to imprison you immediately. So if you come with us nicely, I wouldn't mind sparing this friend of yours."

"Belial wants to imprison me the moment I returned? Isn't he too heartless?" Zacharite said, "I am not in the mood to talk with the likes of you. So if you don't want to die, back off before I change my mind."

"Such big talk. You think you are still a big shot that almost became a Great Demon?" Flesis wasn't backing down, "It's either you come with me or death!"

Suddenly, Zacharite's expression turned dark and disappeared. He appeared in front of Flesis and stabbed a black rod in Flesis' chest, "You talk too much for an insecure demon."

"Captain!" The other three demons immediately surrounded Zacharite who was still getting a hold of Flesis.

"Move more and this captain of yours will die." Zacharite smirked as he saw the black blood streaming down from Flesis' wound, "I'm daring you, three minions."

Being called minions rubbed them the wrong way and almost got provoked if not for Flesis stopping them telepathically..

"You're still weak as ever. I don't know why the Great Demons make you the new captain. It's a shame." Zacharite looked at Flesis who was struggling to get off from his grip, "Stop moving. I might slip off my hands and pierce your heart, you know?"

Jin Rou watched this scene and actually found it funny. Zacharite's method was a bit similar to his.