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The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 636 - Little Girl
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"This gaseous flames are terrifying." Jin Rou had to admit it. The lamp, once rampaged, could easily kill all the living creatures of this realm, oldest ancestors included. After all, even the three ancestors who ranked at the top of the food chain was helpless against this. They probably might regretting the fact that they let loose the lamp without heeding any advices of the past.

Anyway, it had nothing to do with Jin Rou and was letting the flame ravage everything. Jin Rou continued to watch as everyone in the Dark Clan was being slain. As a matter of fact, even children and old women were helpless against this catastrophe. If there was someone to blame, they should blame their ancestor for making this choice.

Schwal Coffin puked as she watched this grotesque scenes playing one after another. It was unbearable to take for someone soft like her. After puking several times, she asked Jin Rou, "Are you not going to save them? At least, save the children and those old women."

Jin Rou didn't answer immediately. After a few minutes, he sighed and said, "I can't. Although I'm not a person of Immortal, I want it to be peaceful for generations. The cycle of hatred and revenge must stop here."

Schwal understood Jin Rou's point of view. How could Jin Rou let a future trouble live on? Thus, he decided on exterminating the entire clan. It was heartless, they knew. But this was the best course of action for the future prosperity of Immortal.

"Let's say that the Dark Clan is no more, how about the other major powerhouses of this realm? They might be ambitious enough to take the role of Dark Clan." Schwal asked. She had a point. It's not just the Dark Clan here, there were tons of superpowers that were waiting to have a piece of pie called Immortal. It's just that they haven't had enough resources to scheme and plan their moves. Moreover, the Dark Clan was monitoring every movement of others.

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"They won't, trust me." Jin Rou chuckled. Of course, he already considered this situation. How could he let future troubles ran amok?

"Are you going to kill all of them? That's..." Schwal was horrified. If Jin Rou was thinking of ending this realm, it would truly be a horrifying matter.

"I don't have that much time for that." Jin Rou chuckled as he shook his head, "I have a plan in my mind, so don't worry about it."

Schwal didn't ask more. Since Jin Rou already planned everything, she might as well keep quiet and watch how things would go.

"Aghhh, not enough! Not enough!" A childish voice echoed in the place. As of now, no more living beings except Jin Rou and Schwal could be seen. Soon, a little girl appeared out of the dark gaseous flames.

The little girl was wearing an all black dress. Her hair, color of the eyes, and shoes, were all black. She was exuding a gothic vibe from a certain time. She was rolling mid air as she threw tantrums about things not yet enough.

She must be talking about the lives she had killed. Jin Rou thought.

"What... what is that?" Schwal said with a shaky tone. She was a treasure herself, yet she couldn't help but feel oppressed by the little girl who suddenly appeared.

"I'm sure you can feel your kind." Jin Rou smirked, "She is also a treasure like you. However, she has lived since the start of time, so there's a difference and it's natural that you are feeling oppressed."

The little girl looked at them when she heard their voices. Her eyes widened as she laughed coquettishly as she said, "Oh, I thought you guys have left."

"I still have business with you, how can I leave?" Jin Rou smiled.

"Hooh? I'm greatly interested in this business you have with me, then." The little girl smirked. She might be looking like a little and young one. However, Jin Rou knew that this was an old living fossil who could threaten this realm and Immortal.

"Before we proceed to that, how is the feeling that you have finally let yourself freed?" Jin Rou asked. He was sure that the little girl was suppressed for so many years under the ground, serving as the foundation and dao source of the clan.

"Hah, it's pretty nice of course. Exacting revenge is a refreshing feeling. I wonder how will that old man who captured me feel when he sees his clan he painstakingly built crumbled right now?" The little girl laughed sinisterly.

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Jin Rou chuckled. From the start, he was already planning on letting this old lamp out in the light. After all, it sought help from him and stated many tempting terms and conditions. Who would have thought that the ancestors were desperate enough to activate it instead? Now, they reap what they sow.

The little girl snorted, "Although you aren't exactly the one who let me out, I am a very magnanimous person so I will still give you half of my terms."

"Instead of terms, how about you do me a favor instead?" Jin Rou raised his brow, asking.

"Oh? What favor is it? Let's hear it out." The little girl grabbed a little chair in her inventory and sat there.

"Hmm, I just want you to guard this realm and don't let anyone scheme to attack Immortal again." Jin Rou smiled, "Simple, isn't it?"

"Simple your mother." The little girl cursed out loud at Jin Rou, "I have been staying here for who knows how long and now, you still want me to stay here longer? You must be dreaming."

"It's not like I am asking you for free. Of course, I will compensate you handsomely. Just state your conditions now." Jin Rou smiled. He knew that what he was asking was a little too absurd.

"Hah, if you can drag my big sister here from Fate World, then I can think about it." The little girl snorted.. Of course, how would that be possible? Even she, a very powerful treasure, had searched for methods of ascending to that world to return yet it wasn't useful. How could a mere passerby do it?