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The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 782 - Shocking Truth
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Jin Rou was very familiar with Valleyqueen. He thought her personally about the dao and everything. In fact, the queen could only soar this far because of him playing a big part in her cultivation.

Nevertheless, the talent and determination of her was still the main reason why she could attain that level.

She might be alive right now, but Jin Rou knew that her connection with her was weak and faint, meaning she might be dying or just too far away from him.

"Who is the current valley master in this generation?" Jin Rou asked. The hierarchy of Hidden Majestic Valley was almost the same from the society's standards.

"It is our old ancestor Shikra." Sevendow said, "Your Majesty, she is a great master. Although she appears to be antagonistic at times, she is doing so because she thinks about the wellbeing of our valley."

"I know." Jin Rou knew who Shikra was. It was one of the disciples of Valleyqueen who he nurtured in the distant past.

Unlike the others, Shikra went for the imperial path and became an imperial lord. And her choice was proven to be worthy despite being reprimanded by many oppositions.

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Shikra became a monarch slayer, who had slain a strong monarch of a mysterious lineage. It almost started a war between the two but Han Li pacified the situation. There were only three mysterious lineages in the realm and if two of them clashed, the balance would be too tremendous to recover in a short time.

Jin Rou sighed. Shikra was a very cunning woman and would do all means to preserve the lineage of the valley. She was also ambitious that it might put the valley in danger at times. Anyway, her love and loyalty for the valley was deep.

Jin Rou was also aware that Shikra might be the one who gave the order of pursuing the will of this generation.

"How is she right now?" Jin Rou asked again. Many memories resurfaced because he heard this name.

"She is not well, Your Majesty." Sevendow sighed, she looked sad and answered, "As you know, she is one of our oldest ancestors and unlike the others, her lifespan was shorter."

Jin Rou nodded. It was already a miracle that Shikra was still alive despite after so many years, "It seems like she can't just leave you all here. After all, your second and fourth monarch are still missing."

Sevendow was shaken when she heard this. She looked at Jin Rou as if she had seen a ghost.

How was that possible that he knew? This was a top secret that only available to them, monarchs!

"Don't look at me like that." Jin Rou sighed, "I know the valley better than all of you. Even Valleyqueen will not be a match in terms of familiarity of this place." Jin Rou said, "So, it's easy for me to locate the monarchs no matter how deep they are hiding."

Sevendow nodded. It made sense. There was only person who could claim this, and it's only the Primordial Emperor.

Jin Rou paused for a moment and continued, "And your valley is keeping this a secret even to high ranking echelons because you are afraid of the wind getting out of this place."

If people discovered that the valley's second and fourth monarch were missing, it would cause a great upheaval. The other mysterious lineages might think of coveting the tempting land and resources of a very old lineage with records spanning for billions of years.

Being able to nurture seven monarchs, the resources and source of this place was incredible for sure. So any lineage would be tempted to have a piece of this big pie.

Fortunately, the move of keeping this a secret exclusively for monarchs and the valley master worked. However, they knew that no wind could be blocked. One way or another, someone would catch wind of this.

"Tell me what happened." Jin Rou said. Despite his numerous calculations, there were still something he didn't understand.

"We don't know either." Sevendow shook her head, "We just know that the second monarch took the fourth monarch with her. As for their destination, we don't know as they never told anyone of that. And since then, they never returned."

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Jin Rou pondered. Judging by the second's personality, he was sure that she's the type who wouldn't make rash decisions especially if monarchs were involved.

Where did they go to? And what was their purpose of going there? Unless Jin Rou personally take a trip, he wouldn't know. Of course, he had no plans to do so. He was just mere curious why disappeared. As for how the valley would fare? It's the valley's business to take care of.

He was about to do a big favor for the valley by calming the tidal sea. They had no right to ask for more. And Sevendow was aware of this fact.

"I'll be going now." Jin Rou said. He couldn't stay longer here as the pressing matter about the sea was more important, "I'll be going to take care of the Black Tidal Sea and cross it at the same time. So, close the barrier immediately after I enter. The more the barrier is exposed to openess, it is more prone to weakening."

"I understand, Your Majesty." Sevendow nodded solemnly, "And thank you for your grace."

Jin Rou dismissed it and went over to where the cliff before the tidal sea was. Since the valley could be manipulated several times by space, it was easy to travel to and fro. Despite the far distance, it was a piece of cake to get there.

The Cliff of Blackness, it was what called this cliff before the tidal sea. It was rumored that the cliff was the real reason why the barrier was strong enough to block the monsters from the sea to evade the Nine Heavens.

Jin Rou observed the place. It was still the same since the last time he was here. The heavy atmosphere of the Black Tidal Sea was still the same. If there's a difference, the atmosphere was heavier compared in the past.

And this was natural, knowing the span of time that had passed.