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The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 786 - Li Mysterious Sect
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Jin Rou was stuck between two hard places. Truthfully, he didn't want to help them. After all, he had no reason to as Grand Mysterious was no longer here. They had to fend off for themselves. However, the Sky Immortal Sect chose to intervene them. He could write it off as fate, but he was hesitating to do so.

With the downfall of Li Mysterious Sect, the Sky Immortal Sect would have a piece of good pie. Despite its downfall, the sect still had resources enough to stay alive.

Furthermore, the Sky Immortal Sect used to be a third rate sect in the past. Yet now, they were gutful enough to have their eyes on the Li Mysterious Sect?

"Who is the oldest living ancestor of your sect?" Jin Rou asked.

Seeing the change in the other party's expression, the youth smiled and said, "Sir, it's Ancestor Minru or his dao title, Bloodlust Ancient Paragon."

In actuality, this was a top secret that only him as a top student of the sect knew. However, he didn't know why he answered Jin Rou's question without hesitation.

Jin Rou sighed. He knew this ancestor well as he taught the ancestor too, "Where is he?"

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"Currently, he is buried in the blood crystals. As his lifespan is already more than anticipated, he needs to stay there in order to preserve his life." The youth answered.

Unlike immortal sovereigns who could manipulate their lifespan, ancient paragons couldn't do so but there's a way to preserve their lives. And being in blood crystals was one of them.

"He's still too faithful until now." Jin Rou sighed. Han Li had a favorable connection with the ancestor, "What is your name?"

"Sir, my name is Little Chor." The youth said. Right now, his face was no longer nervous as before.

"Then Chor, lead me to your ancestor's whereabouts." Jin Rou said, "If you want to save your sect, that is."

Little Chor knew this was risky. There's a chance that Jin Rou was here with malice. Although their Ancestor Minru was still alive, he's just barely hanging.

Anyway, he already divulged the information so he might as well cross the bridge throughly.

After that, Little Chor gritted his teeth and led the way. Being the top disciple, he was granted by top secrets on top of him eligible for trust.

Jin Rou and Little Chor walked off a hidden passage. No one, except him and a few elders, knew this passage.

This passage changed patterns and locations every ten hours. But it wasn't a difficult problem for Little Chor. As a genius who challenge puzzles every single time, this passage was a masterpiece he was proud of completing.

"Amazing. With your familiarity of this passage, I might think that you are one of Grand Mysterious' direct disciples." Jin Rou said. This passage was created by Grand Mysterious during the time he's building the sect. Of course, there's a bit part where Han Li took a part on this.

Even Jin Rou was amazed by how familiar this Chor was. A talent in puzzles were very rare, and for sure many powerhouses would try to poach him. After all, this talent was too precious to go to waste.

"I am nothing compared to the ancestors and forefather." Little Chor said. He didn't know why he's comfortable with Jin Rou.

After many twists and turns, they finally reached the second passage. And different from the first one, this changes every three minutes. Thus, they had to solve this passage in three minutes.

Little Chor took a deep breath. The first passage was a cheap thrill. Now, here comes the real thrill and the real deal. In three minutes, how could he find the right places?

Jin Rou wasn't planning on helping him. Although he was the one who created this second passage, he had no plans in helping the disciple. It's up to Little Chor of what to take.

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After the three minute mark, the passage changed and it was the cue for Little Chor to move. He used his eyes to comprehend the mysteries in every passage. His talent for puzzles wasn't just for show. Little Chor was a real talent that should be nurtured well no matter what.

Jin Rou was slowly liking this child. Although Little Chor was already exhausted, he still kept going and going. He probably practiced this passage for many times before getting a bit familiat with it.

"Done!" Little Chor shouted excitedly and said, "I made it!"

It was the first time Little Chor managed to successfully passed the second passage. With the short amount of time, it's pressuring to actually solve that many puzzles. However, he done it and he's very proud of himself.

"Congratulations." Jin Rou smiled, clapping his hands. This child deserved to be praised. Not just anyone was capable of doing this feat, not to mention he's under too much pressure from the responsibility.

Little Chor toned down his excitement and led Jin Rou to where the ancestor was. Since the ancestor was currently sleeping, they were taking steps lightly. Ancestor Minru might be very old now, but he's still strong as ever.

After walking for a short while, they reached a room filled with blood crystals. No, it's a sea of crystals to be exact. Little Chor was stumped to see this as it was the first time he had been here.

In the middle, there was an old man wearing white robe. His face looked like he's struggling. The blood crystals were glowing intensely. Jin Rou touched one of the crystals and his face darkened, "The blood crystals are about to run out its vitality."

"What... There's so plenty of them here!" Naturally, Little Chor knew what did it mean for the blood crystals to run out.

"There's plenty but it looked like it's already millions of years ago since it last changed." Jin Rou could estimate it, "You need to change the blood crystals as soon as possible or else your ancestor will be in danger."

"What... what shall I do?" Little Chor asked. His face was pale.. If the sect loses Ancestor Minru, those wolves would chomp them down without restraint.