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The Almighty Lord Caspian by Cath Nitfisch

Chapter 353
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Chapter 353 Unreasonable

Seeing as Willow and Kate were about to get into a fight, Saul quickly said, “Let’s just all

calm down. Willow’s probably in a bad mood right now.

“After all, she’s the CEO of Southlake Corporation. She must be very busy all day. It’s

normal for her to get irritated easily…”

“Oh, stop with your nonsense! Don’t bother acting in front of me, Saul! Even if others

don’t know what the Masseys have done, I know everything!” Willow snapped in fury.

She was disgusted by Saul’s attempt to be the good guy.

Saul felt humiliated. After all, he was still Willow’s uncle, yet she insulted him without

showing him any respect!

He assumed that she had grown haughty ever since she became the CEO of Southlake


His eyes flashed viciously, but he soon composed himself.

Alas, Caspian, who was standing in silence, caught the fleeting change in Saul’s emotions.

He quietly watched as the scene unfolded, trying to see what Saul and the Masseys were

up to.

“Willow, did you get the wrong idea about me somehow? We should spend more time

together. I know you’re under a lot of pressure at work. I won’t hold this against you,” Saul

said with a forced smile.

Willow remained expressionless. She didn’t buy a single thing Saul said.

Before she became the CEO of Southlake Corporation, the Masseys kept saying her

husband was a useless piece of trash and called her a disgrace to the family.

Right now, Saul was beginning to feel regretful.

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If he had known Willow would one day become the CEO of Southlake Corporation, he

would’ve certainly established a good relationship with her.

Who knew how powerful the Masseys could’ve become with the help of Southlake


“Look how sincere your uncle’s being, Willow, and look at you! You threw a tantrum the

moment you came into the house. We’re your elders, you know. Shouldn’t you be a little

more polite?” Kate rebuked.

Willow was infuriated, She couldn’t believe that Kate had the gall to lecture her.

Fearing that she would lose her composure, she kept quiet and sat down on the couch.

As Willow hadn’t responded, Kate dared not say anything else.

In the past, she would’ve most definitely continued lecturing Willow. But as she needed to

convince Willow and Caspian to help the Masseys later, she figured it was best if she

didn’t press the matter now.

Just then, Cora and Flora entered the house.

Cora was dressed shabbily, and she looked uncomfortable. Flora stuck close to Cora and

looked around timidly.

“Where did these two beggars come from? Who allowed you to enter the house?” Kate


She thought Cora and Flora were beggars. In fact, even beggars dressed better than they

did. “Uh…” Cora stammered. She didn’t know what to say.

It was her first time entering such a massive house, and she felt incredibly uncomfortable.

“Mom! Stay out of this. I hired Madam Upton to be my housekeeper,” Willow said with a


“What did you say?” Kate exclaimed. “Why did you hire a beggar? And look! She even has

a retard with her!”

Kate could tell that Flora was different from normal people. Judging by Flora’s absent–

minded gaze, Kate figured the young woman was intellectually disabled.

“Willow, even though I don’t want to meddle with how you run your household, I still need

to give you a word of advice.

“You can’t hire people like them to work for you. Who knows? They might turn out to be

thieves! You’ll regret this decision once things start going missing!” Kate declared.

She was humiliated by the fact that Willow wanted to hire a beggar as her housekeeper. If

word got out, everyone would laugh at her.

She had finally established a respectable image in front of all her friends. It would be

terrible. to let a beggar ruin all her efforts.

“This has nothing to do with you! This is my house! I can hire anyone I want. Not only am I

hiring her, but I’m going to let her stay with me, too!

“You’re calling her a thief, huh? What do you have to say about the keys you have, then?”

Willow questioned icily.

She was not going to tolerate Kate’s nonsense anymore.

“You! Are you determined to go against me?” Kate shrieked in outrage. “I don’t care!



a beggar as her housekeeper? I’m going to kick her out of the house right now!”

“Mom! Stop being so unreasonable!” Willow retorted in anger.

Kate was being as absurd as ever!

“Thank you for all your help, Ms. Stewart. You’ve already done a lot for me. I think we

should go,” Cora said. The fi

between Kate and Willow made her upset, too.

Having decided to leave, she took Flora’s hand.

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“Madam Upton!” Willow quickly called out.

“Hurry up and get lost! Take a look at yourself. How can you even think about working in

such a grand villa? Do you think you’re good enough?” Kate scoffed with a look of disdain.


“That’s right! Willow, as your uncle, I have to talk some sense into you, too. You’re the

CEO of Southlake Corporation now. It wouldn’t be good for your reputation if people found

out your hired a beggar to be your housekeeper,” Saul chimed in.

Cora turned away. She was upset by the things Kate and Saul said about her. Even though

life. was tough, she lived with dignity still. Yet, Kate’s words cut her deeply.

They weren’t beggars. Cora relied on no one but herself to support herself and Flora.

Even though Flora was intellectually disabled, that didn’t make her a retard. Kate’s insults

gave Cora the urge to rip Kate’s tongue out.

She didn’t care what others said about her. She could put up with that. However, she

would never allow anyone to insult Flora. In her eyes, Flora was the best daughter in the

world. No one compared to her..

Kate’s words were far too hurtful. Cora had never done a single dishonest thing in her life.

She worked hard for an honest living, yet Kate accused her of being a thief.

Nevertheless, Cora knew she came from a lowly background. Despite being insulted, she

dared not say anything–she was too afraid to put up a fight.


Flora by the hand/ Cora immediately walked out of the living room. Perhaps they shouldn’t

have come over after all.

Today’s Bonus Offer

