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The Alpha Who Saved Me

Chapter 197
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Chapter 47
I miss Kiki. Even though Colin can bring her forward, it's apparent that he doesn't want me talking with her because she's not
responding to me at all. It was nice seeing her in my dream and all, but I need her in my reality. As soon as I get her back, I will
never take her for granted again.
My stomach rumbles because I haven't had anything to eat in the past twenty-four hours. For somebody that wants to mate me,
Colin sure doesn't know how to treat his future mate, even if I don't plan on it going that far. Then again, do I truly want to eat
anything that they serve me here?
I'm leaning back against the cement wall, shivering as I stare at the cozy bed on the other side of the room. Maybe if I try being
nice, he will allow me to take a little nap over there. Ha! Keep dreaming, Em, besides, there is no way I'm going to be nice to this
fuck face. It's obvious that he gets the sick side from his mother, because even though my dad talks about how evil my
grandfather was, he's never mentioned him being mentally unstable.
I close my eyes and finger the amulet that my father gave me. I can't believe that the witch bought my story. Better yet, I can't
believe that I thought to lie to him about it. Something deep inside told me to lie. Now I'm wondering if it was the Goddess herself
that was instructing me to do so. Looking down at the pretty gem set inside it's setting with diamonds around it, I rub my finger
over it and smile.
A tingling begins to form under the pad of my thumb, anc I realize that my amulet is starting to glow. I quickly let go of it and it
goes back to looking ordinary. My magic! Why didn't think about this sooner, even the Goddess hinted at it wher she told me that
I can't use the magic within me. She never said I couldn't use any of my magic! I begin to get excited as try remembering
everything that she told me.
My mates need to be coming for me because she men- tioned them, and she also mentioned the moon being at its peak. With
any luck my father and my mates have figured something out. Otherwise, I may only be digging myself a big- ger hole when I try
things on my own. I will wait as long as I can for my mates to come before I try something stupid, but there is no way I'm going to

sit around for another full moon to try and escape. I doubt my uncle will wait that long before touching me.
The sound of the metal door opening wakes me from my uncomfortable nap. When I open my eyes, my uncle stands over me
frowning, "What is that smell, and why are you so filthy?"

I roll my eyes, "Well, the smell would be from when your mother came to see me and thought it would be fun to hit me and kick
me when I had to use the bathroom. As for being dirty, it's what happens when you're made to sit and sleep on a dirty cement
"My mother came in?" He asks frowning once again, "And you say she hit and kicked you?"
I don't know if there is a bruise, but I move my hair from my ace to show him my cheek bone that is sore to the touch. There are
also the bruises to my midsection to back up my
"You're lying! My mother has been dying to meet you; she' s been so excited."
Rolling my eyes, I'm sarcastic with my words, "Yeah, excit- ed to be able to beat me."
He squats down and grabs my jaw roughly, "She would never do that! She is a kind soul..." He's cut off by my stomach rebelling
from not getting any food. He looks around, "Did they already come for your tray?"
"My tray?" I'm confused.
"Yes, your tray that they bring your food on." He's an- noyed with me and yet I've done nothing wrong.
"I haven't had anything to eat since I've been here. The last time I ate was my lunch at my pack house before you took me."
"Why are you lying? Do you want to be beat?" he glares at me, "Better yet..." Suddenly I feel the collar shocking me.
"Please! I'm not lying! I've only had one visitor, and it was your mother!" I plead with him, not because the electrical shocks hurt
but because I know my mates can feel them too, "You can shock me all you want, my story isn't going to change because it's the
truth." I pant when he's released the button on the controller.
He studies me for a moment and then goes to the door and opens it. He whispers something to his guard, but he for- gets that
I'm a shifter and I can hear every word. He's asking if I've had anything to eat to the guard's knowledge and the

guard shakes his head no. He then growls for him to go get me some food before closing the door and coming back over

to me.
"My guard informed me that you were offered food and you refused it, so now, I'm going to make sure you eat." He lies through
his teeth.
I'd call him out on his lie, but I don't want to remind him of my hearing, it may come in handy at some point, "He's lying, I was
never offered food, but if you want to sit here and watch me eat, then by all means, knock yourself out."
A knock on the door has him going over to open it and he grabs the tray of food that is passed to him. He walks over, grinning
from ear to ear. There is a nearby table that he places it on and that's when I see that it has two covered plates and a small vase
with a rose on it. Is he fucking serious right now?
He comes over to me and unhooks the chain that con- nects to my collar from the wall and walks me over to the ta- ble where he
reconnects the chain to the chair. I'd laugh but I soon realize that the chair is cemented to the concrete floor.
"Spread your legs for me and let me see what I will be get- ting later." The witch says, but all his words do is makes me close my
legs tight, which only makes him laugh, "Oh, it's so cute that you think you can keep yourself from me. It's okay, I will let you
have a few more hours of thinking that you're safe from me. I've only got twenty minutes to spare, so dig in."
I stare at him skeptically and wait until he takes a few bites of his own food, "Can we switch plates? I don't trust someone
poisoning me."
He gives a boisterous laugh and then swaps plates, "If it will make you feel better dear, so be it."
I can't help it as I scarf down the food in front of me. I tried to eat it slowly, but my stomach got the best of me. All too soon,
though, the plate is empty and even though I'm full, I could still eat more. Instead, I wipe my mouth with the nap- kin and then lay
it over my plate.
"I'll be sending some females in to help you bathe and shave you. I'm particular with my women, and they know what I like. After
that, you will be chained to the bed, so when I come for you tonight, you will be ready for me."
"Tell me, Colin, if you are wanting to claim me for your own, will you be giving up all other women?" I don't really care because I
won't be here, but again, I'm playing my part and making it look good.
He chuckles, "I see you have learned my name. That's good, I expect to hear you calling it out later when I ravage. that cunt of
yours. To answer your question, though, it's no. I will not give up other women. You are only here for your pow- er and to breed. I.

may even bring other women to our bed and whether or not you join in will be up to you."
I want to laugh at his answer, but instead I just look away before he sees the disgust and the rage that I'm feeling to- wards him
at this very moment. The full moon can't come soon enough.
Thank you so much for reading! =)