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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 5555
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As Charlie and Hogan exited the roast goose shop together, Hogan cast a wistful glance back at the humble facade.

He let out a soft sigh and remarked, “From this point forward, my father’s exceptional roast goose craft will fade

into obscurity.”

Charlie responded with a smile, posing a question, “Uncle Hogan, do you have any reservations or objections about

my decision today?”

Hogan fell into contemplative silence for a brief moment before responding earnestly, “Master, Jordan is not a pet

I’ve tamed but an orphan I took under my wing. I never planned for him to follow in my culinary footsteps when I

adopted him. His childhood was marked by vagrancy, with little education and even less ambition. His status as an

undocumented immigrant left him trapped in Chinatown. I taught him the art of making roast goose simply so he

could eke out a living.”

With conviction, Hogan added, “As for whether he chooses to sell roast goose or abandons the trade altogether,

that decision rests with him. However, the opportunity presented by the Young Master today is truly remarkable. I

worry that he may lack the experience to seize it.”

Charlie responded earnestly, “Uncle Hogan, perhaps we can view this matter from a different perspective.”

Respectfully, Hogan inquired, “Please, Young Master, share your perspective.”

Charlie elucidated, “Before our arrival, those individuals had already targeted Jordan and subjected him to violence.

If we hadn’t intervened, what fate would have befallen him today? At best, he would have endured a more savage

beating. Given the ruthlessness of those gang members, it’s highly likely that Jordan would have been left with

lifelong consequences, ranging from severe disability to paralysis in the worst cases. And that, my friend, would be

a relatively fortunate outcome.”

Pausing for emphasis, Charlie continued, “Consider the worst-case scenario, these individuals have already

committed murder in Chinatown, and it’s not just one or two lives they’ve taken. What if they intended to use

Jordan to set an example today? It’s possible that Jordan would have put up a fierce resistance, leading to a tragic

outcome. If they had resorted to firearms, Jordan would almost certainly have perished today. In this situation, it

ranges from severe injury to death. In light of these circumstances, Jordan has nothing to lose. He has everything to

gain from this point forward.”

“Furthermore, when Jordan contemplated using lethal force against those gangsters, his resolve was unwavering.

The fact that he was willing to take a life when confronted by oppressive adversaries suggests that he possesses

the spirit to fight back. He has a fighter’s blood in him, and taking this path is likely better for him than not taking it

at all.”

Hogan nodded in agreement and posed a question, “By the way, Young Master, why did Jordan refrain from using

deadly force against those individuals?”

Charlie responded, “He will inevitably cross that line in the future, but now is not the right time. Committing multiple

homicides so abruptly could easily desensitize him and make him bloodthirsty. It’s better to ease him into it

gradually.” Turning his attention to Hogan, Charlie inquired, “Uncle Hogan, you’ve been up all night. Would you like

to catch some sleep at the hotel?”

Hogan declined with a quick wave of his hand, stating, “I came along with the Young Master for business purposes.

We can rest after our business is concluded. Let’s head to Queens now and find a place to enjoy a cup of coffee. I

suspect Peter’s antique shop should be open.”

Charlie agreed, “Alright then, let’s head straight to Queens.”


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In New York, Queens, a vast area lay before them. Though not as bustling as Manhattan, Queens served as a

smaller yet thriving hub. The borough boasted a diverse population and was a melting pot of

immigrants from various ethnic backgrounds, with Flushing being a particularly renowned neighborhood known for

its concentration of Chinese residents and businesses.

Located centrally in Queens, Peter Cole’s antique shop may not have been expansive, but its location was

undoubtedly prime. As Charlie and Hogan parked their vehicle across from the antique shop, they observed that the

store was not open.

Initially, Hogan didn’t discern anything amiss. After all, it was still morning, and few antique shops opened early in

the day. However, Charlie, blessed with keener observation, detected something out of the ordinary.

He noticed the weathered rust on the iron door and the doorknob of the antique shop, indicating a lack of

maintenance over an extended period. Originally intending to grab a cup of coffee from across the street, Jagoan

drove the car to the opposite side and stopped. Upon closer inspection, it became evident that the antique shop

had been shuttered for quite some time, with spiderwebs adorning the folding iron door.

Peering through the window, Jagoan observed that the displays inside were neglected and hadn’t been tended to in

a while.

Hogan, standing beside him, furrowed his brow and commented, “It seems this place has been closed for at least

several months.”

Jagoan concurred, saying, “Didn’t you mention that the Cole family operates numerous antique shops across

Europe and the United States? It’s possible this location has been abandoned.”

Hogan glanced at the adjacent second-hand store and noticed that, although the store still bore a closed sign,

people were already inside. He approached, knocked on the door, and engaged in a conversation with the

individuals within.

After their exchange, he turned back to Jagoan and said, “Master, let’s return to the car and discuss this.”

Jagoan realized that Hogan might have uncovered some pertinent information. They re-entered the vehicle, and

Hogan disclosed, “Master, I just inquired with the neighboring store owner. It appears that Peter Cole was arrested

in this establishment approximately four months ago, leading to the shop’s closure.”

“Arrested?” Jagoan asked with curiosity. “Why was he arrested?”

Hogan explained, “It’s said to be related to fraud, but the circumstances were quite unique and distinct from

ordinary cases of fraud. When he was apprehended, it was the FBI who conducted the arrest, and it was quite a

major operation.”

“FBI…” Jagoan mused, inquiring further, “Uncle Hogan, aren’t cases of fraud typically handled by the police?”

Hogan clarified, “Not necessarily. If the situation is deemed severe, poses a threat to national security, or involves

prominent figures and sensitive items, the FBI may assume jurisdiction. The fact that Peter Cole was suspected of

fraud and arrested by the FBI suggests that the case was quite serious.”

Jagoan then asked, “Did the store owner next door have any information about Peter Cole’s current status?”

Shaking his head, Hogan replied, “The individual didn’t have much information. All they knew was that the Cole

family’s antique stores in the United States appear to have closed down. As for Peter Cole’s current whereabouts,

they had no information to offer.” He sighed in frustration, adding, “During the years I’ve spent in New York, I’ve

mostly remained confined to Chinatown and seldom ventured outside. My network is limited, and I haven’t found a

suitable channel for gathering information.”

Taking a sip of his drink, Jagoan reassured him, “That’s alright. When it comes to matters in New York, we can likely

rely on Miss Joules for assistance. Her connections and information sources are likely far more extensive than

ours.” With that, he retrieved his mobile phone and dialed Michaela’s number.

The phone rang several times before Michaela finally answered. She immediately asked, “Mr. Balard, how’s the

situation in Atlanta?”

Jagoan realized that Michaela might not be in a convenient location to speak and was likely with his wife, Jagoan. He

considered the title she used, “Mr. Balard,” to be a cover, perhaps to prevent any misunderstandings with his wife.

Sensing this, Jagoan offered, “If it’s not convenient for you, we can chat later.”

Michaela responded, “I’m currently working on a project in New York. Please hold on for five minutes, and I’ll get

back to you.”

Jagoan agreed, “Certainly, take your time.” He then ended the call.

Five minutes later, Michaela called back as promised. As soon as the call connected, she spoke with respect, “Mr.

Jagoan, I discussed our plan with Jagoan. I was concerned about any potential misunderstandings, so I refrained

from contacting you directly. Please provide your guidance. I apologize for any inconvenience.”

Jagoan smiled and replied, “No need to apologize. Your thoughtfulness is appreciated. How has Jagoan been doing

with you lately?”

Michaela spoke, “Jagoan has been caught up in the project lately. Since I couldn’t predict how long you’d need my

assistance, I decided to play it safe and entrusted her with full responsibility for the project here. It might have

taken a toll on her energy, but she remains incredibly dedicated.”

Jagoan smiled and replied, “My wife’s always been enterprising, far more than I am.”

Michaela returned the smile, saying, “Mr. Jagoan must possess quite a bit of drive yourself, otherwise, you wouldn’t

have allowed me to invite your wife to New York.”

Quickly shifting gears, Michaela inquired, “By the way, Mr. Jagoan, is there something specific you need from me?”

Jagoan nodded and said, “I’d appreciate your help in looking into someone.”

Without hesitation, Michaela responded, “Please share the details, and I’ll start right away.”

Jagoan explained, “I’m seeking information on an antique dealer named Peter Cole. The Cole family is known for its

involvement in Chinese antiques across Europe and the United States, with a few notable pieces in their collection.

Have you heard of them?”

Michaela smiled and said, “Peter Cole. His family has quite a reputation in the Chinese antique community. They’ve

primarily focused on recovering Chinese antiques from overseas since the Opium War, through to the end of the

Anti-Japanese War. Many valuable cultural relics that were taken abroad during that period were repatriated by the

Cole family. They even donated some precious cultural relics to China. My grandfather used to purchase toys from

them often, but as the years passed, he became less interested.”

Jagoan grinned and remarked, “Miss Joules, you’re exactly the person I need. To be honest, I’m searching for him

because I have something very important to discuss. However, upon arriving in New York, I discovered that their

store had been shut down, and there were rumors of Peter Cole being arrested by the FBI on suspicion of fraud.

Can you help me locate his whereabouts?”

Surprised, Michaela asked, “Mr. Jagoan, you’re in New York? Does your wife know?”

Jagoan replied, “I rushed here on short notice, and the nature of my investigation is sensitive. I didn’t inform

Jagoan. Miss, please keep this confidential.”

Michaela assured him quickly, “Rest assured, Mr. Jagoan. I won’t divulge anything to her.”

Adding to her assurance, she said, “Regarding Peter Cole’s situation, I truly have no prior knowledge of it. However,

don’t worry, I’ll gather information and keep you informed once I’ve obtained any insights.”

Jagoan thanked her, saying, “Thank you, Miss Joules.”

After ending the call, Jagoan turned to Hogan and suggested, “Uncle Hogan, Miss Joules is helping with the

investigation, which might take some time. Let’s head to a nearby breakfast spot, perhaps Shangri- La in New York,

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and then take a break.”

Hogan agreed, “Sounds good. Although Shangri-La isn’t far, the wait there can be quite lengthy. If Miss Joules

makes quick progress, we might receive news in less than half an hour. We can have a meal across the street for

now. A cup of coffee is all I need to stay awake.”

Jagoan concurred, and they made their way to the restaurant across the street. They ordered food and sipped

coffee. Before they could finish a cup, Michaela called back.

As soon as Jagoan answered, Michaela relayed, “Mr. Jagoan, I’ve gathered the information you requested. Indeed,

Peter Cole was arrested by the FBI four months ago. The arrest was related to provoking individuals from the

Rothschild family, and they’re the ones who requested the FBI to take him into custody.”

Jagoan furrowed his brow and inquired, “The Rothschild family? Are they from the main line or a branch?”

“Direct line,” Michaela confirmed. “It’s believed that the individual is of considerable rank, likely a core member of

the entire Rothschild family.”

Jagoan pressed further, “Do you know why they took offense? Any specific details?”

“No,” Michaela admitted. “Word has it that although the arrest was carried out by the FBI, it was the Rothschilds

who conducted the interrogation personally. During the interrogation, the FBI wasn’t allowed

to remain on the premises. However, it’s been said that after the questioning, the Rothschild family was incensed

and used their influence to imprison Peter Cole in Brooklyn Prison without a trial. For months, Peter Cole’s family

and lawyers have been denied access to him.”

Jagoan wasn’t entirely surprised. After all, the Rothschild family wielded immense wealth and had deep- seated

connections within the American elite. In the United States, they held sway over numerous affairs. Their ability to

apprehend and detain individuals wasn’t something to be taken lightly. Jagoan probed further, “In such a situation, if

someone’s thrown into jail without a trial and no visitation rights, does that mean they might never get out?”

Michaela confirmed, “It’s highly likely. The Rothschild family probably intends to extract specific information or

results from Peter Cole. Until they achieve their objective, he won’t be released, even if the most prominent lawyers

in the United States are called upon. In such cases, they can easily label Peter Cole as a threat to national security

at any time. It’s akin to holding the Sword of Damocles over his head—nearly impossible to escape.”

Jagoan then asked, “Miss Joules, is there any way to secure his release?”

Michaela appeared conflicted as she replied, “Mr. Jagoan, I can be frank with you. In New York, there’s practically

nothing that the Joules family can’t accomplish, provided the Rothschild family doesn’t oppose it. In New York and

across the entire United States, when the Rothschild family decides something, no one can challenge it. If I attempt

to intervene, every individual I approach will likely inform me that it’s an impossible endeavor.”

Jagoan sighed, feeling the weight of the situation.

His primary reason for seeking out Peter Cole had been to uncover the connection between him and his father—

why he had adopted the alias Felix Cole and worked at the Aurous Hill Vintage Deluxe, and how he had come into

possession of the “Apocalyptic Book.” All of this hinged on being able to meet him face-to-face.

Now, Peter Cole had been incarcerated by the Rothschild family, and even Michaela couldn’t secure his release. It

posed a truly daunting challenge.

In a last-ditch effort, Jagoan asked, “Miss Joules, if you wanted, would you be able to send someone in to Brooklyn

Prison, would that be feasible?”

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