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The Birth Of A Villainess

Chapter 48 - Auction House
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Lin Shen Yu didn't know why but as soon as they arrived in the location where Lin Xiaofei wanted to go, he regretted his decision to follow her and for not listening to her warning.

The moment they arrived at a huge tent that took them almost an hour to reach by foot, Lin Xiaofei didn't even give him a glance as she entered it like she was entering her courtyard.

From one glance, the tent looked normal aside from the fact that it was huge. However, when they got inside and saw the several people seated in the long benches on each wing and the stage at the center of the tent, Lin Shen Yu knew that it was not as normal as he thought it would be.

"This… Cousin, what is this place?" Lin Shen Yu asked her after finding an empty seat and sat upon it.

"It's an open auction house." Lin Xiaofei replied as she scanned her eyes around the place.

When Lin Shen Yu heard her answer, he couldn't help but bulge his eyes out at her as he couldn't believe that she would actually go to an auction house.

"You… You could have just let your maids come here.. Must you really come to an auction house personally?"

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"En. No one knows exactly what I want. Besides, why must I send someone else if I can come here by myself."

Lin Shen Yu was irritated by her insensitiveness. Although he understood that Lin Xiaofei wanted to come and buy something from the auction house, the fact that she went out and planned to come here alone was enough reason for all of her maids and male servants to be punished.

And if it hadn't been for Lin Shen Yu recognizing her from afar, who knew if Lin Xiaofei was to come there without anyone and if troubles come, who will protect her?

If people were to know that Lin Xiaofei, the fourth young lady from the Lin family was present in an auction house, her already tainted reputation will have no chance of having it cleaned.

"Cousin, I'll go and buy whatever you want from this auction so, you go first and return to the manor." Lin Shen Yu suggested since he couldn't let Lin Xiaofei stay there.

However, Lin Xiaofei didn't even look his way when she said, "If cousin utters another word of trying to make me leave. I will ask the owner of this place to buy you so they could sell you in the next auction."

Lin Shen Yu's mouth hangs open as he incredulously looked at her. The nerve of her to scare him!

"You… you will never change, will you? I heard that your temperament these days has turned good but upon seeing you. I believe the people who said those words are nothing but liars!"

Ever since Lin Xiaofei became more open and left her courtyard these past few days, the servants in the Lin manor have said one or two things about Lin Xiaofei. They would usually speak of how her personality changed from extremely rude and arrogant to graceful and elegant. There was nothing else that the servants in the Lin manor would sing about her but praises.

Of course, Lin Shen Yu was not an idle man that listens to the words of the servants in the manor. However, he couldn't help but feel curious especially, after meeting her today.

He felt that Lin Xiaofei was still the same cousin he had in the past, arrogant and rude, and someone who only cares for herself. Yet, there was also an inexplicably feeling of strangeness in him that tells him that Lin Xiaofei changed a lot and was no longer the same.

Looking at her, Lin Shen Yu could see that the way she walks and sat was graceful and was not forced. It was soft, elegant, and soundless that it looks like she was taught how to be a proper lady inside the Palace.

Lin Shen Yu was shocked at his thoughts and looked at Lin Xiaofei with a strange look on his face.

How could he compare his rude and mannerless cousin to the women inside the palace?

"Have you said enough?" Lin Xiaofei nonchalantly said before continuing, "The auction is about to start. So, be quiet."

Lin Shen Yu was about to say something but in the end, he could only sigh and shook his head at his cousin's stubbornness and heartlessness.

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At this point, the host of the auction walked at the center of the stage.

He raised his voice as he spoke his introductory speech.

After wasting a few minutes praising and telling the people inside the tent how great the item they were about to present, they immediately started with the first batch of items to be sold.

After the first batch, the second batch was brought out in the stage for the people inside the tent to see.

Clearing his throat, the host continued to speak loudly.

"Everyone! This is the black pearl from the ruined kingdom Qing!

This pearl was once said to have been buried beside the royal family of the ruined kingdom. However, there is also a legend that says that this black pearl could be used to cure Hysteria by crushing it into powder."

After his speech, the host finally announced the price, "We will start at the price of ten thousand gold."

Soon after he announced price, several bidders started to compete against each other until the price for a single black pearl to rise from ten thousand golds to eighty-two thousand gold.

Swallowing hard, Lin Shen Yu was amazed at how a single pearl could be sold that much. Although, the Lin family was rich and have a lot of pearls in their possession. The price of the black pearl that originated from the ruined Kingdom of Qing was indeed paid with a huge amount of money.

Just thinking of the starting price from the first batch and the second batch, he was worried that his prediction that the third and fourth batch of items will be sold at an incredulous price.

He looked at Lin Xiaofei with uncertainty. Did she have the money to buy an item that exceeded the amount of the black pearl for the item she wanted to buy?