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The Demon Prince goes to the Academy

Chapter 639
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Chapter 639

Adelia sought out Scarlett and asked her if she had ever neutralized a golem during the Wallen battle.

In the midst of battle, it was impossible to know everything that was happening around them.

However, occasionally, when Scarlett needed to terrify the soldiers or neutralize the magic-like power that the monsters used, she would utilize her own power.

Thus, Scarlett's Supernatural ability was more of a supportive ability rather than one that provided a direct advantage in battle.

Adelia thought it was entirely possible that a golem had appeared somewhere on the battlefield and had been disabled by the neutralizing wave that Scarlett had released.

When Adelia returned a short while later after saying she would bring someone, a red-haired girl accompanied her.

The girl had unique and beautiful flaming red hair and eyes.

However, the red-haired girl now bowed her head profusely.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

Not only the Archmage but also the other wizards were bewildered.

"I apologize... I made a mistake. I'll be more careful next time!"

Everyone was confused as they watched Scarlett trembling like an aspen tree, repeating her apologies.

Scarlett was not one of the well-known Supernaturals in the Temple.

While Supernaturals capable of large-scale destruction could easily gain fame on the battlefield, Scarlett's ability was not very efficient at destruction.

Of course, it was an undoubtedly unique ability. Therefore, within the Royal Class, they had even tested if Scarlett's ability could neutralize a gate.

Although the result was a failure, Scarlett indeed possessed an ability that went beyond the realm of neutralizing magic and Supernatural powers.

"Adelia. What happened?"

"Well... This is my friend, Scarlett... She's a Supernatural, and her ability is quite unique."

"What kind of Supernatural power is it?"

"It's an ability that nullifies all magic and Supernatural powers."


It was an exceptionally peculiar ability, but their opponents were monsters.

Magic was not their main force, so Scarlett's ability did not receive much attention.

And those who knew even a little about Scarlett only knew that magic and Supernatural powers didn't work on her.


The Archmage stared at Scarlett, who kept apologizing.

Supernatural abilities were inherently bizarre and grotesque, but a neutralizing Supernatural ability was undoubtedly a very strange one.

"You can rest assured that it wasn't the monsters who used Dispel."

Adelia had brought Scarlett to reassure the anxious Archmage. It was meant to convey that they didn't need to worry since the monsters hadn't neutralized the golem.

However, Adelia couldn't help but notice a strange look on the Archmage's face.

It was an expression as if he had discovered an unexpected answer in an entirely unexpected place.

"I'm sorry! I'll make sure this never happens again!"

"It's alright. The loss of one golem isn't a significant loss to our current forces. And golems are not human. Even if one was damaged, you didn't cause significant harm to anyone."

"But, still... still..."

"Didn't I say it's alright?"

The Archmage cautiously patted the trembling Scarlett's shoulder, assuring her that it was okay.

Of course, due to the Archmage's comforting gesture, Scarlett's expression gradually became more and more pained in real-time.

However, they had to be certain of what had transpired.


The Archduke flicked his finger.

With that, a golem was summoned from thin air.

The Archduke looked at Scarlett and asked,

"Can you neutralize it?"

"Yes... Yes?"

Not just Scarlett, but the other mages and Adelia were taken aback by the sudden proposal.

"We need to know the extent of your power, so we can be cautious when using golems in the future."

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"Ah... I see..."

As if she found the Archduke's words persuasive, Scarlett hesitated before approaching the summoned golem.

Scarlett cautiously approached the golem and placed her hand on its body.

It didn't take much time at all.


The magic stone that powered the steel golem lost its light, and the golem came to a complete halt.

It wasn't destroyed or shattered into pieces.

The golem had simply stopped moving while still standing.


The Archduke flicked his finger again.

He sent a few signals to the golem, but there was no response.

"I will check it."

Adelia approached the halted golem and started examining it.

"It's exactly the same."

"So, I really am the culprit..."

The golem, equipped with dispel countermeasures, had stopped functioning with just a touch of her hand.

It was an inexplicable sight even for the mages.

"Do you have to touch it to stop it?"

However, the Archduke asked something different.

"No? Ah, no... I don't think I necessarily have to."

The Archduke listened to Scarlett's story with a serious expression.

In the meantime, the Archduke's eldest son, who had been silent, cautiously chimed in.

"But, if she misuses her power... could it neutralize the Titan as well?"

The atmosphere froze at his words.

This was the Archduke's workshop.

Not only Titan's components but also the Archduke's golems were stored here.

If Scarlett misused her power even once, it meant that the Archduke's entire force could be neutralized in an instant.

Just like the deactivated golem, the Titan could suffer the same fate.

An overwhelming dispel ability that indiscriminately erased all magical power within its range.

Scarlett's ability should be regarded as such a bizarre type.

Scarlett, as if she had heard something unimaginable, began to tremble with a shocked expression.

Of course, it would only be possible if Scarlett intended to do so.

Not just the Archduke's mages but also Adelia started to feel uneasy, realizing what kind of being they had brought into the workshop.

"I'll disappear quickly!"

Adelia watched dumbfounded as Scarlett turned around and sprinted away from the Archduke's workshop.

"Upon reflection, it was indeed a grave mistake... I apologize..."

Of course, Scarlett wouldn't do such a thing, and the Titan wasn't nearby either, but it was undeniably dangerous to bring Scarlett here.

Scarlett's power was, in a way, more dangerous to their allies than to monsters.

"I never imagined that Scarlett's power had already reached that level..."

They had witnessed a golem being neutralized right in front of them.

No matter how powerful the magic, no matter how great the magic.

Scarlett could erase magic if she so wished.

It was only after Adelia saw it with her own eyes that she realized how powerful and dangerous that power was.

“Huff, huff...huff...”

Scarlett hurriedly rushed back to the royal-class garrison in one breath.

Scarlett didn't particularly rely on her Supernatural powers. They had hardly ever been helpful in battle anyway.

However, there were rare instances when she used her powers during combat to save allies who had been mentally subdued by monsters.

But an incident occurred where the Duke's golem became useless after being caught in her power.

Scarlett couldn't help but be surprised and flustered by this event. Golems certainly roamed the battlefield, and until now, there had never been a case where a golem was caught in Scarlett's power. There was no need or reason for Scarlett's Supernatural power to be activated at all times during battle.

In a way, both the golem and Scarlett were unlucky for this to happen.

It was an event caused by terrible timing.

Not only did she run hastily, but Scarlett was also so shocked that her whole body was drenched in cold sweat.

She had unwittingly rendered a golem powerless.

Alright, let's call that an accident.

'But... if this child misuses her power... wouldn't it be possible for the Titan to be neutralized as well?'

But as Scarlett recalled the last words she heard, her mind seemed to grow distant.

The Titan was an indispensable force for the allied forces at the moment.

Scarlett couldn't help but be grateful that such an event hadn't happened so far when she thought that if she had used her power incorrectly, the Titan could have become a literal mountain-sized tin can.

The Titan had only been deployed twice on the battlefield so far, and since the Titan was not initially on the allied side but rather dropped in the middle of enemy territory, there was no possibility of such an event occurring. However, the mere fact that such an event was possible was a huge shock to Scarlett.

If her mistake led to the Titan's neutralization, her life wouldn't be enough to atone for that sin.

Only then did Scarlett realize that she possessed a power that was more dangerous to her allies than to her enemies.

A Supernatural who is more dangerous to allies.

She had already caused significant trouble by neutralizing a single golem.

The possibility was slim, but still, just the possibility of having a negative impact on the Titan led Scarlett to a decision.

'I shouldn't be here.'

Once she became aware of the danger of her abilities, Scarlett's best choice was to withdraw from the battlefield as soon as possible.

Before causing an irreversible accident rather than having the potential to help.

It's better not to have a dangerous power on the battlefield at this point when the end of the Gate incident isn't far off.

It was not a cowardly decision to survive. She couldn't cause more harm.

First, she needed to find Teacher Mustlang.

He would surely send her back if she explained the situation.

Just as Scarlett was about to look for the command post of the royal-class garrison with that thought in mind.

“What's wrong? Why are you sweating like that?”

Anna approached with a serious expression, seeing Scarlett, who was not only pale but also drenched in sweat.

"Should I give you a fatigue recovery potion? I have some that Christina gave me…"

Christina, a master of alchemy, always kept simple remedies such as fever reducers, pain relievers, and fatigue recovery potions on hand in her barracks. Anna looked at Scarlett, as if to say that she would give her one if needed.

In response to the question about whether she wanted one of those potions, Scarlett shook her head.

"No, no. Anna, it's not that. I'm fine."

"You're fine…? Is there something else going on?"

Anna looked at Scarlett with a serious expression, as if she were worried.

"Um… well… I think I shouldn't stay here any longer…"

"Why is that?"

Not knowing what to say to anyone.

"In fact, during the last Wallen battle…"

Scarlett began to tell a story that should not have been told, to a person who should not have heard it.

How she had unwittingly disabled a golem.

She had been called to the Royal Barracks just now and confirmed that she had disabled the golem, and on a whim, she had destroyed another one.

She couldn't stay here any longer because, if she made a mistake, she might even destroy Titan.

When Scarlett finished her explanation,


Anna looked at Scarlett with a meaningful expression and nodded quietly.

"That could happen…"

Scarlett saw the look in Anna's eyes.

"That could happen…"

Anna De Gerna, always gloomy, somehow made Scarlett feel uncomfortable whenever they conversed.

The talented girl in dark magic grabbed Scarlett's shoulder.

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"Don't tell anyone about this."

"Yes…? Don't tell?"

"Don't tell, especially…"

Anna looked around as if she were biting her lip.

It seemed dangerous, as if she were trying to hypnotize Scarlett.

"Don't ever tell Christina."

"What? Anna, I don't understand what you're saying…"

Scarlett couldn't help but be confused by Anna's unexpected words.

When Scarlett asked why, Anna moved her face closer.

As the deep, dark black eyes approached, Scarlett couldn't help but swallow nervously.

It felt threatening.

"If I say don't tell, don't tell."

Scarlett felt cornered by the sudden pressure.

She didn't provide any explanation or reason, just insisted on not telling.

However, Scarlett could feel the fear hidden in the depths of Anna's eyes.

"What are you two doing?"

And then, someone's voice came from behind.

Anna's face turned pale at the familiar voice.

When they turned around, Christina, wearing a colorful apron stained from working with alchemy potions, was approaching.

"What's going on? What secret conversation are you having that you're whispering like that?"

Christina smirked ominously and playfully tapped Anna's side.

"Oh, it's not that. It's just that… Scarlett didn't look well…"

"Huh? Scarlett, you're not feeling well? That's right, why are you sweating so much?"

Scarlett had no idea what was happening. Christina approached Scarlett and touched her sweat-drenched forehead.

What did the fact she just learned have to do with Christina?

Christina's touch, asking if she was in pain or if she should bring medicine or call a priest, only conveyed concern for her friend.

But Anna was trembling.

She didn't know why.

"Anna, what's wrong with you? You look even worse."

Naturally, Christina found Anna's appearance more peculiar.

Christina stared intently at Anna.

There seemed to be no problem with Christina's calm behavior and attitude.

The one who looked strange was actually Anna.

Scarlett couldn't understand why she was acting like this.

"No… I think I might be catching a cold…"

"A summer cold that even a dog wouldn't catch? You should cover yourself properly with a blanket when you sleep."

"Uh-huh… I should…"

"Wait, I have a tonic I made. I'll give one to both of you."

Christina headed towards her barracks with a brisk walk.

What could possibly be the problem with her offering a tonic to her sick friends?

"Anna…? Why are you acting like this…?"

"Go back."

Without any explanation, Anna tightly held Scarlett's hand.

"Hurry, go back quickly. Don't tell anyone about what just happened, don't tell anyone at all. Hurry and go back."

Scarlett was already planning on doing that even if Anna hadn't told her.

"You shouldn't be here."

Scarlett couldn't understand why Anna was acting like this.

She couldn't figure out the reason, and Anna didn't say anything more.

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