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The Duke's Passion

Chapter 246 - Three Candidates For The Throne III
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Chapter 246 - Three Candidates For The Throne III

"Lilou, you're strangely quiet today." Silvia snapped me out of my trance, making me look at her. "Did Hell upset you again?"

"Don't use the excuse of being tired from the training, that will be an insult to those two enthusiastic bearers." Yul chimed in, referring to Charlotte and Ramin, who never lost energy in sparring at their heart's content.

"Did Cassara say something strange?" Silvia placed down her cup of tea as she looked at me worriedly.

I could not help but chuckle at their concerns. "Do I look sick in your eyes? You two are the ones who are acting strange."

Silvia and Yul glanced at each other as if speaking through each other's eyes. I'm used to people keeping me in the dark, but this time, I also had my secret… me and my dearest Cassara's secret. Who would have thought keeping secrets was fascinating in its own way?

"Lilou." I flinched from my thoughts when Silvia suddenly reached for my hand, squeezing it lightly. "We are just really concern about you. Look at you, you've been losing weight and Hell told us about your nightmares."

The two of them stared at me as if they wanted me to say something. However, their words and concern eyes couldn't reach me.

'Cassara just pushed me off a cliff, Sivi, Yul… and I'm falling deeper in despair. So, no matter how you extend your hands, they wouldn't reach me.' Were the words I wanted to tell them at this moment, but I knew if I did, I would be embracing those facts and completely turn my back on them.

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"Thank you… for coming to me." I gazed down and stared at my reflection in the cup of tea. If not for them, I would've killed Cassara. Maybe rush to the king's quarters and challenge Stefan to death afterward.

"Lilou," Silvia crooned, and I raise my eyes at her. "We will always be by your side, hmm? I'm always here for you."

"Thank you, Sivi." I offered a weak smile and noticed Yul just staring at us, but we said nothing.

Our tea time continued on and discussed just about anything. Like usual, Silvia and I did all the talking while Yul just commented every now and then until the end.

"I'm going back to my quarters." I excused myself after noticing the time.

Silvia sighed and frowned. "Why don't you stay in Avolire Palace tonight? Hell won't be returning tonight, anyway."

"Next time, Sivi." I smiled, as it seemed Silvia needed some company. "Should I ask Sir Knight Rufus to accompany you?"

My teasing caught her off-guard as she seemed a bit flustered. "Lilou, how…"

"You're too obvious, Sivi. I want to hear it next time."

Silvia pursed her lips in a thin line before she let out a deep sigh and nodded. She hadn't shared it with me, but I would like to hear her story… if there would be another chance after this.

"I will escort her back, Silvia." Yul knocked on the table to catch her attention. Silvia nodded and watched us leave.


Once we're out of Silvia's sight and near the exit of the Avolire premises, my eyes sharpened as they glinted. Yul remained silent as he walked beside me.

"What did Cassara do?" he asked, breaking the silence between us.

I stared ahead with no expression on my face. "Why are you asking if you already had your own conclusion, Yul?"

"So she showed you what happened on your wedding night?"

"Not just that… but I think you already have an idea of what kind of person I am." I shrugged my shoulders. "Now, I'm intrigued what's will you do Yul?"

Yul remained silent and only the clip-clop of our boots on the floor filled our ears. He was a perceptive man, and he surely had known that the person he had met back then wasn't just Lakresha, but my real face.

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"Depends on your plans, sis," Yul muttered after his brief silence before he stopped in his steps, making me halt after taking several steps ahead of him. "You said we will start on the right foot. I think that's the right time for that, don't you think so too?"

I slowly turned around and faced him squarely. His eyes were glinting with resolve while the corner of my lips curled into a smirk.

"So that's what you really mean by that?" I nodded, pleased, as it seemed he had foreseen this happening. "Let me ask you, Yul. Didn't you say you will side with my husband?"

"I did, but I never officially took the oath to make him my king."

"Are you saying I should trust someone who can switch sides so easily?" I tilted my head to the side, batting my eye ever so slowly while crossing my arms.

"That night… you and I felt it, Lilou." His eyes glinted as he fixed his gaze full of determination on me. "Your blood called for me. Even if Fabian arrived, I don't think you are the type of person to let off your prey with a mere distraction."

We shared a moment of silence until I could no longer hold back my chuckles. I held my stomach, hunching in.

"You've lost your mind, sis," Yul let out a low chuckle. "A Bloodfang such as ourselves should stick together, don't you think?"

"You're right, my brother." I straightened my back, wiping the tears from the corner of my eyes. "Our clan are vicious for passing this burden to us."

I walked towards Yul and stood a step away from him, raising my hand as I cupped his jaw while staring at his pair of azure eyes. "However, the La Crox's are more wicked. You've suffered living as one of those who had pushed our clan to make such a decision, Yul."

"You don't have to feel sorry, sis. I'm just glad the time had finally come." Yul leaned his cheek closer to my palm as he held my hand. "We had been preparing for this time for many years."

Yul slowly took a step back and bent down on his knee while holding my hand. "I swear to lay my life to serve you, my Queen." He stated and guided my hand to his lips.