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The Duke's Passion

Chapter 310 - [Bonus ]The End And The New Beginning VIII
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Chapter 310 - [Bonus ]The End And The New Beginning VIII

The gathering was simple. We sat around a large round table; from the host seat sat Stefan, from his right perched Zero, Cameron, Beatrice, Heliot, then me. Stefan started speaking pleasantries — too much formality for me to even bother.

Instead of listening to him, I just stared at my seatmate, Heliot. I made sure they knew I had my eyes on him, but the man didn't even glance at me.

The man who had my attention had this long, midnight blue hair that strangely matched his tanned skin. His dark navy eyes that were akin to the depths of the ocean deep, looked mysterious and dangerous. But overall, without those little details, he looked sick.

How strange.

'Was Yul mistaken?' I wondered. 'He said this person who kept silent the entire time since he arrived at the Capital was someone who could be an excellent ally. Yul wasn't certain, but he said many 'good' things about him. Well, I couldn't really judge a book by its cover.'

"Pst." I tried to catch his attention, but nothing. 'He didn't seem to care about this at all. It was as if they forced him to attend here, so this seat won't be empty.'

"An empire?" My eyes veered to Zero upon his remarks. "Aren't you a little confident? To suggest that I, the supreme ruler of Spade Kingdom, to submit and bow down to you? Are you perhaps, suggesting you will wage a war with me? That is so formal, though."

Oh, they had started? I smiled, as this was one of the things I was looking for.

Stefan sported a smile that didn't reach his eyes. "I am merely stating the plans for my reign whilst trying to avoid any conflict amongst everyone in here. Of course, I am saying this now not to wage a war, but so we can all resort to a peaceful resolution."

Really. Stefan always had his way in his words.

"Peaceful resolution?" Zero chuckled in a low tone, leaning back comfortably with his eyes on Stefan. "And if we refused?"

"Then, that would be a shame." Stefan shrugged nonchalantly. "Since everyone here came from the founding clans, it would be a shame that we couldn't keep a peaceful diplomatic relation."

"You kept saying peaceful and yet, your action, this diplomatic discourtesy speaks otherwise."

"I didn't mean to, Sir My Brother." Stefan let out a sigh, making me nearly clap at how shameless he was. If my husband was here, he would've surely clapped and showered him with devastating flattery.

"However, do not forget that the land you are stepping on is neither the Spade Kingdom nor a neutral land for peace talks." Stefan leaned in, arms propped against the edge of the table.

"Now you're threatening me. How cute." Zero chuckled once again, cocking his head back. "Let me reconsider, hmmm. Alright."

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That was quick, and I gazed at Stefan to see that his expression didn't change. He wouldn't keep his crown if he was easily deceived by others. That would be disappointing.

A smug grin plastered on Zero as he set his eyes on me. "I will agree on this proposition through marriage and the woman of my choosing." He slowly peeled his eyes away from me to Stefan. "How about that? The Duchess of Grimsbanne… offer her to me as the tribute, and you have my card."

Hah… how cunning. I thought, not even surprised by this because Zero had his other way of refusing by not making himself look bad. It was interesting to see them twist each other's words and fight with just that.

Sam would be bored, though, if he were here.

"The Duchess of Grimsbanne is not part of the royal family. I can give you all the women you'd like, my sisters, for example, but the Duchess is out of my jurisdiction."

"Your sisters? No offense, but I like rare things. For me to submit and offer the land I had built, isn't it just a fair trade if I get the same value in return?" Zero tilted his head to the side, but Stefan wasn't fazed.

I watched them bicker as if they weren't talking about me, like an item they should trade. Strangely, it didn't irk me even the slightest. What was the point?

"Since I merely came as a representative, I cannot agree to this proposition." Beatrice chimed in when Stefan and Zero started pulling an aura at each other. "However, our Cross Kingdom doesn't adhere to unnecessary bloodshed. I will surely relay Your Majesty's plans."

"I will look forward to good news, Princess." Stefan smiled, which Beatrice returned with a polite smile and a bow as well.

"I had said what I said. Unless you have a better idea in mind, we will talk about it again." Zero voiced out his opinion as he didn't have a clear middle ground with Stefan. I bet they would ever reach an agreement.

Stefan shifted his attention to Zero. "That is a shame, then."

His words could be either a threat or just a harmless expression. However, only a fool would believe it was the latter. I wondered if Zero would ever get out of this place.

I didn't have a say in it, nor Cameron had. Just like Heliot, Cameron stayed silent and cast me a look from time to time. Cameron and I had a lot to talk about, but we both silently agreed this was not the right time.

Suddenly, Heliot tapped the surface of the table to catch everyone's attention. We instinctively set our eyes on him, waiting for whatever he wanted to say after his long silence.

"Our Karo Kingdom will submit." His statement made me raise a brow. How could he decide for that if he wasn't the king? "But on one condition."

"And what is it, Prince Heliot?" asked Stefan.

Heliot didn't answer immediately as he slowly turned his head to me. "I want to do all negotiations with the Duchess, your Majesty."

The corner of my lips curled up into a smirk as it seemed Heliot had some business with me. I could tell his interest wasn't the same as Zero and Stefan's, but it was more something… formal.

"All negotiations with the Duchess?" Stefan raised a brow. This guy shouldn't have wasted his time on me to save himself from all this unnecessary jealousy.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Heliot stared at Stefan squarely. "The Karo Kingdom will agree, only if Her Grace will handle this negotiation with us."

There was a long silence in the room, as no one expected his adamant request. This didn't seat well with Stefan and surprisingly, with Zero as well.

Meanwhile, I indulged in the look on their face.


The gathering didn't end as smoothly as we had all expected. The dispute between Stefan and Zero just went from bad to worse. Stefan had given me the liberty to accept Heliot's orders, but to make him happy, I told him I would follow his decision.

In the end, Stefan still agreed with Heliot's request. Heliot didn't show any emotion when Stefan agreed, piquing my interest even more with what kind of person I would have to deal with in the upcoming days.

I didn't waste a second, as I already planned to leave the palace today and return to Grimsbanne. This was a promise made by Stefan.

"Lilou." I stopped in my tracks as I heard Stefan's voice behind me. My eyes scanned the carriage that was outside, seeing Yul standing in front of it.

I turned around and faced Stefan. "You came to stop me? Did you change your mind?"

"I had promised," he said, walking towards me and stopped a step away from me. "I came to send you off, sweetheart."

"How sweet."

"It is winter and the journey back to Grimsbanne will be rough and cold." Stefan draped another coat over my shoulder and tied the strap carefully. "Be careful."

I kept my silence as I gazed down. "Don't forget our agreement, sweetheart," he added in a whisper as he finished tying the strap. "You will return here in a year."

"I won't forget our agreement, Your Majesty," I replied coldly, raising my gaze up to him. "And I planned to honor it once I settle the matters in Grimsbanne. However, do not ever forget your promise as well."

"I won't step foot in Grimsbanne… well, I will try."

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"Once I sense your presence in Grimsbanne, I will kill you," I warned, smiling sweetly as I cupped his jaw. "It will break my heart if it ends like that, Your Majesty. We had a long way to go, after all."

Stefan just stared down at me, eyes glinting. If I didn't know his intention, I would truly think he was treating me quite 'remarkably'. However, I was not foolish to fall for such a trick.

"I will write. We can't lose contact, after all." I withdrew my hand away from him, turning as I walked towards the carriage. Yul had his eyes on me, opened the door for me, and even assisted me inside before he hitched in.

"Lilou," Yul called as he perched from across me, and the carriage started moving. "Try to rest. It will be a rough journey."

I ignored him, my eyes on the window where I could see Stefan and the grand palace. There was just this strange heaviness seeping deep into my bones as we get farther and farther away from this hell.

"I arrived in this place without my husband, and I left without him," I murmured, still had my eyes outside as it softened. "The next time I come back here… this hellhole will be on fire, Yul."

"I will take everything from this place... just like how it took everything away from me." My eyes glinted with resolve.

That was my promise, a stake I would claim.

No one would get away from it.








The rest of the Bearer of the Divine Order.


"Slowly and painfully, I would ruin them all," I smirked viciously. "Karma will surely return here... in a year."