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The Duke's Passion

Chapter 312 - [Bonus ]The Journey Back To Grimsbanne II
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Chapter 312 - [Bonus ]The Journey Back To Grimsbanne II

Since the restaurant was packed. I assumed there wouldn't be enough space for us, and I was correct. Surprising, the people inside were kind enough to spare us some tables and space. I told them we could eat outside just like the rest, but the townsfolk insisted for us to stay inside where it was warm.

Why, you ask? Why was this kindness suddenly?

I smiled and gazed down, staring at my hand on the table. The reason was simple; everyone in here saw my husband as their hero. If not for him, the Brown's, the Remington's, or rather, this Whistlebird wouldn't change. Sam changed one person's perspective, and it spread across the entire city.

Not that Whistlebird had a total reform, but they were… making progress. It made me a little proud.

"Your Grace, I hope the soup will be to your liking." I snapped out of my thoughts when Teddy served a bowl of soup on the table, making me gaze up at him and smile.

"Thank you."

Teddy just smiled and distanced himself, but I could still feel he was looking, waiting for our reaction. There were also other eyes that were on me. I glanced at them and I saw some men and women, even children, studying me.

'They were the people behind this charity works, huh?' My eyes grew softer, peeling my eyes away from them and then set them to Yul, who was sitting across from me.

"Don't be ungrateful." I reminded, knowing Yul was a picky eater and had this problem with his expression.

He frowned and cast me a look. "Do you really see me in that light? The food might look bland, but I appreciate the kindness."

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Yul picked up his spoon and started eating. I watched him take that first sip, and the way his brows creased made me chuckle a little. He was trying to control his expression, and I knew he didn't like the food. However, Yul said nothing and continued to eat.

Just when I was about to take a spoon, I turned my head to the table not far away from us. Klaus was eating fast, asking for more. My eyes fell on the table, and there were already two empty bowls on it.

"Did I starve them?" I wondered under my breath, seeing that Silvia, who also sat at the same table as Klaus was eating like crazy. No, not just them, but everyone who was with me ate at the same pace.

"Don't mind them." Yul wiped the corner of his lips with a handkerchief. "They are eating like that not because they are hungry."

"Are they feeding their greed, then? Because it's free?" I cocked my head to the side, staring at Yul to get some answers.

Yul didn't speak for a moment but stared at me and smile. "Why don't you listen?"

My brows arched and veered my eyes around my people. The loud sound of cutleries hitting the bowls slowly faded, listening to their muffled, indistinct mumbling as they ate.

"More! We need to eat more, so we get stronger! We need a source of strength. One more bowl, hoy!" Klaus raised another empty bowl, catching Teddy's attention, which the latter acknowledge in a hurry. "Faster, you!"

After Klaus asked for seconds, some knights and even Silvia requested another bowl. My eyes softened as a gentle smile appeared on my lips.

"These people are obsessed with getting stronger. Their logic is the more they eat, the stronger they get." Yul sighed, shaking his head helplessly. "But… I think we all share the same ideals."


"Sis, we will protect you just like how you protected us." Yul smiled, reaching his hand to mine and squeezed it lightly. "We will get stronger, so you don't have to worry about us. So, please, rest assured."

Sam left, but the people he left had truly loved and respected him. That was why I wanted to protect them and keep my husband's spirit alive.

"You, people…" I let out a weak chuckle, gazing at the bowl of food, and scooped a spoonful of soup to my lips. As the slight heat went through my tongue down my throat, I smiled.

It was… bland. I got used to the food in the palace that this soup felt tasteless. However, no dish in that hell had ever touched me, yet this soup… gave me a sense of comfort.

"Thank you for the food," I whispered and continued eating without wasting a drop.


We ate to our heart's content. When it was time to leave, Teddy had escorted us to my carriage.

"Ahh… what a bland food," Klaus commented as he walked outside with a toothpick clipped in between his lips.

Silvia scoffed and glared at him. "Have some sense of shame, will you? Don't forget you downed ten bowls!"

"So, what? That doesn't mean it tastes good!" Klaus held his hand behind his head as the two walked back to their carriage.

"Please don't mind him." Yul sighed, apologizing to Teddy as we had heard their conversation from our position.

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Teddy just chuckled, shaking his head. "No offense is taken. We are already honored that Her Grace and Your Highnesses dined in our humble restaurant. It is an honor that our future generations could brag about!"

"Mister Brown, I appreciate your kindness. The food is good… and I'm certain many people will survive this season." I expressed in a soft tone, smiling at him.

"Your Grace." Teddy smiled gently, glancing at Yul as if asking him if he could approach me. Yul said nothing nor did he give a signal of his approval, but Teddy knew that Yul not giving him a signal was the signal.

My brows raised when Teddy took a step forward — he was close, but not too close. Just enough distance so his words could only be heard between the three of us.

"Your Grace, if you ever need anything, our clan, the Remington's, and the entire Whistlebird will do everything for you," he said in a low yet sincere tone, his eyes on me. "Those were my, the Remington's, and everyone who is fed by this restaurant's words. We will be happy to assist Your Grace if you ever need us."

"Anything, Your Grace — even if it's our lives," he added.

I see… so the Remington expected we would pass through in here, so they left a word.

"Thank you, Mister Brown." I smiled, appreciating this kind gesture and offer. "However, your deaths are not what I seek."

"Yes, Your Grace." A bitter smile resurfaced on his lips, but I ignored it and turned around. Just as I did, my smile faded.

"I will keep in touch," I said and then resumed my steps.

"I will wait, Your Grace." That was what I heard Teddy said, and I knew he understood I would need their assistance in my future endeavors.

They never directly said a word about Sam, but Teddy was clear that he owed Sam a debt. It was not my imagination when I saw how the people looked at me. It was neither pity nor sadness.

What the eyes of those who ate in this place and Teddy's were filled with suppressed rage. Vampires or humans, everyone knew Sam's death wasn't the end of everything.

Just like how I noticed the fire in their eyes, they surely noticed the flame of hell burning in mine.