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The Duke's Passion

Chapter 315 - [Bonus ]Beauty Is A Weapon
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Chapter 315 - [Bonus ]Beauty Is A Weapon

Yul squinted his eyes into slits as he welcomed us by the door. He knew that Zero would come, but he probably didn't expect to see him tonight.

"Welcome to our humble estate, Your Majesty," He greeted formally, bowing before facing us squarely. "Forgive us if we are welcoming you in such a poor state. We aren't aware."

"Haha. Oh, ninth prince." Zero chuckled, planting his hand on his hip. "You are too formal, unlike the rest I had met so far. But, do not worry. It's my fault that the messenger I sent didn't seem to arrive in here safety."

"Yul, take His Majesty to the drawing room." I chimed in and glanced at Zero. "I will join you there while they prepare us dinner, Your Majesty."

"My, how lovely." He chuckled, casting me a smirk before he followed Yul's lead.

"Your Grace." Mildred cast me a look of worry, but I smiled.

"Help me get changed, Mildred. Don't look at me like that."

"Yes, Your Grace." She bowed slightly, and we headed back to my chambers.


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"This jewelry will suit your dress, Lil." Silvia raised a necklace, staring at the emerald pendan shining in front of her.

I glanced at her, who sat on the Divan inside my room comfortably. "Sivi, I don't see you dressing up lately. You don't have to join Klaus tonight since you've been exhausted with volunteer works in the town."

"I'm bored, and this change of lifestyle brings me back to the good old days. I like it." Silvia tossed the necklace and caught it midway before tossing it to me. I caught it out of instinct.

"Careful, you!" I pouted, checking the necklace. "This is worth an entire estate. We need money."

"Just exploit all your suitors to give you more," she humored with a smirk, making me giggled as I passed the necklace to Mildred. "Those bastards just don't know when to stop."

"Grimsbanne is benefiting. I don't see any reason to stop them." Mildred started putting the necklace around my neck while I cast Silvia a look. "Although, I feel bad to Yul since he had to deal with them."

"Yes, poor him." She let out a deep sigh, feeling sorry for the title Yul had in the high society. "Good thing everyone is terrified of Klaus, so they don't run their mouths thoughtlessly."

"Klaus is very reliable. He never fails to surprise me." I smiled, thinking that the reason my 'personal' affairs don't spread out of the high society was that Klaus would surely cut their tongues. He had made a few examples in the first four months. Some were even executed just by speaking ill about me.

It was not something I would tolerate — or so what I thought. Being the head state and a woman who had to keep her status, I learned to be twice ruthless as others. If I wanted to keep my status, I had to let everyone know I don't give mercy to those undeserving, and hell was guaranteed if they get on my bad side.

"Well, he seemed very exhilarated." Silvia shrugged, leaning back comfortably. "He had been very bored since everyone was too scared to even think of plotting behind you."

Another wave of chuckle slipped past my lips. Silvia raised a brow and let out a shallow breath.

"Anyway, good luck in humoring the king of Spade. It was surprising how he rushed in here after sending him an invitation." She whistled faintly, looking up at the ceiling with genuine wonder.

"Of course he will rush in here." I smiled and Silvia set her eyes back on me. "Don't act as if you don't know the reason."

"Heh." Silvia grinned mischievously. "I'm surprised, but I didn't say I'm ignorant."

"Anyway, I can't keep him waiting." I gazed at myself in the mirror, checking at how I looked.

"Why are you checking yourself?" Silvia raised a question, narrowing her eyes suspiciously. "You don't do that — never."

I pursed my lips into a thin line. "You know… Zero is handsome and…"

"Bullshit, Lilou."

"Haha!" A gleeful laugh escaped my mouth, turning my head to Silvia, whose expression was utter disgust. "I jest. Beauty is a weapon, didn't you say that, Sivi?"

"But you don't even need to try. You're already beautiful, my sister."

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"Even so, I want to make an effort." A sly smirk appeared on my lips, casting her a knowing look. "I still have roughly around five months before my agreement with Stefan starts. I need Zero's power."

"As aggravating as it sounds, I agree."

"Don't worry, Sivi." I winked at her, smiling sweetly.

"Who said I was worried?" Silvia raised a brow before she pushed herself up to stand. "For seven months, you made it clear that worrying about you is useless. I'm more concerned that I have to bid farewell to my life as a teacher. I've grown fond of the people here, after all."

Silvia walked towards the door, waving at me without looking back. But she paused in her tracks and turned her head back.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you that your favorite suitor, Prince Heliot, sent you a letter. Shall I get it for you?"

"Oh?" I raised a brow, as it piqued my interest. "I haven't responded to his previous letter, and he sent another?"

"Well, you're quite the beauty." She humored with a grin before resuming in her strides.

"I will get it myself, Sivi. You know how I am so fond of him." Silvia didn't respond as she closed the door, while I smirk at the thought.

"Your Grace, you look beautiful." Mildred, who remained silent throughout my conversation with Silvia, praised me.

I gazed at her, smiling. Mildred came in here a month after I arrived in Grimsbanne. Apparently, the House Soulton were ostracized by nobles and even received death threats. The reason was that she stood up for me when she overheard a conversation regarding Sam and me.

"Thank you, Mildred." I expressed, standing up and wave. "I will be late tonight."

My eyes glinted as I walked away to meet my distinguished guest from the Spade Kingdom.. A smirk appeared on my lips, as I couldn't wait to show Zero my gift of appreciation.