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The Duke's Passion

Chapter 318 - Hidden Shadows That Only She Knew About
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Chapter 318 - Hidden Shadows That Only She Knew About

As ordered, Yul prepared my steed for me while I changed into a more comfortable outfit. I would leave Zero behind, but that didn't worry me in the slightest. He wouldn't recklessly touch my people while I was away.

"Stay safe, Your Grace." Yul bowed, his palm across his chest as I mounted Bella,

I smiled at him, holding the reins. "Don't stay up late, Yul."

"You're telling a vampire that?"

"Oh, please, when do you resign to bed?" I humored as Yul seemed he doesn't sleep at all. He was up in the morning, and even late at night.

"I should be the one asking you that, sis." Yul clicked his tongue, making me realize I had the same hectic schedule. "Anyway, even though Grimsbanne is your territory, it won't bring you harm if you act more cautious."

"Yes." I maneuvered my steed as it gaited toward the gates. "I am always cautious, Yul."

"Please, don't lie," was what I heard from him, making me chuckle before I left, galloping away from the mansion to the town.


Seven months ago, the people of Grimsbanne had wept for the loss of its Duke. However, since Sam had been sleeping for a long time, no one truly took it to the heart. What the people worried about wasn't the death of the Duke, but rather, what would happen that the lord of the land would be his wife. It was a rough first four months with all the other nobles meddling with me, trying to get me wrapped around their fingers and make me their puppet.

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That was to be expected and not a surprise, though. It was a good thing that Sam had already cleaned up those corrupted nobles when he woke up. So, the nobles that were left in Grimsbanne weren't annoying to deal with. When they realized that they couldn't use me, their attitude towards me had changed drastically.

It took me four months to unify Grimsbanne and get all the nobles to acknowledge me. Be it by means or foul, I made it clear to them that being on my good side was the best option than being on my bad side.

Now, seven months later, Grimsbanne was my playground.

Of course, behind the peacefulness in Grimsbanne, there was this lingering fear behind. But everyone knew that they only need to embrace that fear if they had done something wrong.

If one's conscience was clean, they were no need to live in fear. That was my golden rule.

"Duchess!" I heard some townfolk called me as I galloped through the street of Banse. My eyes glanced at the people who were still outside, offering them a smile, but didn't stop at my pace.

Yes, this was the new Grimsbanne.

My people loved and fear me, and I've given them the privilege not to fear the dark… because I had consumed the darkness in this land and became one with it.

"Duchess! Take care!" I heard some yelling from the background and that made me smile, as this had become a norm in here now.

My people seeing me galloping through the street alone, and yelling things people wouldn't dare do in the past. Funny, though. Everyone who would see me wouldn't also speak a word of seeing me if someone was searching for me. That was why Klaus learned not to bother with the townsfolk whenever I disappear.

Soon, I reached a deserted area not far away from Banse. There was this small forest in the area and I entered it without a second hesitation. After getting deeper, my steed finally came to a halt.

"Thanks, Bella." I bent over, petting its neck, before dismounting. I tied its strap to the closest tree before walking in a direction alone, stopping in front of the small house after a long walk.

"You came?" someone from my side suddenly appeared, making me turn my head to him.

"Of course," I replied with a smile until the person who approached me stopped several steps away from me. "Are you waiting for me, Ramin?"

His nose scrunched up, casting me an eye full of dismay. "Why would I wait for you? I was busy training with my Labyrinth."

I chuckled, and we headed inside the house. As the light from the house hit his bare top, I noticed the scars and fresh wounds on his body — mostly around his shoulder, down to his sleeve.

"You can't still control Labyrinth?" I asked, casting him a look.

Ramin gazed down at his palms, slowing down at his pace. "I can control it now, but not that long. It's still hard since it seemed some power restrained my weapon." He clenched his hand into a fist.

"How long?" I questioned, knowing that it was huge progress that Ramin could control the power of Labyrinth.

"An hour maximum." Ramin and I stopped at the doorstep, facing me. "If I used it more than that, I'll be crippled."

"I see..."

"You look disappointed?"

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"Haha. I'm not. I expected it to be ten minutes at max." I chuckled, patting his shoulder lightly. "Just be patient. I'll increase your intake."

"Save your blood. I don't need it." He frowned as he had been disliking my methods of helping them get stronger.

"But I need you." My eyes sharpened as I stared at him dead in the eye. "If I want to win against Stefan, I need more power, Ramin. Sacrificing a drop of my blood is just a small sacrifice. In five months, I will have to fulfill my promise to Stefan. Until then, I need to prepare."

"Damn it." Ramin clicked his tongue in irritation, ruffling his hair, and placed his hand on the door.? "The taste of your blood is annoying, do you know that?"

"You mean, it's addictive?" I raised a brow, and he only cast me a look before pushing the door.

As soon as he did, an arrow came flying towards Ramin. Thanks to his fast reflexes and the power of Labyrinth, Ramin was able to stop the arrow by grabbing it.

"How shameless to present yourself to the Duchess half-naked! Get dressed, you disgusting pervert!" Charlotte's loud complaints immediately rang in our ears, making Ramin grind his teeth.

"Is that the only reason you're shooting me, huh!? What can I do when Labyrinth just tears my clothes apart whenever I train with it?!"

"Kyahh! Get out!" Charlotte pulled three arrows, shutting her eyes as soon as she saw Ramin's bare top. She didn't even hesitate to release those three arrows at the same time with her eyes closed.

Despite that, her arrows only aimed at Ramin, and it never went in my direction. Ramin grumbled as he grabbed all the arrows, but one arrow grazed his shoulder.

"Charlie, stop that." Suddenly, a voice from the side reached my ear. I turned my head to see Kristina walking out of the room. "Ra, go and wash up."

"Yes, Ramin. You should wash up before dinner." Another voice of a man came in and I shifted my eyes to him. "Will you dine in here again, Your Grace?"

"I would love to eat your cooking again, Lord Noah." I smiled back and gazed at everyone who was in here.

The former members of the third squadron and Lord Noah, who was on the run… were now my hidden shadow guards that only I knew about.