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The Duke's Passion

Chapter 356 - Darling, It Was Fabians Fault!
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Chapter 356 - Darling, It Was Fabian's Fault!

After that sentimental discussion, I diverted the subject, and Ramin walked them through the missions I tasked them with for the past eight months. Kristina, Noah, and Charlotte had also returned, walking around the kitchen as they prepared the food. Silvia helped them.

"Anyway." I rubbed the leathered armrest, slapping it loudly as I stood. "I got to run."

As soon as I said those words, everyone stopped in what they were doing and set their eyes on me. I chuckled because even though they just looked at me, I knew they all share the same question: 'where are you going?'

"I had an important arrangement I've been looking forward to," I explained vaguely.

"How about the picnic?" asked Charlotte with a frown.

"I will join you next time.."

"Next time... I won't be doing this again," Yul mumbled, rolling his eyes as he shook his head.

"We won't do this again unless you will do the preparations." Ramin spat out in irritation as he also helped to make sandwiches, but Yul and Klaus didn't even bother.

"Over my dead body," Klaus muttered coldly.

"Sir Chief Knight, do you know you shouldn't talk badly to the people who are touching your food?" Charlotte giggled, catching Klaus' attention. "You might regret it."

"Hey, don't you dare put anything in my sandwich."

"If you're so afraid, why don't you two get up and help us out? We obviously need extra hands here." Silvia commented with disinterest, exchanging gazes with Kristina momentarily.

"We can see that, Silvia. However, I don't think the kitchen can accommodate more people. This is a fucking hut." Klaus spat in dismay as the people preparing the foods surely needed some space to move around freely.

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"It's a bungalow."

"They're both small. It's just the same."

A chuckle escaped my mouth, as it seemed I didn't need to worry about them. "Have fun, you guys. I'm out."

"Won't you tell us where you're going?" Noah inquired in urgency.

"I will be inside your head if I need help." I winked, walking away while feeling their gazes on my back. So, I looked back and smiled at them. "Don't worry about me. Just wish me luck."

"Good luck, Your Grace!" Charlotte cheered, waving happily.

"Just... take care. We will come and find you if things get awry." Klaus let out a deep sigh, reluctant to let me go all by myself. They all voiced out their comments until it sounded like they were all nagging me. It was funny, in a way.

"I will keep all your reminders in mind," I said, resuming in my steps. I stopped when I was by the door as Noah spoke.

"Don't get hurt, Your Grace." His last note made me smile, but I said nothing as I departed the place.


When Lilou departed, there was a long silence inside the house. Neither one of them talked, staring at the shut door.

"She looks happy." Charlotte was the one who broke the ice, smiling subtly as she recalled Lilou's smile. "She is glowing differently... just like how she had glowed before His Grace's death."

Again, silence ensued after Charlotte's comments. It was not just her who noticed this change, but every single one of them. After that incident, there was this slight change. It was barely noticeable as Heliot was still in the duchy, but now they were certain about it.

Something... changed her.

Lilou looked more alive and free, unlike how she was in the past eight months. All she cared about was revenge and was mostly nonchalant about most things. It was refreshing to see a candid smile on her face — it was as if the Lilou they had all known returned.

"Did she really think we will have this happy picnic without her?" Yul mumbled, shaking his head as a brief chuckle slipped past his lips. "What was she even thinking?"

"You've been with her almost every minute of every day in the past eight months, but it seems you don't know her that much." Ramin smacked his lips, making Yul frown. "I don't intend to insult you. It was just that, it was obvious."

"What obvious?" asked Charlotte, causing Ramin to sigh.

"Charlie, just because you didn't receive training in observing people doesn't excuse you to be this dumb."

"Hey, watch your tongue if you don't want an arrow in your throat!"

"Just tell us, Ra." Kristina sighed heavily as she didn't also understand Lilou's reasoning.

Ramin scrunched his nose up. "Kristina, even you?"

"Apparently, it seems she wants this picnic for this sole reason." Noah chimed in without stopping from slicing the sandwiches diagonally.

"She wants us to bicker nonstop to keep us busy," Klaus explained in simple words to those who didn't grasp the situation. His eyes instinctively fell on Ramin, who was staring back at him in surprise.

"I see. Because if we are busy arguing, we won't have time to snoop around." Silvia nodded in understanding. "Make sense."

"If she doesn't want to tell us, then we should be patient." Noah shrugged, raising his head. "Anyway, until when should we stick together on this awkward picnic?"

And they all went silent. Not a single one of them obviously wanted this, but they had to keep an eye on each other. Why? Because if not, their curiosity would just take over them and look for Lilou.

"We stick together until in the middle of the night!" Charlotte suggested happily. "Let's have a bonfire! I don't think Her Grace will return tonight, anyway."

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"Why so?" Ramin raised a brow.

"Tch. She sheltered you for a long time and yet, it seems you don't know her well, unlike what you claim." Yul smirked arrogantly. "I don't intend to insult you. It's that just her smile clearly told us she won't be returning unless something goes wrong."

"This will become the most frustrating picnic that deserves to be recorded in the books," Kristina mumbled, foreseeing how they would all banter at every turn. "We haven't even started and I'm already exhausted."


Meanwhile, at the top of the hill where Lilou's shack stood before, Samael laid flat on the grass while chewing a sandwich.

"You're the best, Fabian." Samael grinned, turning his head in Fabian's direction. The latter was sitting on the corner of the bungalow, back against the concrete wall.

"It's still a shame I didn't get to eat a hot soup."

"We can all sneak inside the mansion later for that," Samael suggested, making Fabian nod, as that wasn't a bad idea since Heliot left the duchy.

"Fabian, may I ask, where did you get these sandwiches?" Rufus, who was standing on the other end of the house, leaning his back against it, wondered. "Did you steal it from a noble house?"

Fabian continued eating, feigning ignorant. So Rufus narrowed his eyes suspiciously.


"I stole it from the people who wouldn't report this incident," Fabian explained vaguely, and because of that, it only confused Rufus.

"Whatever, Rufus. Fabian saved us. If not for him, we would be eating grass right now!"

"Thank you, my lord." Fabian smiled as Samael defended him without question.

"Your Grace, how can you trust Fabian even after..." Rufus trailed off as he raised his gaze to the person who was galloping her way to them. Samael and Fabian also looked in Lilou's direction.

Lilou's eyes were glinting with fire as she hopped out of the steed, even though it was still moving. Stomping her way towards them, making Samael spring to his feet in a panic.

"Fabian? By the people who were unlikely to report this incident, did you mean the people in hiding? For example, the third squadron?" Rufus inquired, cocking his head in Fabian's direction. Samael heard that, so he shamelessly yelled.

"Darling! It was Fabian! You know how crazy and stubborn he can get. I was about to scold him! No, he should be punished! How can he steal your sandwiches!"