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The Duke's Passion

Chapter 440 - [Bonus ]How He Became Emperor -- End.
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Chapter 440 - [Bonus ]How He Became Emperor -- End.

Another day passed by in the palace. Everyone who had been protesting and requesting an audience with the person who was currently in charge of the palace was all invited in. Mostly consisted of the aristocrat faction, some representative of commoners, nobles with titles, and a bunch of people who were concerned about the rising or falling empire.

"Hmph! I had heard that they are planning to sit a human as emperor. What is the royal family thinking? Announcing to make the Heart Kingdom as an empire — and then, this... so suddenly."

"You better hold your tongue. No matter how you feel so disappointed, you are still inside the palace, Count."

"Even so, no human king will make me bow down even if it is the strongest knight."

"There is no official announcement yet."

"They kept us all in here and..." One nobleman scrunched his nose up while bobbing his face on the few commoners inside the hall with them. "... with such filthy turned vampires."

The commoners, who were turned vampires, representing the commoners in each district, glared at the nobleman. The nobleman didn't even conceal the dismay in his eyes.

"What is taking them so long? We've been waiting for a long time. Do they plan us to kill each other here first?" someone voiced out as the murmurings and the tension in the air grew thicker. If the person they wanted to meet wouldn't come any time sooner, it was possible that a fight would break out with the heated argument going on.

Not long after, they heard a distinct sound of footsteps coming inside the throne hall. Some still continued to argue and only stopped when they realized most of them ceased. They turned their head to the person walking from the side, following his figure with their gaze as he walked towards the step up and stood on the elaborate pomp.

Samael slowly turned to face them, his eyes scanning everyone's face. Some who recognized him looked at him, wide-eyed. Some who only heard about the tales of the man with silver hair with eyes who could make one bow voluntarily swallowed hard.

His aura was no joke, they all thought in unison. Finally agreeing on something for once. More than his aura, one thing that everyone noticed was the royal mantle draped over his shoulder and the black and red uniform underneath. Close to the throne stood Rufus, holding his hand behind, with no emotions on his face.

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"I won't go around in a circle since the empire cannot waste a second considering the current state of affairs," Samael spoke and his voice echoed. "State only important matters at hand. If I deem it unnecessary and a waste of time... I will kill you."

A subtle smile appeared on his face, pleased to witness how most of them turned pale. He slowly planted his palms on the throne's armrest and plopped his butt down, finding his comfort on this seat.

Samael quirked a brow when a minute had passed and no one dared speak. It was just pure silence, and they heard only the tapping of his nail against the armrest.

"Well?" he cocked his head to the side, smirking wickedly. "I clearly stated that I do not want anyone wasting my time, but alas, you just wasted a minute. How will you bring that minute back to me?"

"I — there's — your highness, are you planning to succeed the throne?" someone raised a hand out of panic, forgetting the initial concerns why he was in there in the first place.

"Yes." Samael nodded and then followed by another wave of silence once again. A sigh escaped his mouth as he was only pulling an aura on them, but they already gave in.

"Is that all you want to know?" he inquired with genuine wonder in his voice.

"What happened to the previous king?" asked someone in a low tone, but the silence still highlighted his query.

"Dead. What else?"

"Uhh... what do you plan on doing for the empire?"

"To make it great?" he raised a brow as he answered in a knowing tone. "Is that all? This is why you all came in here? To interview me?"

Again, the silence was the answer he received. They had already forgotten the insults and logical argument they had all in-store. Who would want to berate someone who clearly threatened to kill them with a smile? Not to mention, Samael had a notorious reputation, and seeing him on the flesh was enough proof that he lived up to his name.


"Does anyone object about my succession of the throne?" asked Samael with his eyes traveling from coast to coast. "I will give you the liberty to speak your displeasure and respect your time to voice your argument."

He nodded reassuringly, making everyone look at each other. Those who were too cowardly had their tongues rollback, while some — mostly those from higher nobles — found courage in this offer. If Samael said so himself, they trusted that he would keep his word.

"I object!" A nobleman, who was in a heated argument with a turned vampire previously, raised a hand. He looked at Samael bravely while the latter raised a brow.

"State your reasons." Samael calmly motioned his hand for the nobleman to stand in the front row. When the nobleman stood in the front, he looked up courageously.

"Your Grace, I understand that you are most qualified to be the emperor in terms of strength. However, someone who usurps the throne by brute force will only bring disaster to the empire. I think Your Highness will only bring fear if you lead the Great Heart Empire. The House Berdthand will never bow down to such a vicious person."

Those who had heard this man's statements could not help but applaud him in their hearts. To speak such blatant remarks right in front of Samael was commendable.

"Fear... what is your name?" Samael asked as he gazed at the nobleman in amusement.

"I am Count Berdthand of House Berdthand, Your Grace."

"That is very commendable of you, Count." He nodded in acknowledgment before setting his eyes back on the count. "However, who said I do not want to instill fear in every living being in this empire?"

Count Berdthand slowly widened his eyes as his complexion grew pale at the sinister smirk that appeared on the duke's face. Samael pushed himself up and strutted toward him. The man staggered back, but the closer Samael approached, his aura was far too overwhelming that could paralyze a person.

Everyone close to the count lurched back, creating distance until Samael stood a step away from the count. They gulped and even held their breaths, staring at the man claiming the throne blankly.

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"You said, 'you and the House Berdthand will never bow down to such a vicious person?'" Samael repeated while gazing down at the terrified Count. "Then you don't have to, Count. I still have manners in respecting someone's decision."

"Your… Grace… didn't you say you will give us the liberty to speak our… protests?" came out a stuttering voice as he couldn't look away at those pair of maniacal eyes.

"I did give you, didn't I, Count? I listened to you, now you will hear my response." The corner of Samael's lips stretched broader as he suddenly grabbed his neck. Before the Count could react, his feet had already left the floor while clinging to Samael's sleeve on instinct.

"As I've said, I don't want to force people to honor my words and acknowledge me as their emperor." His grip slowly tightened, watching how the Count's face turned red as if it would explode. "I am a busy man and forcing someone to bow down to me is quite a hassle, silly. I'd rather maim their head since I do not have the energy to placate your whims."


Samael's grip tightened even more as blood soon tainted his hand. When his entire hand closed, only flesh and a piece of bone remained inside his grip. The head rolled over while the body dropped, causing terror to everyone who witnessed how he beheaded the count with a mere hand.

"How sad," he whispered, gazing down at the blood spreading on the floor. "Anyone else who had objections?"

He raised his head, looking around while wiping his hand with a handkerchief. "I will honor everyone's opinion and listen to their argument sincerely."

A tyrant.

At that second, everyone had realized what kind of emperor would sit on the throne. Even so, this didn't fuel the lingering justice that was left in their heart. Instead, the sight of Samael killed their spirit.


Samael raised a brow as someone suddenly dropped to his knees. When the people realized this, everyone bent down to their knees, one after another.

"Long live His Majesty, the Emperor! All glory to the Great Heart Empire!" They chanted in unison, but their voices were filled with nothing but dread.