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The Duke's Passion

Chapter 466 - Time Is Fleeting
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Chapter 466 - Time Is Fleeting

Sam didn't kid me when he said he wouldn't pull out. It was amazing that he didn't even get smaller even after reaching his third orgasm. But considering the five years of longing, it wasn't a surprise for him to have such stamina.

I was more surprised how I managed to take him all night. It was as though I was exhausted, but not at the same time. When I was pinned on the wall, on the desk, and in every corner of his office, I orgasmed. I didn't even get dry even after multiple orgasms.

It was wild... very wild.

Now, Sam sat upon the chair behind his desk while I was on his lap. My feet dangled over the armrest while I rested the side of my head on his firm chest. I looked around the office and it was a disaster. Documents were scattered on the floor, the shallow holes on the wall, one painting that fell down, and some books along with our clothes.

"It's dawn," I whispered, breaking the silence as I peeled my eyes away from the disaster and focused on his beauty. Sam was caressing my back; his little habit that I missed.

"Mhm. How sad."

"Don't be sad. It's not like this is our last night," I giggled as he truly seemed disheartened about this. "Time is fleeting. So fast that I didn't even notice it's almost eight years since the first time we met. We also now have a five-year-old son who is wonderful and cute. We have a lot of time, love."

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My eyes softened tracing back to the time I first met my husband. Back then, I never thought I would fall in love with him so hard, but I did. Things went upside down from that moment on, having to experience happy times, life and death situations, schemes after schemes, pain and agony, and a lot more.

It was crazy. Our story was one hell of a ride, but here we are now.

Almost eight years later, we're still together. Making love like it was the first time, loving each other more passionately than ever, and just together again. Words weren't enough to justify how grateful I was to be alive.

"Mhm... who would have thought?" he murmured in a soft tone. I glanced at him and caught the subtle smile on his face.

"You and I, we've been through a lot. I'm lucky that you love me."

My brows raised as I reclined so I could see him clearly. "My husband, you sound like you don't expect me to love you."

"Because I don't?" Sam cocked his head to the side, giving me a knowing look. "I knew you will be the woman I will marry the first time I laid my eyes on you. But the first time you saw me, your eyes are filled with... terror."

"Of course! How can I not feel terrified when a stranger is inside my home?" my nose scrunched up, giving justice to my reaction at that time. "Did you forget how you toy me? I just wanted to light up the lamp, but you kept switching them from place to place! I almost thought there's a ghost!"

"You thought I was a ghost?"

"Of course! But when I realized it's a vampire, it was worse!"

Sam frowned. "A ghost is worse than a vampire, dear."

"Ghost can't hurt me, but vampires can," I argued as a matter of fact, seeing him nod in understanding. "Also, who won't get scared when that intruder suddenly asks for my hand? I still remember the sense of dread that crept down my spine when you asked, 'why are you running, silly? I haven't proposed yet. Will you marry me?' I don't even know your name!"

"Haha! You remember?" I glared at him while he chortled.

"How can I not? If only you see that look on your face. It was as if you will kill me if I refused."

"But you still refused. Now I'm certain you are suicidal at that time and just in denial." Sam exclaimed as if surprised at this new discovery. My mouth opened and closed, but I ended up biting my tongue.

To be truthfully honest, I wanted to survive back then. I really do. However, there was also a part of me that I wanted to kill. I was unsure what it was, but at the back of my head, dying wasn't really terrible. I meant, if I died at the hands of a vampire, of course, I wouldn't feel shame to face my father. How could I fight a vampire, right? It would give me enough reason.

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"Now that I think about it, I think I was unconsciously aware I had this dark side of me," I murmured after our brief silence. "That is why, although I feared death, I didn't think it was that really bad."

"We all had our dark side, Lilou." Sam smiled and caressed my cheek. "A friend of mine said, the more kind, loving, and bright a person was, their other side is just as extreme."

"Since when did you have friends?" I inquired, finding it a bit strange that Sam was calling someone a friend. I only knew one person who Sam called a friend, and that was Noah's grandfather, Alfie.

"Is it Alfie? Noah's grandfather?"

"No." He shook his head and snapped his eyes away. "It's someone else who lives in my head."

My brows furrowed while staring at his side profile. Someone who lived in his head? What did he mean by that? There was a moment of silence between us. I waited for him to explain, but he didn't. So, I was about to ask but he suddenly spoke.

"Lilou, the core... it's not inside you anymore," I froze momentarily, blinking twice while processing his words. "I stole it from you. The voices... the people you met when you were in slumber were now inside my head."

"What... how is that possible?" I gasped in surprise, puzzled at this didn't make sense. Sam gazed down at me again and sighed faintly.

"My ability is actually stealing things. Stealing lives, memories, abilities, and something like that. Actually, it's not stealing, but more like absorbing," Sam explained calmly while brushing my arms with his knuckles. "Although it sounds convenient, it had its downsides. The reason I didn't offer absorbing the core is I might kill you. Not the type of death you think, but I might end up sucking your soul."

"What...." I trailed off as I listened to his explanation more.