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The Duke's Passion

Chapter 473 - [Bonus ]Marchioness Of The La Lona March
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Chapter 473 - [Bonus ]Marchioness Of The La Lona March

Meanwhile, the east border of the Great Heart Empire called La Lona March. Silvia's long lashes fluttered ever so slowly as she stared at the man in front of her. Just a while ago, she was enjoying her cup of tea until a visitor requested to see her for business purposes.

"You are telling me you want my hand in exchange for this trade?" she inquired, to clarify the point of the dashing nobleman in front of him.

"The route that our territory will make the trades of the east and the north even more convenient, my lady. Since the biggest consumer of the east are the northerners, it will lessen the travel cost and time. From the profit itself, I'm sure this request is fair." The man explained, watching her rock her head in understanding.

Silvia slowly rested her leg over the other, leaning her jaw against her knuckles, eyes on him. "A fair trade? I guess the Count sees my value as low as that."

"My lady, it is not low for long-term if --"

"The north is, indeed, one of our biggest consumers next to the capital, but it seemed you are not aware, Count. Since the Earl of Monarey and I had a close tie, the profit in our transaction isn't that huge. To make up for that, the north exchange the wheats and corns we send them with weapons. This had been common knowledge, Count." Silvia let out a sigh, as if she couldn't believe she had to explain the obvious to this man.

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"The March is the major source of agriculture of the empire and I do not plan on hoarding it. We sell our harvest at a price enough for our dear farmers to live a comfortable life and to lower the poverty of the empire. Just in case you're wondering how come the March flourished despite that, it is because as I've said, we also trade weapons, furs, and all sorts of goods we receive in exchange for our goods," She paused for a moment as her eyes sharpened, watching how the Count's confidence decrease by the second.

"Count, I cannot believe I had to waste my precious tea time to lecture you about the March's trade. Surely, the County still thinks that this little road you're so proud of can coax a woman like me. Do you, perhaps, take me as a fool?" The corner of her lips curled up into a smirk. "My hand in marriage? Count, do you see those piles of letters over there?"

Silvia perked her chin up at the basket right beside her desk. The count instinctively glance in the direction she pointed at, seeing piles of unopened and opened letters.

"Those are marriage proposals from across the empire and even from the neighboring ones," she breathed out while shaking her head. "Some even offered me a country, and another is an island they had discovered. How can you say that road you're offering me is a fair trade for my hand in marriage?"

This time, the emotions in her stunning visage disappeared. It was now replaced with sharpness and coldness as if a goddess looking down at a foolish being.

"Count, I am very disappointed that you came in here without the slightest idea of me or my land. But I will let it slide." Silvia paused once again, acting generously before she smirked.

"About the road, we can still talk about it with proper and just conditions." She offered in a dead tone, staring at the now sweating nobleman fiercely. "Or would you rather talk to the Earl of Monarey about this? I'm sure some rascal in the north is tired of the cold temperature. Visiting the county will be a breath of fresh air to them for sure."

The young Count instantly turned pale when Silvia mentioned 'that' rascal in the north. Although the capital's military strength was fearsome, the knights from the north weren't less terrifying. They were known as savages with the genius young Earl and the support of his monstrous chief knight, Klaus.

Unlike Rufus's name that instantly gave off the idea of a war hero, a knight in shining black armor one could rely on, Klaus was the opposite. When one mentioned Klaus' name, the initial reaction was fear. Someone a person should avoid in this lifetime.

The north's rule was no mercy. And the only person the northerners truly respected was the emperor.

Some had tried to coax the Earl of Monarey to fight for the throne in the past. The result? All those people were hanged in the borders of the north. The reason the emperor had become more untouchable.

Now, Silvia was telling this man those same people who didn't fear using people's heads as their ball to kick around would visit the county? The Count held his breath as he felt like he was stuck in a spider's web. The smirk on her lips just heightened the fear that was slowly creeping into his heart.

"I'm sure, by now, the Earl of Monarey already gets the wind of this road." Silvia smiled as her shoulder relaxed. "It's better to send the Earl a letter that you were already in the talks with me, instead of accepting his request to meet you, don't you think?"


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Silvia raised her brows as she snapped her eyes at the door. The smile on her face remained as she watched her lady-in-waiting enter.

"My lady, a letter came today." Mildred, Lilou's former lady-in-waiting, and now Silvia's lady-in-waiting bowed with a letter in her hand.

"Put it on my desk, Mildred. I am currently in a business transaction with the Count." Silvia cocked her head towards the desk but furrowed her brows when Mildred showed hesitation. "Is it important?"

Mildred didn't answer but glanced at the count. Since Silvia already knew how careful Mildred was, she waved.

"Count, as much as I hate to disrupt this discussion, I had an important business to settle. I will send you a letter of the contract. Please tell me if you find anything that displeases you, so we can discuss it," Silvia remarked before she stood from her seat. The Count's trembling hand held on the armrest of the chair and pushed himself up weakly.

"I wouldn't be able to send you off myself. Mildred."

"Yes, my Lady."

Mildred approached Silvia and handed the letter before assisting the count outside the Marchioness office. Silvia stared at the door until it shut closed before gazing down. As soon as she saw the crest of the Roux Family, she tilted her head to the side.

"Hell sent another letter?" she wondered, opening it without hesitation. The second she read the content of the letter, her eyes softened as the side of her lips curled up into a smile.

"Lilou.... my sister."