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The Duke's Passion

Chapter 480 - Jealous
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Chapter 480 - Jealous

If Lady Talia and her lackeys didn't persist in insinuating about this nonexistent affair that the Baroness and my husband had, I would confidently say the tea party was a success. I met the goal. Even though their kindness to me was superficial, that had been the face of the high society ever since.

It was rare to find genuine friendship within nobles. What was important to me was, I would be in this circle to listen to gossips. I knew one day, this gossips would give me something important in the future.

Still, I was upset. I knew Sam would never cheat on me. But it seemed he had taken on this new persona too far that a lady like Lady Talia was assuming. How aggravating.

"Mother, are you alright?" Law's voice brought back from my thoughts. I gazed down at him and smiled.

"Did you have fun with the other young masters?" I asked.

Law frowned as he glanced at Adam. "I'd rather stay with mother than play with them."

"Aww. Me too, my son." My heart warmed up as the frustration that was eating me receded slightly.

"I don't like children since they are stupid and a bunch of crybabies. Someone even tried to pick on Adam, telling him he was Father's bastard."

"What?" I gasped and instinctively gazed at Charlotte. She only cast me an apologetic smile as she shrugged. I knew Charlotte couldn't do anything since it was a dispute between children. But still...

"It's upsetting that they only pick on him since they think he is weak." Law glared at Adam, and the latter hung his head low. "This is why they see you as an easy target. You always look down that makes you look pathetic."

"Law." My tone raised a little and firm, making Law stop as he gazed up at me. "Adam had been through a lot. You should understand that not everyone is the same."

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"But Mother, if Adam keeps this up, what will happen if I'm not around? Father only agreed to let him stay once he fully recovered. So, Adam will be on his own in his own house with the Malum's." Law clutched his hand on his lap, staring at me with determination flickering across his eyes. "I don't understand why Adam and Father don't fight back. It's not like the bullying will stop if you ask nicely."

"So you are suggesting to use violence as a resolution?"

Law's jaw tightened as his chest moved in and out heavily. My baby truly seemed infuriated and worried. Gosh... he was like the big brother.

"Law, even if I try to fight back, I know I'm the only one who will get hurt." Adam finally spoke his opinion in a shaking voice, but still kept his head low. "I may be weak and a pushover, but I don't want to hurt others."

"So, you will let them hurt you instead?!" Law raised his voice, which even shocked me. "Adam, I am so disappointed in you! You don't even have the will to protect yourself. How can you expect that others will respect you? I hate you."

Adam slowly raised his head as he looked at Law blankly. "Law..."

"Son," I called softly, but Law looked away. I wanted to talk to him, but I knew I had to give him a bit of time to calm down first. Whatever happened seemed to truly upset my son. I could only cast Adam an apologetic look.

After Law's outburst, we traveled in silence. Even when we reached home, he ignored Adam and rushed inside.

"What the...?" Sam, who welcomed us home, watched his son, who sprinted inside the mansion after hopping down the carriage. "My wife, our son, seemed very upset. Just what happened to this tea party?"

I only cast him a disinterested look before turning to Adam. "Adam, it's alright. We'll let him calm down first, alright? I will talk to him later."

Adam had been biting his lip, suppressing the tears that had been tempting from the corner of his eyes. He only nodded without saying a word. A sigh slipped past my lips as I glanced at Charlotte.

"Please make something nice to eat for Adam and Law," I requested and Charlotte nodded while saying, "yes, madam," and then assisted Adam out of the carriage.

As Charlotte held Adam's hand while walking back home, Sam offered his hand to me. But I slapped it lightly, causing his eyes to dilate in shock.

"Thank you, but no," I said as I helped myself out of the carriage. I didn't idle as I walked towards our house, lifting my chin.

Sam walked beside me nervously. "My wife, why are you also upset? Did I do something wrong?"

"Wrong?" I stopped and turned my head to him. "Nothing in particular. Just someone got into my nerves."

"My wife, is this because of Baroness Fletcher? Wife, you know me. I only have you in my eyes." Sam reached his hands to me and held my shoulders. He lowered his head while his brows rose.

"I know."

"Right? I knew you will not misunderstand..."

"If you know I will not misunderstand, why are you acting defensively?" I raised a brow. I knew I shouldn't push my frustration toward him, but it irked me.

"You and Baroness Fletcher... you tell me not to misunderstand. However, it sounds to me like there's something to misunderstand."

"My wife, I'm just acting this way because I don't want to die!" Sam exclaimed while I only looked at him with a dead expression. I stared at him for a very long time before letting out a sharp exhale. Without speaking a word, I took a step forward and wrapped my arms around him.

"I trust you, Sam. And I knew you will not do that to me. But still..." I rested the side of my head on his chest, letting out another sigh. "I was jealous. I don't like it."

"My wife, my love." Sam stroked my back to soothe my frustration. "It's alright... although I was secretly happy that you are jealous. You rarely get jealous."

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"Sam..." I frowned while he chortled while cradling me.

"Hehe. I love you and only you. If she upsets you, I will break her neck — I mean, I'd rather break my connection with the House Fletcher if you don't like it."

"There's no need." I shook my head lightly, tightening my grip around his waist. "I just hate it when someone is trying to snatch you away from me. You're mine."

I felt childish at the moment that I hid my flustered face in his chest. Meeting Lady Talia irked me. The way she spoke, as if my husband liked her, made me want to slap her a hundred times.

Sam remained silent momentarily as he rested his chin on top of my head. "I like it. I like it when you claim that I am yours."

"Yes, you're mine," I repeated, but this time, a little weak.

"Mhm. Samael La Crox and Samael Roux are Lilou's property. I feel like thanking Lady Fletcher for making me hear something so wonderful," He humored in a gentle tone while stroking my back. "I'm only yours, Lilou. My heart is yours from the very beginning until the day I rot."

I pressed my lips together. "You make me feel bad for being childish."

"Your childishness always has a special place in my heart — ack!" I slapped his back and raised my head to glare at him. Sam had this playful grin on his face as if he was extremely happy.

"We should head inside," I said. "Law is very upset and I know Adam too."

Sam let out a sigh as he reluctantly let me go. But this time, I held his hand, making him raise his brows as he gazed at me in surprise.

"You don't like it?" I asked while slipping my fingers in between his.

"You made my heart skip a bit. My wife, I hope you are always this needy." His fingers wrapped around mine.. "Let's go inside and be exemplary parents to our emotional sons."