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The Duke's Passion

Chapter 672 She had seen too much
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Chapter 672  She had seen too much

Fabian was a normal young peasant, barely surviving at a young age. When his mother passed and their abomination of a father, who only thought of himself, all Fabian has was his older brother, Rufus. His older brother stood like his parents, working manual labor at a young age to raise his little brother.

But life wasn't fair.

For these boys, no matter how they tried to live morally, it was never enough. Thus, Rufus, who thought working hard was the way in life, had to resort to stealing to feed two mouths, risking his young life day by day just so the two of them survived.

Things weren't particularly good, but they were surviving. Until years passed and Fabian became the target of bullying. When life was hard, people tend to unload their anger on those weaker than them. Sadly, Fabian wasn't as strong, brave, and capable as Rufus, and was a victim of constant beating for no reason.

The reason Rufus had to step up his game. Rufus, a teenage boy who only thought stealing was the gravest sin he would commit, used his fist to protect his only family. He became a ruffian, constantly involved in brawls only for the sole reason to teach everyone who touched his little brother a lesson.

Their life was a cycle of beating people up or getting beaten. It was a vicious life. Thus, when Rufus was beaten to the point he nearly died, Fabian swore he wouldn't let his brother worry about him anymore. That he wouldn't be the main reason for those bruises and scars.

But Fabian, who believed Rufus' life would be a little peaceful if he leave, was wrong.

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Rufus had already fallen into the abyss and their life was something that wouldn't be reversed easily. Just like how Fabian found beauty in blood and death, Rufus' only way to survive was to stand tall.

Unknowingly, the Barrett Brothers created each other.

Rufus became a ruffian who ruled the Mock Town, which was now called Grimsbanne, even though when the only person why he became a rogue left on his own. Meanwhile, Fabian became a lunatic, bathing with vampire blood for research, even though his initial reason for leaving was for Rufus to lead a better life.

Both didn't mention it to each other even at the present time, but they had constantly wondered; what happened?

When Fabian returned to Mock Town, Rufus was no longer the leader of the gang in the said land. Instead, everything had changed because there was a particular vampire who claimed the land. The moment he met the infamous banished prince, Fabian instantly knew that the man was someone he would serve.

However, the term "serve" was something Fabian wasn't fond of. He had slaughtered vampires and humans alike for his own reason. Never once had Fabian bow his head to anyone when he left his brother. There was no way he would do that, but what life had in store for him was different.

Samael, Rufus's master, was a remarkable man. Not because he was bored enough to rebuild the neglected town, nor was it because he was a royalty. Samael was different and had his way into people. This vampire, who was strong enough to fight the current king, accepted Fabian.

It didn't matter how dark and twisted Fabian was, nor did Samael flinch when he came to know how Fabian was unable to control his violent urges. Instead, Samael accepted and helped him.

"If you go out of control, then I'll beat the crap out of you until you regain your senses."

Those were the words Samael uttered with a bright grin, unbothered by the bruises across his face and the blood oozing from his body Fabian inflicted on him. It wasn't an exaggeration to consider Samael as the Barrett Brother's light.

Therefore, to calm himself down, Fabian agreed to a blood contract that bound his life to Samael. A contract where Samael's words were absolute and had more value than his own. Samael had also sealed Fabian's corrupted heart, which was caused by creating Maleficent.

Maleficent. A dark spear that trapped and devoured souls. Although it was an object, it was more or less alive. Something that only those who were strong enough to control it could only wield, or else it would devour its holder. It was a double-edged sword.

How it was created? Only a few individuals knew.

Fabian did not solely create maleficent. In fact, he simply took part in it and wielded it, bathing it with countless blood and life. The very person who helped Fabian create it was… a witch.

Fast forward to the time Fabian had become a head butler in Samael's manor, who somehow gained the title of the duke with the restoration of Mock Town. As Samael occasionally visited the capital, Fabian noticed Rufus' inclination toward a particular royalty.


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Everyone knew Rufus and Silvia's past and their story. It was no secret that their love for each other was strong, but it wasn't strong enough to last with all the problems that arose. However, there was more behind the story of Silvia and Rufus, and everything that had happened that no one else knew aside from Fabian… and now Cassara.

"You!" Cassara's breath hitched as she abruptly retrieved her hand from his temple, jolting back at the memories she had seen. However, she wasn't quick enough as Fabian suddenly grabbed his jaw to silence her.

"How amusing," he mused with a sly smirk, gazing down at Cassara's pair of dilated eyes.

"Fabian, let go of her." Samael darted his eyes to Fabian and Cassara indifferently. "Do you now remember everything?"

Fabian smiled politely, casting Samael a side-eye. "Yes, my lord. It was a little… strange."

"Fabian, I know it's strange, but let go of her," Rufus chimed in with his classic emotionless voice.

"He can't." Before anyone could respond, Tilly's voice caressed their ears. Samael arched a brow as he glanced at Tilly, while Rufus furrowed his brows. Meanwhile, Fabian kept Cassara under his grip with a subtle smile on his face.

"She had seen quite a lot of my memories, My Lord. How can I let someone like that go?" Fabian tilted his head to the side, raising his hand until Cassara's feet left the ground. Her protest was muffled, holding his wrist and digging her nails into his skin.

'Let me go!' were her repeating muffled screams.

"Let her go." This time, Samael's voice grew colder. "That is not how you thanked the person who retrieved your memories."

Fabian's eyes glinted, keeping them at Cassara. He held her for several seconds before he eventually let her go, and she landed on the ground with a thud. While she was coughing and catching up to her breathing, Fabian's eyes drooped until they were partially closed.

"One word and I'd slit your throat, Your Royal Highness. Don't even think about opening your mouth."