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The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 445 - THIRTEEN YEARS OLD (9)
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Chapter 445 - THIRTEEN YEARS OLD (9)

"KACE!" Hope screamed on the top of her lungs when she watched the white wolf dashed toward her with his sharp fangs and claws.

Out of instinct, Hope dropped to the ground and covered her head between her hands, she thought Kace was about to attack her based on the vicious look on his red eyes.

However, the pain that she expected didn't come, instead there was a loud menacing snarl and growl from behind her.

Slowly, with thumping heart, Hope pried her eyes opened and watched in horror when the white lycan was trying to tear a woman apart.

Hope had never seen her before, but from the look of it, apparently the woman was another supernatural creature and when Hope's eyes landed on her golden one, she knew immediately who she was…

Those golden eyes…

Was she the creature that possessed Aidan earlier?

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Hope was very astounded by what she was witnessing until something soft touched the side of her body.

She flinched and was about to fight and run away again when her eyes caught a sight of brown wolf beside her.

"Lana!" Hope exclaimed in surprise as the feeling of relief flooded her system and let her to take relax. With Kace and Lana were here, she was safe now.

The brown wolf nudged on Hope's h.i.p.s and she grimaced. "It's okay…" She mumbled and let the brown wolf to help her to stand up, moved to the side so they wouldn't catch within the fight that occurred.

Hope supported her body with the wall behind her and watched as the white Lycan tore the woman's neck and threw her ruthlessly to the nearby tree.

The tree shook and let out a cracking sound, ye it didn't fall.

The woman crawled with her arms to avoid the vicious attack from the white lycan and rolled her body aside.

At this point, Hope had forgotten about the pain on her h.i.p.s. The scene before her eyes was something that she had never seen before. She had never known that the gentle white wolf could turn into something so brutal like this.

It didn't mean Hope mind it, after all, the woman had possessed her friend's body and almost killed her if Kace and Lana didn't come right in time.

When the fight was still happening, another growls and snarls could be heard from the distance and it wasn't only one or two, from the sound of it, it seemed there were at least ten werewolves or Lycans were coming toward their direction.

Hope could feel the brown wolf, which was standing in front of her, tensed. She let out a low and deep growl on her own.

What is it? Are they not friends? Since they were coming from the same kind, Hope thought they would help them, yet the long howl from the white lycan told her, it seemed that wasn't the case.

The disturbance made the white Lycan stopped with his attack, unfortunately that one moment was used by the woman to escape, the time her figure ran toward the tree, she disappeared, leaving only white smoke as she vanished without a trace.

The white lycan snarl and growl in his anger, seeing his prey managed to get away. historical

But, everything happened really fast when because the same moment the woman with golden eyes disappeared into thin air, there were around twenty werewolves and Lycans came into Hope's line of sight.

The brown wolf in front of Hope anxiously pushed her against the wall, hiding her figure from the creatures that had just come.

Yet, it was futile attempt because they could sniff her scent from where they were standing in their four sturdy legs.

Fortunately, the majestic and livid white lycan before their eyes was enough to draw their attention from Hope.

Among the crowd of huge wolves, there was one big grey wolf that stepped forward. Though that wolf wasn't as big as the white one, but its size was bigger than the other creatures that came with him.

The two creatures stared at each other for a few seconds before the big grey wolf lowered its head and showed its neck.

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Hope recognized that as a sign of submissive. Kace had told her about one or two rules within his kinds and it was also indicated that Kace held higher position compared to the rest of the werewolves and lycans there.

That fact alone was enough to make Hope sighed in relief.

She couldn't imagine if Kace had to fight those twenty creatures, though Lana would help, Hope doubted they would have an upper hand.

Afterward, there was an ear- piercing cracking sound from the big grey wolf as he shifted into his human's form.

He was a man, who was only slightly shorter from Kace, wearing torn jeans and tee shirt, yet the around him showed that he was someone with high rank that couldn't be underestimated.

"My name is Calleb Watson. I am Gamma supreme in Torak Donovan pack." That man introduced himself. "I assume you are the brother of our Alpha."

Calleb used question mark in the end of his sentence as he stared at the white lycan before him. It was well known that there were only three white lycan and all of them were Donovan.

Whoever they were, they couldn't disregard the royal family from their kinds, though this was not the other Donovan's land.

To answer Calleb question, Kace shifted back into his human form with his clothes and pants intact. His blue eyes were still the color of blood, but he was aware enough with his surrounding and has fully control over his beast.

"Gluttony is in your land and you don't know about that." Kace growled in deep voice, his eyes bore a hole on the Gamma. "Yet, because of you, she managed to escape."

"We know she is in our land and we have been chasing after her in these past years." Calleb admitted. "I guess you are Kace Donovan, would you like to meet your brother to talk about this?"