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The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 585 - A LONG NIGHT (3)
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Chapter 585 - A LONG NIGHT (3)

If they took the wrong movement then Bree would be buried inside these ruins. So that's why it was crucial for Hope to take Bree as fast as she could before something bad happened.

"One… Two… Three!" Ian shouted out his instruction as the three of them lifted the heavy piece of the wooden blocks that buried Mrs. Lori's body. "Hope, take the girl!"

Hope didn't need to be told twice as she immediately fell to her feet and pulled Bree's small body away from her mother's embrace.This would be the last time and the last moment for the little girl to feel the warmth of her mother.

"I got her!" Hope crawled back with Bree in her arms as she watched Lana and the siblings put back the heavy piece of wooden blocks, this time, it covered Mrs. Lori's body completely. They couldn't see her, but they knew she was there, lying motionlessly, no longer breathing.

The three of them fell on their back as they were panting, trying to catch a breath.The wounds on their body were not completely healed yet, thus, this extra physical labor exhausted them.

"How is she?" Ethan asked, panting. He turned his head towards Hope and little Bree.

"I think she is fine, but she is still unconscious." Hope felt her heart ached. The little girl had to lose her mother this way, at such a young age.

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However, Hope forgot that she was no different from little Bree. She was saved by Serefina when she was only a baby, and also lost both of her parents at such a young age.

"She will be fine. We can ask the centaurs to do their magic healing on her." Ian reassured Hope as he stood up, approaching the two girls.

Though they just met for a few days, the siblings really bonded with little Bree. She reminded them of Rossie, their younger sister, who they left back at home. The girl must be very upset if she knew her brothers left her behind for days without a word.

"I think she injured her head," Ian wiped off the blood that trickled down from Bree's head. "But, it is not serious."

Hope wanted to know how Ian knew that the injuries were not serious.But then she remembered that it was one of the perks of being a shapeshifter. Somehow they knew of how bad the condition of the other creatures was.This ability came naturally and they called this instinct. They would know whether their opponents were stronger than them or not. It applied the same in this case.

"Where is Mr. Lori?" Hope asked. Her head skimmed her surroundings, and watched as Lana moved swiftly to the other part of the rumble.

She stopped for a moment and sniffed the air, as if she was trying to pick a certain scent, which was true, because she was looking for Mr. Lori's location.

A moment later, Lana shouted to the other people, "Over here!" as all they could see was only her waving hand. Apparently she had found where Mr. Lori was.

Ian helped Hope to stand up and offered her his help to carry Bree. But Hope just waved her hand, at the very least, carrying Bree in her hand, was the only thing she could do to help. historical

When they approached where Lana was, deep down Hope wished that nothing bad would happen to Mr. Lori, since Bree had just lost her mother.

And then, there, Hope saw a figure lying down under a piece of wreckage. She recognized him immediately.

Of course it was Mr. Lori in his dull blue color robe, the exact same robe that he used when he attended the funeral.

Hope could feel her heart that was beating so fast, that she hugged Bree closer to her. She clumsily walked on the rumble.

Oh no, not Mr. Lori too…

Hope fell to her feet next to Mr. Lori with Lana beside her, and the twins sat on the other side of his body.

"Mr. Lori…" Ethan called him, his tone was unsteady as he tried to lift the heavy piece of wreckage off the lower half of Mr. Lori's body.

Ian and Lana tried to do the same, yet the wreckage didn't even budge. And Mr. Lori's face contorted in every small move that they made.

They were trying desperately to move the large piece of wood off of him, even with the three shapeshifters there, it didn't move at all.

Seeing their efforts were in vain, and it didn't help Mr. Lori's condition either, as he was in immense pain right now, they stopped and tried to think of another way to save him.

Mr. Lori's eyes were wide and filled with fear, as they could see a dark pool of blood were already formed below his head.

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"It's okay, we will get you out of this, alright?" Hope tried to console him.Yet, even she knew that those words were merely empty words.

"We can't move it," Ethan hissed grimly.

"We need to find help," Ian looked around in panic.

"I will go to the village and ask for help," Hope volunteered, she was about to give Bree to Lana when the female werewolf stood up.

"No, you stay here with them, I will go to the village and ask for help. I can run faster than you." Lana said and shifted into her beast before she rushed towards the direction of the village.

She was right, in her beast form, Lana could run ten times faster than Hope.

Ethan attempted once again shoving the wreckage from Mr. Lori's body, only to be disappointed by his strength. The piece of wood was very firm.

"It is okay, Mr. Lori. Lana is looking for help," Hope said softly, her voice was shaking as well as her entire body.

"Bree…" he stretched out his trembling hand and Hope moved closer to him so he could see his daughter.

"She is fine, she is just unconscious, but she will be fine," Hope said hastily.

"My… wife?" He asked again, but Hope didn't answer him this time. The look of defeat on Hope's face showed him the truth more than any spoken words could.

He just lost his wife.