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The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 989 - HER DECISION
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Chapter 989 - HER DECISION

And the second time Raine opened her eyes was when she felt all the light around her dim all of sudden, turning her surroundings dark instantly. She was in the same room, on the very night of the death of her parents.

Raine was holding the huge blade, ready to kill the two creatures who were about to kill her parents. On the other side, she could see a smiling Belphegor, staring at her lazily.

"Hi again, Raine…" he waved his hand and smirked. "How is it? Happy with your decision?"

Raine fell to the floor and the blade in her hand cluttered on the ground in the quiet, loudly. The time was stilled, but it was not her doing. It was Belphegor's handiwork.

"How…" Her breathe became uneven and her face contorted with dreadful thoughts. "What…" tears were rolling down her cheeks. "How could you do that…?"

Belphegor tilted his head, as if Raine was asking the most obvious thing. "I hold the same power as you, Hope and Lilac." He shrugged nonchalantly, as if that was not a big deal for him.

Raine shook her head. "What I saw…" she couldn't finish her words, her mind reeled with the thoughts of what she had gone through all this while. That was definitely not a dream.

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Meanwhile, the devil took a leisurely walk to approach Raine and knelt down before her, his eyes looked at the girl curiously and then he chuckled in merry.

"Did you see that? Time is a dangerous thing, honey…" Belphegor stretched out his hand and with his slender finger, he tipped Raine's head so he could clearly see the fear dancing in Raine's eyes, it whirled wildly. "Don't mess up with time and don't avoid the things that were bound to happen." He shrugged his shoulders.

Raine was trembling. She swatted Belphegor's hand that pinched her chin, not wanting to be touched by the devil.

Belphegor then fell on his back and looked at the guardian angel, amused. Raine was staring at her parents, with palpable fear prancing wildly in her eyes.

"What is the meaning of all this?" Her voice was very low, trembling. She could feel that she wouldn't like the answer, but she still asked him nonetheless.

Belphegor tilted his head. "Nothing." His golden eyes stared at Raine deeply. He wanted to put as much fear as possible in her, dismantle this guardian angel mentally and keep her in this realm. "I just like to see fear in your eyes."

This was what Serefina had said about Raine's fear. The devils could feel her fear and were tempted to use it to their own benefit.

The way Raine grew up was completely different from Hope and Lilac. She was totally clueless about any other worlds aside from her human world.

She grew up holding into a painful past which tainted her soul, her very soul of a guardian angel.

Raine was hopelessly broken when Torak finally found her and though she managed to get better, his presence in her life wasn't enough to heal her completely.

Her soul was still not at ease, meanwhile the essence of the guardian angel, the true power of their strength always came from their soul.

Therefore, how could Raine use the best of her power with that kind of soul? Even though she had already tapped into her power, there was so much room for her to do more…

She was something more entirely…

Hence, before Raine could overcome it on her own, no amount of external help could do this anything better for her.

"Why are you telling me this?" Her voice was still a whisper, but her eyes hardened, demanding for an answer. historical

"Because I can do it and this makes my immortal life feel less dull." Belphegor attempted to touch Raine's hair, but she swatted his hand again and moved back, out of his arm's reach. "Go on, you can kill the two creatures again and maybe the future will change if you tried something different. Who knows?"

This was one of the reasons why Serefina told Raine that; in spite of the fact that she could go back to the past, she was not allowed to change anything… because things could become worse than they already were.

The power to change something was a temptation itself. Another hurdle that Raine should overcome.

"So, do you want to change this again?" Belphegor waved his hand and the time was ticking again.

On the other hand, Raine watched the two creatures make their move against her parents, ready to kill them and she could stop them again, but…

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This time Raine didn't stop them, but a heart wrenching scream left her mouth when the two creatures did what they had done to her parents ten years ago.

At the back of her head, she could still feel how it was to grow up with parents beside her. However, the rationale part of her mind reminded about how it would all end up when she tried to intervene with the past…

Everything repeated once again before Raine's eyes and Belphegor only watched in amus.e.m.e.nt when he saw the fear wrecking her soul even more.

Her screams couldn't be heard, thus no matter how many times she asked them to stop, they simply didn't hear her plea…

Yet, the worst part was; this was just the beginning.

Raine knew what kind of life that she would see after this night and she was forced to relive it again.


Solemnly, Serefina watched the wall of fire before her eyes and the dragon beasts in the sky that tried to fly past it, yet they were burned in an instant.

This fire was made to kill and even a fire dragon beast couldn't stand it.

So far, two dragon beasts tried to breakthrough, and they both ended up being dead. Seeing this, the other beasts could only fly away, trying to not get any contact with this fire.

This kept the people behind the flames wall safe. At least for the time being…

Serefina knew from where this fire came from and she just disagreed with Jedrek's choice of protection. This kind of move would only harm him in the end. A move that was executed in a pure moment of impulsiveness.

"Stupid," the witch hissed.