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The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

Chapter 582
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‘The rain poured down so heavily that it Was even starting to reach usin the covered deck Elva dove o cover her precious coloring book pages “Everyone, insidel” Nicholas said We grabbed our things and hurried Inside. helped Elva with her crayons and coloring pages, careful not to get ther any damper than they already were.

‘The moment we were inside, the storm truly began outside. Lightning struck and wind howled.

“So much for volleyball” Jessica grumbled.

Aparticularly loud thunderclap made Elva jump. She cuddled closer to me, hugging my thigh.

As we were standing around there, watching the storm outside the

windowed sliding glass door, Selma came out from the kitchen. When she saw us or rather, when she saw Elva crying, she came forward, leaned down, and asked er, “How would you like same ice: cream, litle one?” ASI came with Elva nto the kitchen, quickly leammed from the excess of ice cream in the ridge, that Selma was ooking for ways to get rid of the lee cream. She had planned many big.

desserts for our remaining nights, but with our rip ending early, there was no longer any need for such surplus.

Ifthe ce cream stayed after weall left, it would just go to waste and have to be thrown ava.

Because o this, twenty minutes later, al of the candidates, even Bridget, and the princes and Elva, had a pint of ice cream each as we lounged around in the living.

‘The sugary le cream was helping with

everyone's mood somewhat. No one was.

‘mad about the storm anymore, Jessica had even put ona couple of records, upbeat dance music E Yeti the overall maod as sil lu.

‘What was supposed tobe fun island beach vacation had turned into more or less anightmare.

Twas still determined to fe up everyone's mood.

“Since we're all already here, why don't we play a game?" asked.

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“We can't play volleyball,” Jessica sad.

“It doesn't have tobe athletic,” [said Especially not with us feeding our faces with ice cream. “We could play something else. like..charades!” Everyone looked around.

“1 don’t know." Veronica said, Bridget clapped her hand. “1 think 105.2

greatideal” started, looking at her, “You do?” “Yes,” she sald. “That could be reat unl 1s the best rainy day party game!” Jessica rolled her eyes, “Fine. guess it couldbe fun.” Hooked at Veronica. She shrugged. 1 guess.” if youwant o, Piper,” Julian said Hooked at Eva. “1 just want to color,” she said. She stretched herselfon the floor, he coloring pages and crayons in the space before hr. She picked up a purple crayon and scribbled it across a foe petal.

“Nicholas, Jessica, and Iwill be ona team,” Bridget said. “Piper, Julian, and Veronica on a separate team.” She Jumped to her feet. “Hold on while get everything setup.”

Twasn't sure what she was taking charge So adamantly. it was just a silly party game, not a challenge or an event, Lunderstood alittle better, when she returned with a bow of words written on scraps of paper, because standing behind her was a camera crew ready o shoot.

Bridget knew that she had taken a it lately with her terrible behavior, This must have been some new plan of hrs to bring hes reputation backup.

‘Agitation grow within me but did't say word about i. Let her do whatever she ‘wanted as longs we could have fun and.

lift everyone's mood.

We separated into our teams, sitting together. Nicholas, when choosing where to:it, picked the spot outside ofessica, farthest from Bridget and closest to me and my team, “Round onel” Bridget said, “I'l go ist!”

‘With the cameras recording, she seemed over enthusiastic Veronica gave her a.

flat, bored ook just barely caught myself before could roll my eyes, With the camera catehingall, didnt want.

anyone to know my distain for her.

Bridget reached into the bowl of words and pulled ut one. She wasn't allowed to tell anyone what it was, “Oh, this is an easy onel” she announced.

before putting the paper in her pce.

“Now, don't feel back, Pipes team, if vou don't do as well as us. Keep in mind.

that 'm an actress, afer al. I'm naturally more talented at some things.

than the rest of you.” Veronica and looked at each other.

Julian groaned. “Get on with it.” Bridget ignored him. “Ready the clock,” she said. Jessica started the kitchen timer Selmahad brought them. The chime was.

setto go off after sixty seconds.

"Gol" Jessica said.

Bridget began making some kind of motion. 1 wasn't sure what she was trying.

todo? She was gyrating her body, kind of like a fish out of water but standing up? I.

aide make any sense.

“Dancing?” Jessica said Bridget kept moving, which meznt that guess was incorrect, “Fishing,” Nicholas sad, which showed how well we were in sync. That was exactly what had been thinking.

Bridget stopped moving o glare at him.

He shrugged, and she began again “Cooking? Swimming? Being electrocuted?” Jessica shouted, calling one quickly afte the next.

Bridget continued her strange fluid ‘movement,

Nicholas just shook his head.

Jessica continued trying, “Bubbles? Mermaids? Trying on clothes?” —— “The timer dinged. Bridget groaned asshe Stopped her strange movements. “Come on, you guys! It was baking cupeaks! Obviously!” Nicholas opened his mouth. He immediately closed i Jessica's face serunched up in confusion.

“You didn’t even move your ars!” Bridge glared until she glanced at the cameras, asi remembering they were there. She immediately brightened. She.

clapped. “Alright, Good first effort team.

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Well get them next time.” twas my team’s en.

“Piper, your tum,” Bridge said o me.

Vim pretty sure it was up to my team to decide our firs contender but whatever, Julian or Veronica didn't seem to car,

and neither did I.

stood, went to bowl and pulled a word, (Golf cat. Okay. That was weled but coulddolt.

“i'm ready,” 1 said.

Jessica set the timer, “Gol” Tmoved to stand ike vas about to swing.

agolf club Nosooner had 1 gone through the motion, than thefts guess came out of Julians mouth. “Golf cart” My ees went wide. I stopped.

Hadhe seen my paper? No. He couldn't have from that distance.

He had to have actually guessed that.

“Noshitl he laughed. “Was tht really fe “Yeah, I sad, laughing now too

“Woo!” he said, jumping to his feet.

Veronica clapped, a dd Jessica It was an excellent guess.

Julian jumped forward, scooped me no.

his arms, and swing me around. We both, laughed all the ay However, all good feelings vanished the minute] heard a deep, guttural noise: Julian lowered me down, His face vent pale He swallowed hard. He took two.

very large steps back from me.

“Uh. sorry, Piper.” “solay.

‘We both glanced atthe couch. At Nicholas.

Nicholas, who was still growing.