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The Luna’s Choice by Kat Silver

Chapter 107
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Chapter 107: Ayla

We came back to the real world, and I remembered I was short on time. We straightened

ourselves up, righting our clothing and checking our appearance. I kind of wished I could

shower but didn’t want to lose the time. So I would rush through the packhouse and hope I

didn’t run into anyone I didn’t want to.

Besides, having his scent with me on the drive down would be comforting.

Theo would leave a few minutes after me, so I grabbed my bag and rushed out the door. I

didn’t make it far before a hand grabbed my arm and spun me around.

Then Theo was kissing me.

“I’m sorry,” he said between pecks. “I needed one more goodbye.”

I chuckled, not bothering to protest, as I kissed him back. We were so caught up in each

other that neither noticed someone had come down the hall.

“I f**king knew it.”

My head snapped around to see Kylee at the end of the hall. My gut twisted as my heart

sank. She was fuming, looking at me with hate in her eyes that ripped me in two. I pushed

away from Theo, moving toward my sister.

“Kylee, I can explain,” I rushed. “Please, just listen to me.”

“Why the hell should I?” she spat. “You ruined my relationship so you could steal my mate.

It all looks pretty clear to me.


Chapter 107: Ayla

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“No,” I yelled. “That’s not what happened. I tried to prevent this. We tried to prevent it.”

“Oh, that’s pretty d**n rich,” Kylee exclaimed.

“It’s the truth, Kylee,” Theo insisted behind me. “Which is more than

you gave us.

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“Are you f**king kidding me right now?” She stepped closer to us. “You’re f**king her. I

smell you all over each other.” She turned to me. “I knew you were behind our break-up.

He came to you about the money you took, and you came up with a whole plan to turn

him against me. Feeding him c**p about you paying for everything.”

“What?” I said, shocked. “No, everything about the money was true, Kylee. But I didn’t do

it to break you up. I wanted to be left alone. I wanted to stay out of your life so your

relationship had a chance.”

“What the f*ck is that supposed to mean?” Kylee spat. “You’re so full of yourself that you

really think he would just leave me for you if you were here. You’ve been delusional for

years, Ayla. I should have known you would never let me be happy.”

“Kylee,” Theo growled in warning, but she didn’t stop.

“Why do you think it took me so long to introduce you? I knew you would insist on being

there, and I was so embarrassed by you that I just stayed away.”

I felt my anger start to rise. Hearing the words coming from her. I felt Theo take a step

closer, growling out another warning for her to shut up. She still didn’t.

“Why would I want to introduce my loser older sister who never amounted to anything to

the future Alpha of our pack? You’re such a selfish bi**h. You could never let me have

something that you could

Chapter 107 Ayla

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never get yourself.”

I snapped.

“You want to know why you were sent home with your tail between your legs, Kylee?” I

stated. “Not because of your ignorance, which is astounding, by the way. The fact that you

believe that the mother who couldn’t stay sober long enough to keep a job for more than a

month was actually paying the bills is a true testament to how ignorant you are. And it

wasn’t your sheer amount of ungratefulness. Since the years of driving you to school

every morning, the hours of help with homework, or the meals I cooked with the food I

paid for made me such a horrible, neglectful sister.

“No, it wasn’t those things.” I continued, stalking toward her. “No, Theo dumped you

because you are a selfish, lying, manipulative little brat.”

My vision flashed as a sharp, stinging sensation hit my face, my head snapping to the

side. My ears filled with a roaring sound. It wasn’t until my brain registered that Kylee had

slapped me that I realized the roar had come from Theo.

I looked to see Kylee against the wall, her feet dangling off the ground with Theo’s hand

around her throat.

“Don’t you ever f****ng touch my mate again,” Theo bellowed, his voice animalistic. I

knew Kieran was fighting to get loose. “Don’t speak to your Luna unless you intend to

show her the respect she deserves.”

Shock flashed across Kylee’s eyes briefly before the lack of air filled them with fear. Her

face turned red as she clawed at his hand. I Theo, grabbing his arm.

“Theo, stop,” I cried.

ran to

Chapter 107 Ayla

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“The only reason I’m not exiling you right now,” Theo thundered, “is because it would

break your sister’s heart. And I vowed I would never do that again. Especially not because

of you.”

Theo released Kylee, letting her fall to the floor like a doll, coughing and gasping for air. I

moved to go to her but stopped myself. She was alive. At that moment, I didn’t care about

anything else about her. I turned to Theo instead, trying to calm him down.

“Are you okay?” he asked, lifting my chin and pushing my hair back to check my face.

His reaction told me she left enough of a mark to cause a fresh bout of rage to rush

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through him. His eyes flashed yellow. A rumble grew in his chest.

“I’m fine, Theo,” I rushed, putting a hand on his cheek. “I’m fine.”

“How could you, Theo?” Kylee said hoa**ely. “How could you pick her?”

I gripped Theo’s shirt, knowing that was the last thing Kylee should have done. His jaw

clenched and his hands fisted. He turned to Kylee, pushing me behind him in a protective


“How could I?” he mirrored, eerily calm. “I could because she’s the greatest blessing the

goddess could ever give me. A blessing that we almost foolishly threw away. Because of

you.” He grabbed her arm and yanked her off the floor. “The question is, Kylee, how could

you? How could you be prepared to rob me of my fated mate and h*** *he f***ing gall to

not think you are selfish?” Theo pushed her down the hall. “Get out, Kylee. Before I change

my mind about banishing you.”

My sister shot me a look of disbelief. “Ayla, you wouldn’t let…”

I didn’t say anything. For the first time, I fully accepted that this was a

Chapter 107: Ayla

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situation she got herself into, and I wouldn’t come to her rescue.

She cried as she ran off, leaving me feeling numb as I watched, realizing we had attracted

an audience. I think I was numb. They say there is always a calm before the storm.

My phone was still in my hand, and it began to ring as Kylee disappeared. I glanced down.


Just what I fu**ing needed.

I threw the phone against the wall. Screaming as I forced my fingers through my hair.

‘Ayla…” Theo reached for me.

“Don’t,” I said, pushing him away. “Just… get her out of here.”

Without another word, I turned and returned to my apartment to fall apart.

Chapter 108: Theo

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