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The Luna’s Choice by Kat Silver

Chapter 168
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hapter 16: Ayla

Theo picked me up and carried me to our bedroom. He laid me on the bed and snuggled

up beside me.

“I can’t stay much longer,” he whispered against my hair.

“I know,” I said, hugging him closer to me. “Just be careful, please.”

“I will. I promise,” he told me.

“And you better be back in time for the ceremony,” I insisted. “Mina will kill you if Briggs is


“That’s why he’s not coming with me,” Theo said. “I’m taking my cousin, William.”

“Ah, yes, the mysterious cousin I haven’t met yet,” I teased. “Can I trust him to keep you


“Definitely,” Theo said confidently. “And you’ll get to meet him when we get back. He and

his mate, Beth, were attending the mating ceremony this weekend anyway.”


Theo kissed my forehead. “I have to go, babe.”

“Okay,” I replied. I looked up at my mate. I held his face as I kissed him firmly. “Please,

please, be careful. I love you. I can’t lose you.”

“I promise I’ll be back before you know it,” he assured me. “You just worry about taking

care of yourself, love.”


12:28 D

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I nodded.

He slipped out of the bed, tucking me under the covers. “I love you, baby.”

“I love you, too,” I whispered.

“I’ll call you when we get there.” He kissed my forehead one more time before leaving the


I did feel sleep creeping up on me, but guilt kept me awake. Guilt and relief. For a few

minutes, I thought I would have to confess to Theo about the wolfsbane. I was still feeling

its effects when I got back. Even as I lay there, I could feel the shadow of the poison still in

my system.

But I had managed to somehow keep it hidden from everyone else. Jimmy was suspicious

after a dizzy spell on the way to class, but I brushed it off as forgetting to eat.

I was upset that Theo had to leave. Even more upset that we have been attacked again.

Our pack hadn’t experienced these kinds of attacks in my living memory. The fact that

rogues were coming at our border was concerning for everyone. I was worried about Theo

being down there so close to them. But I also knew he needed to be there. So, at least, I

could use this as an opportunity to continue taking the wolfsbane without having to worry

about Theo noticing.

I dragged myself out of bed and went back to the living room to find my phone. I texted

Mina to let her know I was home and that it had worn off. She messaged back to say she

would be up to see me in a few minutes. She wanted to check that everything was okay.

I changed into some comfy sweats and plopped down on the couch to wait for her. I turned

the TV on but wasn’t really paying attention as I tried to stay awake. Mina knocked on the

door not too long later, and I


12:28 D

linked her to come in.

“So, how are you feeling?” she asked, coming over to sit by me.

“I’m good, actually,” I said honestly. “Exhausted, but that’s about it. But I think that may

be because I was fighting it so hard all morning.”

“No more lightheadedness? Heartrate is normal? Any nausea?”

“No, yes, and no,” I replied.

“And Theo didn’t suspect anything?”

I winced. “There were still some lingering effects when I got back that he noticed and got

a little worried about,” I told her. “But I convinced him I was fine.”

“I’m sure you did,” Mina said, shaking her head.

“He had to leave for a couple days,” I said.

“Briggs told me,” she replied.

“Do you think we could do another dose this evening?” I asked. “Then I could sleep it off.”

“I don’t know, Ayla,” she said. “We discussed once a day.”

“I know, but if I can get stronger before he gets back, then he won’t get so worried or

suspicious,” I argued. “Plus, the sooner I get through this, the better, right?”

Mina huffed, rubbing her forehead.

“Please, Mina?”

“Alright,” she agreed reluctantly. “But you get some sleep first. Don’t



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you have another class today?”

“Professor Armand’s class,” I said. “I’ll let him know I won’t be there.”

“Okay,” she replied. “How are you doing with Theo leaving?”

I sighed. “Obviously, I’m not happy about it. Mostly because of the reason. It’s hard to

believe that rogues are attacking now.”

“I know,” Mina concurred. “Briggs said they haven’t been able to figure out a motive yet.

This is the first time they managed to get any prisoners.”

“That explains why he wanted to bring his cousin,” I said.

Rogues weren’t bound to a pack, so the commands of lower–ranking members didn’t

affect them. A Beta could manage some control, but for getting information, an Alpha was

needed. William wouldn’t be as strong as Theo, but he still had Alpha blood. He would be

able to help Theo get answers.

“You don’t think they would attack again?” I said. “I can’t but worry they were luring him

down there.”

“He knows that’s a possibility,” Mina said. “We all do. He’ll be prepared for that, hon.”

“I know. But I’m still worried.”

“Well, he hasn’t made it there yet,” she replied. “He won’t make it down there until

nightfall, at least. So, you just get some rest. I’ll be back later to administer the dose.”

She stood up and leaned over to kiss my head before heading out.

“Love you,” she called over her shoulder.


12:28 D

“Love you, too.”