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The Luna’s Choice by Kat Silver

Chapter 45
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Chapter 45: Ayla

“Good morning, Laura,” I said as I was walking out of the packhouse.

I had been there a week and was really enjoying it. I had been worried about living around

so many people. I wasn’t excited about having to tell my story over and over. I also felt

weird about the whole pack knowing about my relationship with Kingston. But everything

had been going smoothly. Everyone I met was so welcoming. Most people didn’t ask too

many questions, which was a relief.

“Are you taking the day off?” Laura asked, taking in my casual jeans and flowy tank top.

“Yeah, Emma is on her way to pick me up. I’ve got a follow-up with the doctor, and then

we’re going to try and find me a


“Fingers crossed you’re all healed up,” Laura said as she waved me off.

‘Hey, girl,’ Emma said through the mind-link, ‘I’m outside.’

A few more pack members waved at me as I headed out the door to see Emma’s car

parked in the drive. I hurried down the stairs and climbed into the passenger seat.

“Ready to go?” Emma asked.

“Yep,” I said. “Let’s get going.



Chapter 45 Ayla

The appointment went well. The doctor said I could start taking the boot off at night while

sleeping, but we would give it another week or two with it on during the day. But he did

want to do weekly follow-ups since I was still healing quickly.

After the appointment, Emma and I had lunch at a local deli before heading to the first car

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

lot. Kingston wanted to go with me to buy a car, but I finally talked him into letting me go

with Emma instead. I was still working to convince him that he didn’t need to be with me

every free second of the day. It was sweet, but I was ready to regain my independence

now that I was on my feet again.


e you looking for anything in particular?” the salesman asked as we walked through the


“I’ll probably stick with a sedan, but I was thinking about something newer,” I said.

Since I didn’t have the extra expense of Kylee and Ma anymore, I decided to splurge and

get something I normally wouldn’t get for myself. Between what I got from the insurance

company and what was left of my advance from my last , I would have more than

enough to pay in full. And I was looking forward to the negotiations.

“I’m sure we have a few options that will work for you,” he said with a smile. “Are we

thinking something practical or perhaps a little sporty?”

“You know, I’m open to either,” I replied. “So why don’t we take a look at what you have.”


We spent over an hour walking through the lot. I didn’t tell



Chapter 45 Ayla

them I had seen the one I wanted within about five minutes. Instead, I kept going back

and forth between a few options. Near the end, I was teetering between the one I wanted

and a cheaper option about five thousand less.

“I don’t know,” I said tentatively. “I do really like it, but it’s a little more than I can spend

today. I was hoping to pay cash and get everything signed over.

My comment had the intended effect, and the salesman perked up. After a few minutes of

back and forth, we settled on two thousand below the asking price, and I was driving off

the lot within thirty minutes.

The car was a big difference for me, and I was really excited. Emma dropped her car off at

her condo, and we spent the afternoon driving around town. She helped me get to know

the city and pointed out all the fun places to check out. It was an awesome day. So, when

Kingston called when he was done working for the day, I was in a great mood.

“Hey, babe,” he said over my Bluetooth, “where are you at?”

“I’m just pulling up to the packhouse,” I said. “Want to come check out my new ride?”

He chuckled. “Of course. I’ll be right down.”

I was sitting on the hood of the car like they do in the movies when he came out of the

packhouse. I couldn’t help the ear- to-ear smile that appeared from the look on his face. I

don’t think he expected me to show up with something like this.

“This is your car?”

“Mhmm,” I hummed. “Paid in full.”



Chapter 45 Ayta

“You picked this out?”

“Yeah,” I laughed. “It has a few extra miles on it, but I can live with that since it has a

manual transmission. Now, it was a little tricky with the boot still on, but I didn’t want to

risk it being gone by waiting until it was…”

Kingston was suddenly kissing me. I chuckled against his lips as he practically pushed me

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

back against the hood. This was the most PDA we had taken part in since moving to the

packhouse. I probably would have cared a few days ago, but I was so happy right then

that I couldn’t be bothered.

“Have I told you how se*y you are?” Kingston said when he finally pulled away.

“Not for a few days, so I’ll take it,” I said. “Want to go for a ride?”

“With you? Always.”

We got in the car, and I took off down the drive.

“So, a muscle car, huh?” He smiled at me as I turned down a road that led out of the city.

“I’ve kind of wanted one for years,” I admitted.

“Why not get one before now?” he asked, resting his hand casually on my thigh.

“Because I had a household to take care of,” I said. “Besides, I tried not to get anything

too tempting for Ma to gamble away.”

He squeezed my leg. I didn’t want to talk about my past tonight. This was the first time in

ten years I could be myself,



and I had every intention of enjoying it. I pulled down another side road, not really sure

where I was going, but I had a feeling I was headed exactly where I wanted to go.

The sun was starting to set as I drove along a lake. I saw a dirt turn-off and took it, parking

a short distance from the road and cutting the engine.

“What is all this about?’ Kingston asked as we got out of the


I shrugged. “It’s been a good day. I figured doing something spontaneous may just make a

great night.”
