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The Max Level Hero Has Returned!-Novel

Chapter 458: The Massive Wall
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Chapter 458: The Massive Wall

Merlin smiled nonchalantly. "I truly don't hold high expectations."

"Numerous individuals harbor the aspiration of becoming a wizard, yet rare are those endowed with your level of talent. Are you, in essence, ridiculing those who toil tirelessly, striving to refine their skills?"

"Hahaha, did it sound that way? I offer my apologies, Princess. Please, refrain from taking offense."

"I see no cause to entertain such casual discourse from you."

"Seems that way."

Uttering her words in a composed manner, arms crossed, Winley gently tapped her staff, which stood as tall as herself.


Concurrently, a substantial amount of mana surged forth, birthing a fiery sphere before her. This blazing orb, brought into being by harnessing a significant mana reserve, radiated a brilliant glow. As the sphere took shape, Winley's countenance portrayed determination; she promptly swung her staff toward Merlin, who observed the unfolding scene with a relaxed demeanor.

[Explode, summon the heat!]



The 4th Circle flame explosion spell, Flare, enshrouded and detonated around Merlin. In comparison to the displays witnessed during the competition, its precision and swiftness stood out prominently.

While most would be reduced to ashes within the fiery blast, Winley drew even more mana into the erupting flames.

[Cool down! Come forth, freeze!]

[Icicle Block!]


Subsequently, she directed a counterspell at the persistent fiery sphere. A frigid frost swiftly engulfed and congealed the flames, employing rapid heating succeeded by swift cooling. This abrupt temperature shift could even cause robust metals to fracture. Not content to halt there, Winley crouched and applied a spell to her ankles.

While numerous wizards leaned toward defensive or counteractive magic in duels, Winley's approach leaned toward overpowering her adversary. She was acutely aware that merely adopting a passive stance in a magical confrontation wasn't the wisest course.


As the magic-induced mist swiftly dissipated, Winley surged toward Merlin.


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However, just as her staff's swift swing neared Merlin, Winley discerned an interruption in her staff's flow as a small stone pillar emerged from the ground. Swiftly putting distance between them, she twirled her staff through the air, casting another spell.

"Burning desire, karma of the inflamed! Manifest!"

A sly expression played across Winley's countenance. Numerous magic missiles materialized around her, promptly homing in on Merlin and cascading down.

"Sun Fire Prism Light!"

Yet another incantation flowed from Winley, utilizing sunlight to scorch a designated area. Given her affiliation with red wizards, it was reasonable to deduce that fire was her predominant elemental attribute.

Sustaining a relentless barrage of magic missiles upon Merlin, she strategically aimed for more potent strikes. The vigilant scrutiny she maintained over her surroundings underscored the significance of her hands-on combat experience.

"Who would have imagined... Winley possessed such prowess."

Her unyielding assault garnered admiration from the spectators. Unlike fellow participants who interspersed their spellcasting with pauses, Winley demonstrated thorough preparation, minimizing gaps and sustaining unrelenting pressure on Merlin.

"Princess, instead of being a mere observer, why not fully engage…?" Merlin, who had casually folded his arms since the onset, halted mid-sentence. He found himself impressed with Winley's approach.

She was augmenting her tactics by casting support spells like Haste and Strength on herself, and subsequently engaging in close combat.

"It's a tad innovative, but..." Managing to evade Winley's assault, Merlin's brow furrowed for the first time. His leg, poised to move, became rooted in place.

"Offer your apologies to Yulis!"

Shreeek!! Crash!!

With a path that left no room for escape, Winley laid three traps, cunningly deceiving Merlin.

The tactic executed flawlessly; the staff precisely struck Merlin's head. The sight of Merlin plummeting, his head hanging limp, left the entire audience in awe. It was a remarkable display of skill.

Read the most updated version of this and other amazing translated s from the original source at [ I ]

Davey acknowledged that Baris and Winley, though not lacking in talent, had their clear limitations. He had aided their growth to a reasonable extent without pushing them excessively. Observing their remarkable progress driven by passion and effort, he felt a sense of pride.

Nonetheless, Merlin emerged unscathed from the onslaught.

"Surprising... I could have taken quite a hit there, Princess Winley," Merlin commented as he effortlessly rose.

For most, such a formidable blow would likely induce unconsciousness, yet Merlin stood with ease.

"How is he still standing after that blow?" Illyna, possessing limited knowledge of magic, murmured in astonishment.

Magicians typically lacked physical endurance, and few invested in physical training. Thus, Merlin's swift recovery based solely on physical strength appeared excessive. He ascended as though entirely unharmed.

On the other hand, Winley was left panting heavily, appearing as if she had expended every ounce of her energy.

"You're quite capable, I must admit. Your talent is certainly above average. If not for my mana shield, I might have found myself at a disadvantage," Merlin murmured, causing Winley's expression to darken further.

Although their conversation remained hushed, those who overheard did so clearly.

"He's unbelievably arrogant," Illyna whispered.

As a spectator, Davey lacked a vested interest or reason to intervene in the match. As Yulis had previously noted, Merlin's arrogance was rooted in his overwhelming talent. A genuine challenge had yet to cross his path. It would require a magician of at least the 7th Circle or higher to provide such an ordeal, a rarity.

"Your magic lacks innovation, it's rather mundane. It's akin to performing simple math calculations," Merlin remarked casually, shifting his attention away from the visibly exhausted Winley. Evidently vexed by the situation's turn, his irritation became apparent.

"I'm tired of waiting," he remarked coolly, starting to prepare his magic. Red mana surged violently.

Watching quietly, Davey noticed a silver-haired woman approaching from afar. "Reina?"

"It's been a while, Davey," Reina greeted with a smile. She had been traveling the continent as a hero.

"What brings you here?"

"I heard you were coming, so I hurried here. The magic competitions these days are quite..." Reina’s words trailed off as her expression turned to surprise.

"What's wrong?"

"That guy..." Reina muttered with a stern face, "He's the traitor of mankind who killed the Great Sage."

As she spoke, her mana started to surge violently.

"Hey, princess, want to see an interesting magic trick?" Merlin teased. "I can create intense heat by suddenly compressing and expanding air. I can also adjust the air concentration to enhance the firepower. And with that magic…"

He gathered a flame of intense heat in his hand. "It can become this powerful."

Winley's eyes widened in horror.

As Sage Hellison Valestia was about to step in, Davey quickly rose, grabbing his shoulder and channeling his mana.

A deafening explosion resounded.

Even for a magic duel, this was excessive. As the smoke slowly dissipated, it became evident that even with defensive barriers in place, the impact could have proven fatal. As the last remnants of smoke cleared, the audience's view revealed Winley, dazed and seated, with Davey standing protectively in front of her.

"Who are you…?"

"Perhaps you went a bit too far?"

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"Intervening in the midst of a match is no laughing matter."

"Why should I heed someone who attempted to take a life during a match?" Davey's words left those around him astonished.

"Brother…" Winley murmured.

Davey maintained a gentle smile as he looked down at Merlin's stern expression, keeping the grin on his face while he spoke. "Did you attempt to provoke the Great Sage's involvement? The approach itself was noteworthy. Had I not stepped in, the Great Sage might have intervened."

"..." Merlin's expression became inscrutable.

"I am unsure why you are so intent on confronting the Great Sage, but your prank exceeded its limits."

"Ha! What are you babbling about?"

"Are you trivializing a high magician?" Davey's implication was crystal clear: cease the jest. He added, "One should indulge in humor in moderation. Surely, this wasn't solely for amusement?"

"What do you know?!"

"Attempt to defeat me. Succeed, and I will help facilitate your duel with the Great Sage."


"Naturally, I won't employ blade energy or divine power."

Merlin scoffed at Davey's statement. "I've heard rumors that you possess magical capabilities as well. It defies logic, but some claim it's feasible due to your saintly status. However, can you truly?"

His tone held mockery. "With your limited skill and Circles, you'll hardly pose a challenge."

"Why waste words?" Irritation crept into Davey's voice, prompting Merlin to rise.

The arena's atmosphere grew increasingly charged, but Davey paid little mind. Merlin, having already crossed the line with his potentially lethal attack, would likely be disqualified regardless.

"What are you hesitating for? If you best me, your duel with the Great Sage awaits. Scared? If so, you may withdraw."

Merlin smirked at Davey's audacious tone.

Sage Hellison Valestia's countenance darkened. "Davey, you…"

"Great Sage, please understand the situation. Due to your 'accommodating' approach, my younger sibling nearly met their demise."

Weeding out the rotten was a necessary step.

"Unleash your full prowess against me. You may employ magic as you did earlier. If I fall, I won't hold it against you. Conversely, if I emerge victorious, none can fault me. Let fairness prevail."

"A death match… How intriguing. Agreed. However, you may soon regret this decision."

Davey merely responded with a big grin.

The Great Sage held Merlin's magical aptitude in high regard and endeavored to nurture it, inadvertently fostering his arrogance. Now, it was time for Davey to highlight the disparities in their abilities.