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The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 178 A-Tier Talent
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Leon continued with his taunts, and the principal remained silent, observing the situation with a keen eye. He knew that sometimes, those with a strong will and a confident attitude were the ones who could make it far in the world of cultivation.

The principal had seen many students over the years, some with great talent and others with just enough to get by. He understood that there was more to success than just talent; attitude and determination played a crucial role as well.

The principal's silence didn't go unnoticed, and some of the students began to wonder why he didn't reprimand Leon for his behavior. However, they knew that the principal was wise and experienced, and they trusted that he had his reasons. It was possible that the principal was simply waiting to see what kind of talent Leon would awaken before making any judgments.

Orion watched from the sidelines, feeling a mix of annoyance and amusement at Leon's behavior. He knew that the Ignatius Clan was known for their arrogance, but he didn't expect it to be so blatant. Orion had never been a fan of people who boasted about their talents, as he believed that true strength spoke for itself.

Meanwhile, the other students were getting restless. They were tired of Leon's boasting and wanted to see what kind of talent he would awaken. The tension in the room was palpable as Leon approached the awakening stone. The other students watched with bated breath as Leon placed his hand on the stone.

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As Leon approached the awakening stone, a hush fell over the room. The other students watched with a mix of curiosity and apprehension, wondering what kind of talent the arrogant young man would awaken.

As he touched the stone, a bright light illuminated the room. The students held their breath, waiting for the color of the light to reveal Leon's talent.

Leon, however, seemed unfazed by the moment. He looked back at the students with a smirk on his face and said, "Let me show you my real power."

Orion rolled his eyes at Leon's dramatics, but he couldn't deny that he was curious about what kind of talent Leon had awakened. Despite his dislike for Ignatius Clan's arrogance, Orion had to admit that they were known for their powerful cultivators.

But as the light faded and the color of Leon's talent was revealed, the mood in the room shifted. A deep shade of orange shone brightly, indicating that Leon had awakened an A-tier talent. The students were stunned, and a hushed silence fell over the room.

Gasps and murmurs erupted from the students as they realized the true extent of Leon's power. Despite his arrogance, there was no denying that Leon was a formidable cultivator with a talent that surpassed many of his peers.

Orion watched from the sidelines, his eyes fixed on Leon with a mixture of fascination and apprehension. He couldn't deny that he was impressed by Leon's talent, but he also knew that there was something unsettling about the way he carried himself.

As the realization of Leon's talent sank in, the students began to murmur amongst themselves, their eyes darting back and forth between Leon and the other students who had undergone their awakening ceremony. The competition had just gotten even fiercer, and there was a sense of unease in the air.

The principal watched as the color of Leon's talent was revealed, indicating an A-tier talent. He couldn't help but feel impressed, despite Leon's arrogant behavior earlier.

"Congratulations on awakening the first A-tier talent, Leon," the principal said with a hint of admiration in his voice.

Leon grinned smugly at the students, feeling vindicated in his earlier boasts. The other students, meanwhile, were a mixture of awe and envy. A-tier talents were considered incredibly rare and powerful, and to awaken one was a remarkable achievement.

Orion couldn't help but feel a tinge of jealousy himself. He had been hoping to awaken an A-tier talent, but so far, he had only seen B and C-tier talents being awakened. He wondered what kind of talent Leon had awakened that had earned him such a high grade.

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The students were abuzz with speculation about Leon's talent. Some whispered that it must be something incredible, while others grumbled about Leon's attitude and how he didn't deserve such a powerful talent.

The representatives from different Sects watched Leon awaken his A-tier talent; they began to huddle together and discuss among themselves. They knew that talent of that caliber was rare, and it was important to evaluate its potential.

One of the representatives, a man with a stern expression, spoke up first. "That talent... it's impressive, to say the least. But we must also consider the character of the one who possesses it."

The other representatives nodded in agreement. They knew that a powerful talent was only half of the equation - the other half was the character and work ethic of the cultivator who possessed it.

Another representative, a woman with a kind face, spoke up next. "From what I've heard, Leon Ignatius is quite arrogant and boastful. It remains to be seen whether he has the humility and discipline required to truly harness the potential of his talent."

The representatives continued to discuss and debate, weighing the pros and cons of Leon's talent and character. They knew that it was important to make a decision soon, as powerful talents like his could have significant impacts on the world of cultivation.

Meanwhile, Leon himself was basking in the attention and praise he was receiving. He knew that he had awakened an impressive talent, and he reveled in the jealousy and admiration of his fellow students.

However, he was also keenly aware of the representatives from the different Sects, who were observing him closely. He could sense their scrutiny, and it made him feel uneasy.

As the ceremony continued, Leon's talent continued to draw attention and speculation. Some of the students whispered in awe about the potential power of an A-tier talent, while others whispered in disdain about Leon's arrogant behavior.

But for the representatives, the discussion continued in earnest. They knew that Leon's talent had the potential to be a powerful force in the world of cultivation, but they also knew that it was up to Leon himself to make the most of it.