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The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 209 Orion’s First Fight
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Orion was in complete shock as he watched Aurora effortlessly take down the massive grey wolf. He couldn't believe his eyes as he saw her dodge the wolf's attacks with ease and counter with her own swift strikes.

Her movements were so fluid and precise that it almost seemed as though she was dancing with the wolf. Orion had never seen anyone fight like this before, and he was completely in awe.

Orion was still speechless, unable to find the words to express how impressed he was with her skills.

After beating the wolf, Aurora turned to Orion and spoke. "This wolf is weak, isn't it? It is not enough to be our beast," she said with a hint of disappointment in her voice.

Orion could only nod in agreement, still stunned by what he had just witnessed. In his mind, he couldn't help but think, "You are just too powerful."

[Host can also do this kind of thing. The host can easily beat that beast.]

Orion was taken aback by the system's words. He had not fought a beast before, so he didn't know about it. He even had not considered fighting one.

As he thought about it, however, he began to realize that the system was right. He had been blessed with incredible talent and power, and he had the potential to be just as skilled as Aurora.

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After Orion thought about it, suddenly, a rustling could be heard. As the rustling grew louder, they realized that it was just another beast. This time, it was a massive wolf, much larger than the previous one they encountered.

Orion looked at Aurora and said, "Aurora, let me handle this one." He knew that he needed to test his strength now, and this was the perfect opportunity to do so. Aurora nodded and stepped back.

As Aurora stepped back, Orion stepped forward with confidence, eager to test his strength against the massive wolf. The wolf snarled and bared its teeth, its eyes fixed on Orion, ready to pounce at any moment.

Orion took a deep breath and focused his energy, channelling his physical strength into his body. He felt his muscles tighten and his senses sharpen as he prepared to face the beast.

The wolf lunged forward, its jaws snapping shut just inches away from Orion's face. He reacted quickly, dodging the attack and landing a powerful strike on the wolf's side.

The wolf roared in pain, but it didn't back down. It charged forward again, this time with more ferocity. Orion dodged and weaved, his movements fluid and precise as he evaded the wolf's attacks and countered with his own powerful strikes.

The fight was intense, with both Orion and the wolf landing heavy blows on each other. But Orion's strength was too much for the wolf to handle, and after a few more brutal punches, the wolf fell to the ground, lifeless.

Orion stared down at the lifeless wolf, his heart pounding with excitement and adrenaline. "This is my first time fighting, but it seems that I handled it easily," he remarked, almost to himself.

[Yes, host. Your talent has already changed your body and mind, so without you realizing it, you are already strong in a fight, but you are the one who still hasn't tried it.]

Orion was taken aback by the system's words, but he knew deep down that it was true. He had always been aware of his talent, but he had never fully realized its potential until now. His body felt different, stronger and more capable than before.

As he stood there, looking down at the dead wolf, Orion began to feel a newfound sense of confidence and purpose. He had always been a bit unsure of himself, but now he knew that he had the strength and skills to face any challenge that came his way.

Orion turned to Aurora, a grin spreading across his face. "That was amazing," he said, his voice filled with excitement. "I had no idea that I could do something like that."

Aurora smiled back at him, her eyes shining with pride. "I knew you could do it," she said. "Your talent is incredibly powerful, and it's only natural that you would be able to fight like that."

Orion looked at the lifeless wolf on the ground, feeling a sense of accomplishment and excitement from the fight. He turned to Aurora and thanked her for her help before continuing his search for other beasts.

As he looked back at the wolf he had defeated, something strange happened. An information panel suddenly appeared in front of him, providing him with detailed information about the beast. Orion was taken aback, not knowing what was happening.

Confused, he turned to the system and asked, "What happened? Why did this appear?"

The system responded, "The system has been updated, and now the host only needs to think about wanting information on the target, and the information will appear directly."

Orion was amazed by the new feature of the system. He tried to focus on another beast, and to his surprise, the information panel appeared again.

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Orion was amazed by the new system update. He couldn't believe how easy it was now to access information about the beasts they encountered. All he had to do was think about it, and the information would appear in front of him in a panel.

"Wow, it's good. Previously I needed to focus intently, but now it's easier," Orion said to himself, marvelling at the convenience of the new system.

Orion then began to look at the information about the wolf that he had just defeated. The information panel appeared directly, and Orion looked at the panel.


[Beast Name: Grey Wolf]

[Elements: None]

[Realm: Middle-Stage Awakening]

[Tier: D]


Orion looked at the information and saw that the wolf's name was Grey Wolf, the same name Aurora told him about earlier.

Orion was also taken aback as he read the information displayed in front of him. He couldn't believe that the wolf he had just defeated was actually at Middle-Stage Awakening. He was now thinking that maybe contracting an Advanced-Stage Awakening beast was not so hard at all.