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The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 214 Taming Wolf
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As Aurora and Orion stood there staring at the Beast Scanner screen, disappointment flooded their expressions. The Elite Grey Wolves may be strong, but their potential to grow stronger was limited due to their low tier.

Orion was not one to give up so easily, and he quickly turned to Aurora with a determined look. "Aurora, let's force our way through. Usually, in a pack of wolves like this, there is a leader, and I believe that the leader must be a good one. If we can defeat him and take him as our beast, we might be able to pass the entrance test."

Aurora nodded in agreement, and they both started to plan their attack. They knew that the leader would not go down easily, and they needed to be prepared for a fierce battle.

Orion and Aurora knew that the Elite Grey Wolves were not strong enough for them, so they decided to force their way through to find the alpha of the pack. They quickly assessed the situation and found a gap in the pack where they could sneak through undetected.

As they approached the pack, they could feel the ground trembling beneath their feet from the sheer size and weight of the beasts. The wolves noticed their presence and began to snarl and growl, warning them to stay away.

But Orion and Aurora were not deterred. They knew that they needed to find the alpha to have any chance of taming a suitable beast.

They moved quickly and nimbly, dodging the wolves' attacks and striking back with their own blows. Orion and Aurora both excelled in physical moves.

The wolves put up a good fight, but they were no match for the two of them. Orion and Aurora were both First-Stage Warriors, and their training and experience had prepared them well for this kind of situation.

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They pushed deeper into the pack, ignoring the snarls and barks of the wolves around them. The alpha must be somewhere in the centre of the pack, and they needed to find it quickly.

As they reached the centre of the pack, they finally saw the alpha. It was a massive bluish-white wolf, twice the size of the other wolves and with a coat of fur that shimmered in the moonlight. The wolf's eyes glinted dangerously as it snarled at them, revealing a mouth full of sharp teeth.

Aurora's heart skipped a beat as she gazed upon the creature before her. It was clear that this was no ordinary wolf. She quickly pulled out her Beast Scanner and began scanning the creature's body, hoping to learn more about it.

Orion also checked the wolf with his system, trying to gather as much information as possible. He was impressed by the wolf's size and strength.

As the scan was completed, Aurora's eyes widened as she read the information displayed on the screen of her Beast Scanner. The wolf was not just an ordinary alpha. It was a Mutated Alpha Wolf with a bluish-white coat that shimmered in the moonlight. She could sense the power emanating from the wolf, and she knew that it was a perfect match for her.

"Orion, that is a Mutated Alpha Wolf," Aurora said, her voice filled with excitement. "From the aura and the color of the wolf, it must be an ice element. It is a perfect beast for me. Its tier is also at C-tier. It is good enough to be my first beast."

Orion was surprised to hear Aurora's analysis of the wolf with the Beast Scanner. The scanner was amazing, but Orion noticed something different from his system.

As he looked closer at the information on his system, he realized that the name of the wolf was different from what Aurora had called it. The system showed that the wolf's name was not a Mutated Alpha Wolf. He wondered why the names were different. This was what Orion saw in his system.


[Beast Name: Ice Alpha Wolf]

[Elements: Ice]

[Realm: First-Stage Warrior]

[Tier: C]


Orion was perplexed by the discrepancy in the information. He looked at his system once again and confirmed that it indeed said "Ice Alpha Wolf." However, Aurora's Beast Scanner had displayed a different name: "Mutated Alpha Wolf."

He was curious as to why the two devices showed different results. He turned to his system and asked, "System, why does that Beast Scanner information differ from yours?"

[Host, that Beast Scanner is only a man-made item, so its power is limited. It is different from the system that is formed by the soul of your previous life. The system is designed to provide accurate and up-to-date information for you.]

Orion nodded in understanding. It made sense that the Beast Scanner's database might not be as up-to-date or comprehensive as his system's database. His system was designed specifically for him.

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Despite the differences in the information provided by the two devices, Aurora was convinced that the wolf was a Mutated Alpha Wolf with an ice element, which was perfect for her. She was eager to try and tame the wolf and make it her first beast.

Orion couldn't help but feel a sense of awe as he watched Aurora approach the massive Ice Alpha Wolf.

"Aurora, do you need any help in taming that beast?" Orion asked, wanting to offer his assistance.

"No need, I will handle it myself. This beast is mine," Aurora replied with a determined look in her eyes.

Orion nodded, respecting her decision. He knew that the bond between a cultivator and their beast was a personal one, and it was important for Aurora to be the one to form that bond with her new companion.

As Aurora approached the wolf, she used her cultivation techniques to weaken it, making it easier for her to tame it. The wolf struggled and growled, but Aurora remained calm and focused.

With precision and skill, Aurora placed the Contract Amulet that already had her blood in it on the wolf's forehead. As the amulet glowed and pulsated, Orion could sense the bond forming between Aurora and her new companion.

The wolf calmed down and nuzzled against Aurora's hand, accepting her as its new master. Aurora smiled, feeling a deep connection with her new companion.

"Congratulations, Aurora. You have successfully tamed your first beast," Orion said, beaming with pride.

Aurora turned to Orion, a look of joy on her face. "Thank you, Orion."