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The Prince’s Unwilling mate

Chapter 179
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179 Ayla

The council not having enough tto prepare the trial today suits me. I was sure of my letters and statements. Still, it felt a bit rushed, and I would have loved smore tto just relax. Talk to Griffin about this all. And now we had the chance too. I just needed to follow Isabella and see what she wanted to talk toabout.

I no longer felt panicked when she wanted to speak to me. I know she would either want to tell me something special in private. Something personal or she, had something to discuss with regard to business. Either she wanted to run something bybecause she thought it considered me. Or she wanted to go over my education.

“I hate to burden you with this Sweetheart, but I scheduled the rest of your education. It’s a tight schedule, and a heavy one. I just think your

education needs to be finished in eight months. Because if you are pregnant I think you need to be able to go on leave knowing you are fully educated. Ready to take over foras the Queen and Luna” Isabella toldsliding over a piece of paper that had a detailed outline of my education.

That seemed to go on even during the days of the trial. She had sreading I needed to get done this week. So that meant I would have to read every night after the trials. I agreed with her though it would be nice being able to go on maternity leave ready for everything. Griffin and I had talked about it and with Isabella still being the Queen and Luna I could have a longer maternity leave. Spend more twith our pup after it was born.

“The schedule seems fine Isabella, and I agree I hope we can find out I am pregnant soon. And I know I will rest easier knowing I am ready to face whatever comes our way” She shota smile like she was proud



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179 Ayla

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of me.

She truly had beclike a second mother to me, I was about to get up to hug her goodbye when she took something out of her desk drawer.

“Wait, Ayla, I have an engagement gift here I hope you will wear this on your wedding day” The velvet box she gavewasn’t new.

You could see it had history and it dawned onthat this might very well be a family heirloom again. The box was big so I was thinking it might be a necklace. Only one way to find out so I sat back in my seat and I slowly opened the box. Inside of it was a beautiful tiara. The sunlight in the room reflected of silver white and blue diamond studded tiara.

“I hope this can be your something old and something blue. Every tthe Crown Prince or Crown Princess marks their mate. They will get a custom crown or Tiara, this was mine. Griffin is okay with me telling you this but he has contacted a jeweler to cdiscuss your design.

However, for your wedding I hope you would dothe great honor to wear this. I tried the tiara on it was beautiful. I planned on wearing a white dress. Griffin toldhe wanted to be involved with wedding planning. Ensuringthat I could do most of the planning, he wanted it to be the day I always dreamed off. But he wanted it to be his wedding to a day he had been involved with too. I loved that, I would never want our wedding day to feel like my day. Like it was all around me, I wanted it to be OUR day. Still, I was sure that he wouldn’t mind incorporating blue into our wedding. Just so I could highlight the tiara.

“Of course I will wear this as my something old something new for my wedding day Isabella. It is so kind of you to gift this to me. And I love the tiara it is wonderful. In fact I love it so much that I wonder if it is unheard of if I just wear this tiara until I will be crowned Queen.” I would have never asked her if she had just been lendingthe tiara to wear at my hiding.





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If there was any indication that this tiara still held too much value for her. So when I saw tears form in her eyes I got scared I misinterpreted her. Maybe she did not mean to give it to me.

“Sweetheart, you don’t know what you just asked of me” She practically sobbed as she huggedso tight breathing was a little hard.

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“The Crown Prince who is born Crown Prince will inherit his father’s

Prince Crown. If a Crown Princess is born she will inherit her mother’s tiara. No matter if it is the custom-made one their parents got as they becpart of the royal family. Or they want they had inherited from their parents who got theirs upon birth” As Isabella was explaining I suddenly understood the magnitude of what I had asked her.

“Now that I know that it means, I have one more reason to wear your tiara

This my own. Isabella you have truly becmy second mother”

We chatted a little more about family, the wedding plans and the upcoming trial” We both hoped it was over soon. So that we could focus on the more important matters at hand.


“Sorry it tookforever, Baby but I am on my way back are you still with my parents” I mindlinked Griffin as soon as I finally walked out off Isabella’s office.

“I am Darling just cto our chambers we are waiting on you” I smiled at how quick his replies always were.

Now something about the why he said they were waiting onhadexcited. It madefeel like they wanted to do something. Or maybe he had already planned something, what ever it was it made me excited to go back to them. I wanted to just spend stwith my

parents and Griffin. To relax for a little bit before we had to go to all that the trial would mean. Now that I was a member of the pack, the Crown Prince walking back to my own chambers always took longer. Random pack members would walk up toeither just to greetand chit-chat with me. Or because they needed my help with something

It was something I had gotten used too and I loved the fact that the pack welcomedwith open arms like this. Suddenly I saw a face I never expected to see ever again let alone in the Silver Moon Castle. Scared of why they where here, especially now during the trial I looked around to see if there were any guards close by. But the face I had seen close to Hannah so many times noticedand with a bright grin they started walking up to me. Like the had been looking forand were happy to have found me. It was hard to believe forthat any member of the BloodMoon pack would be happy to seefor a good reason