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The Prince’s Unwilling mate

Chapter 219
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219 Griffin

“What’s the matter son, you look like someone pissed in your cereal?” Shit, if Dad is askingwhy I look so upset. Everyone must see it, it’s probably written on my face. It must be so obvious to everyone.

Honestly, I was bummed out about not being able to get Ayla her coffee in bed. I have just been so tired lately. But she did not need to blow up onlike that. I apologized the second I opened my eyes. Only to have her scream at me, she never wantedto make her a coffee again. She took it all out of proportion, I love making her coffee in the morning spending that little moment of quiet before we needed to get out of our bubble. How can she think, it is a bother to me? Does she still not know me better than that? Instead of trying to rip the cabdoor off its hinges to make a point. She could have offered to makea cup to go.

“Ayla and I fought this morning. I always make her a coffee in bed, I overslept this morning and she was so mad atfor not making her a coffee. I hate to say this about her, but she was so unfair. So yeah I am pissed off and a little hurt.” I confess to my dad, and maybe I shouldn’t, but I need to get it off my chest before this meeting begins.

“I get that, and it sounds like she was in the wrong. She probably will realize that soon. I remember when your mother was pregnant with you. Never tell her I said that, but her hormones had her acting a little crazy every now and then. To her, you not keeping a promise most likely was a big deal.” I love how I can always turn to Dad for advice. Even when I didn’t even realize I needed it.

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When I think about it, I was annoyed when I woke up, so I probably

wasn’t as calm and kind in telling her that I could not make her coffee. As I thought I was, and to be honest snapping like this over something wasn’t like Ayla at all. Not even when she still was too scared to trust me. When she tried to pushaway, she would blow up small things. As a way to pinpoint the differences between us. Like she wanted to prove to herself that she was right. That I would never go for a she–wolf like her. Ever since she told me, I had healed her, ever since she toldthat I gave her, her faith back when it cto love and mates. We had ssmall arguments as every couple does. But never that bad anymore, and the fight this morning had been worse. She just cried unwilling or maybe just unable to listen to what I was telling her.

And now I told my pregnant mate that I was hurt by and angry with her. Thinking back I don’t think me telling her I still love her and will meet her for lunch would not help a lot. Fuck, as soon as the meeting is over I need to find a way to make it up to her.


Finally, the meeting with the Council of Elders was over. We presented the new laws to them, laws to make sure that there wouldn’t be another pack ruined by their leaders. That no one would have to suffer the sconstant fear as the members of the former BloodMoon pack had. We even added in slaws that packs could not cast out members for having a same–sex mate, or for being non– binary. And that both Luna’s and Alpha’s were roles in the pack decided by Blood bonds, family trees, and mate bonds. All things I found incredibly important. Things that madelove being the Crown Prince. Because with laws like these, I felt like I was helping the country change for the better.

Being a good mate to Ayla was far more significant tothough.

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Focussing during the presentation had been incredibly hard. And that was with Dad knowing what was on my mind and picking up sof my slack. I would have drowned in my own thoughts if it had not been for him. Luckily enough it was an online meeting, so I did not have to act politely with the Council of Elders, as soon as they logged off the meeting was over. Normallyand Dad would chat for a little bit.

“Go see your mate and make it up to her” He urgedinstead of making.hang back to chat with him. To be fair I know he would have done the sif Mom was mad with him. It had only happened a few times. from what I can remember. Still, it was clear how much Dad hated it. He would always do something sweet to show her how sorry he was.

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As I was walking to my office I was wracking my brains on what I could do to make it up to her. I was going to tell her how sorry I was. That bit was obvious but I knew Ayla deserved more than just my words. She deserved to know how truly sorry I was for treating her like I had. I would just have to explain I was just moody about the entire situation. I was thinking about taking her out for lunch, but both our schedules were jam–packed again so that would be practically impossible.

I could always ask Dillion to cup with ideas, he was a lot more creative than I was. And he was present at the meeting and heardtell Dad all about the fight. He agreed with the general consensus that Ayla’s hormones had probably made it all feel worse for her than it actually was. I had often fallen back on Dillion’s help with surprising Ayla. Now to make things right with her again though I felt like I should cup with my own idea. She deserved that much.

But when I entered my office, I noticed it smelled like her. It usually does a little bit because she spends there. As I spend tin her office, anytwe both have to work on the laptops, without any

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meetings. Now the smell was so much stronger like she had just been here. I noticed a white envelope on my keyboard, placed so that I could not miss it. I was sure who left the envelope on my desk.

I just feared what was in it, because the way Dad and Dillion had spoken about pregnancy hormones had ledto believe that anything could be possible when your mate was pregnant and hormonal. And I was scared Ayla might have done something rash because I decided to make the fight even worse by talking to her like I did when I said my goodbye. Slightly nervous I opened the envelope it only had a handwritten letter in it. So I started reading it;


This morning should have never happened, not the way it did at least. In I want you to know I thought a lot about what happened and what we said. And because of it I no longer want you to pickup from my office during lunch.

I sighed as I read the letter, but I had to keep on reading.