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The Prince’s Unwilling mate

Chapter 293
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My entire body is aching and I hate this, ever since that dreadful day. Everything has been going wrong. It wasn’t supposed to be like this, they were not supposed to move on to bigger and better things. It was all his fault though, he madedo this when I never wanted it. He has taken away everything from me. Tellingit would be the best option for me, for the pack. Pointing out what things I could get if I was the one

making my choice. He toldthat I was to make my own future and not listen to the Moon Goddess.

Now I was left with nothing because the one I chose myself didn’t want me. They puton the back burner. Like I was an option to be considered. If I had not listened to him I knew SHE wouldn’t have doubted. She would not have waited around, I could be so much further ahead, and I could have been living the future I wanted. But no, he figured he knew better.

First things first, I needed to recover and it was going slower than it should be. I should have been feeling a lot better already. It must be all the stress causingto heal so slowly. My wolf Richard has been acting up ever since that day. He knew about what the others were doing too. Of course, he did, and I did too, there were very few people that did not know. He has been mad atever since and last weekend only made it worse. I did not feel the sting of the rejection so badly. Or so I thought, for me, it was my ego that got hurt. The fact that I could so clearly see with both eyes that she could still choose me. Yet she didn’t. But Richard felt it, his desperate howls reverberated through my head.



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But she would be mine again soon, I was not going to settle for this. It was clear what she wanted, she wanted power so I would give her exactly that. I no longer cared for him and removing him from the quotation would makemore powerful. So I would do just that, I would remove him. He would get to meet the Moon Goddess and explain to her why he was so insistent I could choose a better mate than the one she hand–selected for me. The moment my body was recovered I would get rid of him no matter the costs. If I needed to take out the rest of his family with him, the rest of my family I would not bat an eye. After all, they agreed and helped fill my mind with that nonsense.

Since the day I was born, they usedfor their personal gain, acting like it was to support the pack. First, they madebefriend her, to lull her parents into a false sense of security. I used to hate that I had to go play with the runt of the pack every time. As I child I had no idea why my parents were deadset on us playing together. Mom used to calong, those days were fun, and she would dress in a shirt and jeans and just play along. The older I got the more I understood that kneeling down in the grass, walking around dressed like every other person was unbefitting of a Luna. Eventually, they told me why I needed to befriend the pack runt.

Her parents had always been hesitant about staying with our pack. Their apprehension grew when they saw how their eldest child was treated. So I had to play along to make them feel like it was accepted. By that tI was a teenager and I didn’t mind playing with her and that weird friend of hers so much anymore. Truth be told she madefeel good about myself. Others would tease her, she would have been bullied so much sooner if it wasn’t for me. As open and innocent as she was she would




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tellevery day. Thankingfor keeping her safe, and it madefeel so powerful.

Then she got her crush on me, I overheard her tell her friend. Oh how I loved that, how I loved playing with her. Touching her a little more, sitting a little closer to her. Stringing her along, and making her believe that I was feeling the sthing as she was. All harmless fun.

She is a year older and I knew she would soon find the hopeless Omega that was bound to her. After all, there was no way that a girl like her would find a strong mate. Since an Omega would never be able to keep her safe she would still depend on me. I was sure that my future mate would know her place as my Luna. As my mother did to my father, my Luna would serve me. Cater to my every need and trust my every decision she would not doubtspending twith another she–wolf. Especially not a mated one

I didn’t think she was the one to cheat on her mate, but if she wanted to I wouldn’t mind. She might have been small but she was beautiful The older I grew the more things I imagined doing to her. More so when she didn’t seem to find her mate or was very interested in finding him. Everybody knew why, the entire pack knew of her crush on me. Knowing she wantedso much she held out on going to find her actual mate, and stroked my ego further.

Before I stopped protecting her he wasn’t so ridiculously shy about her body. She had no reason to be either and I found myself getting more and more excited when I saw her undress. Maybe if she had not refusedthat night I would have never let him convinceI was better off




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with a chosen mate. I was warming up to the idea of having this pretty little thing serve and obeyin every sense of the way. I began imagining coming back from ruling our pack to find her in the kitchen where she would have servedthe dinner she made. And how she

would get on her knees to pleaseafter that. Or how I would grab her hips as she was loading up the dishwasher fucking her as she kept our hclean and tidy.

She wouldn’t be a strong leader to the pack but that was my job. She would make a pretty little Luna dotting on me. Fulfilling my every need, and I would still be able to protect her. She would still make me feel powerful and wanted. My Alpha blood was surely strong enough to make sure would conceive strong pups worthy of my last name.

So when she invitedover to watch a movie when her parents were out dealing with the aftermath of a rogue attack that night I had fully accepted the idea. To the point where I considered taking her on as my chosen mate. That night exactly a week before my birthday, before I would find out if she truly was my mate I wanted a little preview. I still knew the chance of someone as powerful asbeing bound to someone as weak as she was slim. If I were to choose her either as my mistress or my chosen mate I needed to know if she was worth it.

I had been so slow starting to cuddle her. Loving the way her cheeks burned a brighter red. She was nervous to be touched like me, shy someone likewould give her as much attention as she should be. I liked where it was going and when I pulled her hair so that I could kiss her I almost creamed myself from the delicious noises she was making. I pushed her down to her bed, rubbing against her. Pressing my hard cock




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against her between her legs and mewled with a want matching the heavy scent of her arousal in the air. This was shaping up toso much better than the times I fucked Hannah. Only when my hands found the waistband of her jeans did she speak. Tellingto stop it that she was saving herself for her mate. I tried to convince her, telling her we both knew we were mates, but she wanted to be sure. She had promised herself she would not make love before accepting her mate. If it was not for the risk involved I would have had my way with her regardless of her protesting, not settle for Hannah again. But it shifted something in our dynamic, I was not interested in a mate that thought she could refuse me whenever she felt like it. So when I found out she was indeed my mate a week later, I told him, and it felt good to follow his advice and reject her right there on the spot. But now I see what I have been missing. And now I was going to make it up to here sooner than expected.
