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The Return of the Disaster-Class Hero

Chapter 191: Recycled 12 Zodiac (1)
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Chapter 191 - Recycled 12 Zodiac (1)


[The power of the Aquarius has disappeared.]

[You have gained a massive amount of EXP.]

The phenomena that occurred after a god’s death seemed to differ depending on the god. When the Cancer had ceased to exist, the situation had looked as if a volcano had erupted. A fire had fallen from the sky.

In the Aquarius's case, it sounded as if a piece of glass was being broken in all directions.

Crash! Crash!

One would wonder whether this was what it would sound like if the sky were made out of a glass dome.

Heaven and earth shook, and the middle world itself started to shake.

[The gods are shocked by the disappearance of the Aquarius’s presence.]

[The servants of the Aquarius are taken aback, and they are looking for their master.]

[The Serpent Bearer’s Constructs are cheering.]

[A new achievement has been engraved into the bible.]

[You have acquired a new effect from the new achievement.]

[Eeny and Meeny cheer as they feel deeply moved by their master’s action.]

Lee Gun laughed. This wasn’t amazing; he had yet to finish. Lee Gun picked up something from the liquid he blew up. The liquid immediately emanated a powerful light.

[Warning! This is a very strong power.]

[Creating a world is possible with this power.]

[Aquarius's Core (EX)]

The pieces flashed like alluvial gold. That was why Lee Gun laughed.

‘In the Cancer’s case, the core was its eyes.’

The Cancer’s Core looked like marbles, but it had been a set of eyes. This one looked like alluvial gold.

Each Zodiac seemed to have a different Core. If one had to make a comparison, the core of a Zodiac was like the heart of a human. At the same time, it represented the owner’s status and authority.

[You have acquired data from the Core.]

[You have acquired its power.]

Naturally, Lee Gun couldn’t use the Core immediately. The Zodiacs were the owners of the temples and the leader of their troops for a reason.

‘If I recklessly swallow this, I’ll die.’

When he had been dealing with the Leo temple, Lee Gun had swallowed the Cancer’s Core. However, that item contained only 20% of the Zodiac’s soul. This core was on another level.

However, Lee Gun could easily handle this Core as a Maker; others were incapable of handling the Core’s excessively raw power.

After he acquired the core, Lee Gun’s eyes immediately flashed, and a green light appeared below his feet!

[You have activated the Holy Ground skill.]

[Do you really want to designate the Aquarius's Guardian as your occupied territory?]

[Caution! Making a Middle World your occupied territory is not recommended.]

Lee Gun furrowed his brows.

“Why? This place will be great to store my drugs.”

This was the place where the Aquarius created its drugs, and this place had tens of thousands of Chalices. Moving all that would be a hassle, and the potions created by the Aquarius were quite precious. Even monsters tried to find warehouses around the world that stored the Aquarius's potions.

And Lee Gun had no reason to give the thieves a target. That wasn’t all.

‘Retrieving items will become easy if I have this space.’

Although Lee Gun could freely move between his holy grounds, he needed Sungjae’s teleport if he wanted to reach anywhere else. This would be a problem in the territory of the unknown civilization, especially in the vast Red Zone and Black zone. If he ran short of items, he would have to send Sungjae somewhere else despite the risk.

What if he had this space?

‘I can take out drugs at will from here.’

This place was like a storage space that he could open anytime, anywhere. Lee Gun always had to use Sungjae or the Constructs to move ingredients. If he had this remote storage place, he could stack ingredients here. It would be convenient.

Moreover, only divine-rank beings could access this place. If Lee Gun caused an accident and Hugo was nagging about it, Lee Gun could come here. Hugo wouldn’t be able to follow after him.

That was why Lee Gun had wanted to take ownership of this space, but the notification warned him.

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[The Middle World is a space different from a normal land.]

[Occupying this place will be difficult.]


[Caution! The sleeping Dimensional Manager has suddenly opened its eyes.]

[It has sensed “Death” from a place where fights are forbidden.]

[It says it doesn’t know which nameless god you are, but a god shouldn’t act so recklessly.]

Lee Gun didn’t know who it was, but this being was trying to chase him out of this space.

[This place is a space for the great twelve Zodiacs.]

[No one aside from them can occupy this space.]

[It says a nameless low rank god should know its place]

[The Dimensional Manager is trying to expel the unauthorized owner from the dimensional crack.]

[It says you will be forever lost in the dimensional crack.]

A door opened from the heavens. Then, long hands extended out of the door. They were trying to drag Lee Gun away.

Lee Gun laughed in contempt, and a powerful black aura surged forth!

[You have used the power of Death.]

The black light destroyed all the hands descending from the heavens.


This sight shocked the hand. The owner of the hand understood this god wasn’t a simple low-rank god.

[The Dimensional Manager is surprised.]

[It asks what kind of god you are. It is truly taken aback.]

[It says this place is a dimensional crack.]

[A power of that magnitude will distort the dimension…]

Lee Gun didn’t care as his eyes flashed. Then, an incredibly destructive power covered the Middle World.


[The frightened Dimensional Manager has disappeared after suffering injuries.]

[You have gained EXP.]

[You have acquired data(1 Divine World Pass).]

[You have designated one of the twelve Zodiac’s middle worlds as an occupied territory(No. 4).]

[The items within the occupied territory have come under the authority of the Serpent Bearer.]

[Serpent Bearer’s 4th Occupied Territory: Aquarius's Garden]

[Would you like to name it?]

“Big Bag.”

[You have designated the territory as Big Bag.]

Suddenly, Lee Gun looked around at the Chalices. The Chalices looked different from each other, and every one of them contained water of a different color. Moreover, finding out information about the content wasn’t hard.

[Chalice Administrative Record]

Lee Gun opened a thick book located at the center of the room. Since he was holding the Aquarius's Core, opening the tightly sealed book was easy.

The book contained recipes for different potions and all the Chalices drawn in picture forms. Also listed inside the book was a meticulous list of what ingredients were put inside the Chalice.

The Chalices that had been placed rightmost to the altar seemed to be the recently created ones. At a glance, they looked like large drinking cups.

Lee Gun started emptying the Chalices he considered the most useless.

[Sagittarius’s Aphrodisiac (Priority Emergency Request)]

[Sagittarius’s Hair Growth solution (Priority Emergency Request)]

Then, Lee Gun placed the Core of the Aquarius within the empty Chalices.

The alluvial gold fragments were emptied within the Chalices, and something surprising happened. As soon as an ingredient was put in, the Chalices started to fill up with water as they emitted a light.

[Vitality Recovery Chalice(SSS)]

[Purification Chalice(SSS)]

As soon as they had received the fragments of the Aquarius, the Chalices had created something of similar worth. Moreover, the water never went dry!

“With this, I can make energy drinks for my babies.” Lee Gun immediately picked up the purification Chalice and poured the content on Heaven’s Punishment’s Core.

As soon as the blue water touched the weapon’s core, an incredible reaction occurred.


[The water of purification has removed the contaminant.]

[The water of purification has removed the contaminant.]

[The water of purification has removed the contaminant.]

[80%… 90%]


[The purification of the contaminant has ended.]

After becoming completely clean, the Core of Heaven’s Punishment let out a cry.

[You can resurrect it.]

Lee Gun grinned as he used his skill.

[You have activated Super Regeneration.]

The ability activated very quickly. Was it because Super Regeneration was upgraded now?

The skill worked despite the Core being a non-living. The cracks within the Core of Heaven’s Punishment started to fill up, and in the end, all the cracks vanished.


[The resurrection is complete.]

Lee Gun laughed. With the restoration having finished, he just needed to put the Core back into the weapon. That would wake Heaven’s Punishment up.

Therefore, he was about to return to his workshop in Hawaii. He was checking the administrative record to find the “Tears of a God” Chalice when he noticed something.

“…?” Lee Gun’s eyes turned round when he found that information. “Those bastards!”

He headed somewhere with an enraged expression.

* * *

Around the time when the Aquarius ceased to exist…

The Constructs were making a commotion. This was especially true for the Virgo Constructs and the Aquarius Constructs. They shook in fear after feeling Lee Gun’s power.

[The Aquarius is gone…!]

Despite being thrown away, Sophie had served the Aquarius for a long time. She was in disbelief after she felt the death of her Zodiac and was trembling. “Lee Gun! That psychotic…! Did he steal the Aquarius's power?”

She had heard the Cancer had been killed, but she had been holding out hope that it wasn’t true.

‘As a human, is it really possible to do what he did?’

Hugo didn’t care about her reaction. He glared at Sophie as he approached her. “Tell your Constructs to open the Aquarius's Middle World!”


Everyone was frightened by the death of the Zodiac, but Hugo was worried more about Lee Gun’s life than the death of a Zodiac.

Lee Gun had suddenly disappeared while Hugo had been killing his copies. Of course, Lee Gun had disappeared in front of his eyes, so Hugo wasn’t as surprised as the Chun siblings and the Virgo Constructs. The only problem was the destination.

‘Why did he go there? Does he not know where that is?’

How could Lee Gun invade the base of a Zodiac? Moreover, he didn’t even mobilize the other Zodiac and went there alone.

‘There should be a limit to the risks he takes on!’

Sophie was oblivious as her heart beat faster when Hugo stood in front of her.

‘Hugo is so close to me.’

The Archer Saint didn’t look like the young master from twenty years ago. He currently looked like a wild horse on edge. Yet, she found it all splendid. Sophie absentmindedly looked at Hugo.

This made Hugo angry as he looked at her. “Hey! Are you listening to me? Hurry up and open the Middle World—”


Suddenly, a light appeared behind Hugo, and a familiar face appeared. It was Lee Gun.

Hugo felt relieved as Lee Gun landed on the ground. “I’m glad nothing happened—”

“Hey! Damn bedwetter!!!”

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Lee Gun immediately kicked Sophie after landing.


Sophie screamed. Hugo was stunned. The mouths of the disciples who had come to save Sophie fell open.


“Lee Gun-nim?!!”

Lee Gun didn’t care as he grabbed Sophie by the neck. “Hey, bedwetter! What did you do after you took my data?”

Hugo tilted his head in puzzlement.

Sophie flinched; Lee Gun seemed to have realized something. Avoiding his gaze, she acted dumb. “I have no idea what you are talking— Kuhk!”

“You want to die!”

When Lee Gun lifted his fist, Hugo quickly grabbed him from behind. “Gun! Calm down for now! I don’t know why you’re being like this, but you shouldn’t hit her! Violence is unacceptable!”

Sophie was deeply moved by this sight.

‘H…Hugo is protecting me!’

Lee Gun got angry. “Let me go, you bastard! Are you protecting her because the bedwetter likes you? Don’t even think about cheating in front of me!”

“Damn it! You’re in front of cameras!!! Why are you being like this?”

“They stole my data, and they tried to make my son!”


Hugo looked at him in askance.

Lee Gun’s eyes dilated with anger.

Several minutes ago, he had looked at the Chalices’ records from twenty years ago. The problem was the ingredient for the Chalice.

[Produce the God of Calamity (Libra’s request)]

The name of the request was odd, but the most problematic part was the data written underneath it.

- Used Data: Lee Gun’s DNA

[Stolen DNA is used to make Lee Gun’s Children(Same Gender)]

His children? What the hell was this nonsense? Did it not end with making clones of his past selves?

This information had angered Lee Gun, and he kept pounding the Aquarius, which had become alluvial gold. “Hey, wake up! Wake up! Tell me what is the content of this Chalice! Why does it say children?”

[The Aquarius cannot give you an answer.]

[It is already dead.]

“Damn it!”

In the end, Lee Gun had immediately exited the Middle World and kicked Sophie.

Back to the present.

“You guys tried to make my children behind my back!”

“I-Is that really true?! That means…!”

“Whatever! It’s fine! They seemed to have stopped after failing!”

“They attempted it?”

“Yes! According to the records, they failed in creating a son of mine.”

Sophie flinched at his words. It was true. The attempt to make his son had failed, but he did have a daughter.

‘S…She isn’t human either.’

Moreover, they weren’t his true children. They were more like grown humans. That was why she wondered if she should speak up. “Thankfully, it failed. If I did have a child, I would have killed everyone involved. How dare they do it without my permission?”

Sophie froze. She looked like she wanted to cry as she trembled. The Saintess was afraid. She wondered if she should shed light on the subject or hide it.

“Anyway, I’ll kill the Libra, who dared to make such a request. Has the Virgo Saint contacted me about her yet?”

“Uh. Not yet. Kevin did send me a weird text out of the blue. It said, ‘Die!!! You don’t deserve it!’ I received nothing aside from that.” After saying those words, Hugo dragged Lee Gun along as he whispered to him. He seemed worried about the media.

“You got rid of the Aquarius. Are you sure it is ok? The Aquarius is a healer Zodiac, unlike the Cancer! You should have made it your affiliate—”

Lee Gun snorted at those words. “It’s fine. I didn’t want to let that Zodiac live. I just need to make a new one now.”

Hugo wondered if he had heard wrong. What? What was he going to make? “What are you talking about? Make a Zodiac?”

“What else? I’ll just put someone under me, and that person will become my Zodiac.”

Then, Lee Gun immediately summoned someone. A familiar face appeared accompanying the light.