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The Secretly Rich Man full story

Chapter 631
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Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 631

While the other Longs were also furious at Yoel’s provocations, they knew better not to say anything in their current


“There’s no need for that, Mr. Lyle. Please restrain your people!” said one of the Long family’s seniors.

Zack smiled before adding, “Yeah, Yoel. Stop being so rude!”

Yoel only kept quiet once he was told to do so.

Meanwhile, Gerald was standing at the corner of the large golf course behind his hotel. He seemed to be waiting for


“Are the helicopters on their way?” asked Gerald through his phone.

“We’ll be arriving soon!” replied both Drake and Tyson simultaneously.

Gerald hadn’t really wanted to take the helicopter today, but Zack had insisted that he do so. He needed to appear

powerful in order to deter the Longs. Hence, he needed to be high profile.

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Since he was going to confront the Long family anyway, Gerald simply agreed. He couldn’t care less anymore about

retaining a low profile.

As he awaited his ride, Gerald looked around the golf course. Several groups of people were scattered across the

course, enjoying their individual games of golf.

“Our sincerest apologies, good sirs, but we have to clear up the golf course soon. Could you please leave for the

time being? We’re truly sorry for the inconvenience.”

This was what a few employees had set out to relay to those currently playing in the course.

“Huh? Leave? We just started!”

“That’s right! You can’t expect us to just be alright with that! I’m still with my client! Give me your manager’s

contact number! I want to speak to your manager!”

“Yeah! We’ve paid so much to enter the club and we don’t even have the right to stay? I’m definitely not leaving!”

The customers were furious.

“We finally got to play with Ms. Karen you know? And now you’re making us leave? That’s preposterous!” said one

of the girls rather unwillingly.

“Chase, Sherry, what do both of you think?”

“Yeah, we aren’t done playing yet. Since the others haven’t left either, we should continue as well!” replied Chase.

This particular group consisted of four people, with three females and a male.

“Still, your husband is so great, Ms. Karen! I would’ve never dreamt of coming to such an amazing golf course if he

hadn’t brought us here!” said another girl.

“Haha, well, my husband had to accompany an important client here today. Since they were going to play golf and

we weren’t doing anything, I just thought it would be nice for all of us to come here together. Even though you were

all just my students in junior high school, we’ve been in touch for so many years that I now treat all of you like my

own siblings!” replied Karen.

Seeing that they couldn’t make the customers leave, the employees simply left. Their task wasn’t to force the

people to leave. They simply had to reduce the number of people on the golf course by informing them that they

were clearing up the course soon.

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If they were really going to clear up the entire golf course, the task wouldn’t be handed over to simple employees.

“Gone at last! What nuisances! Either way, both of you are getting married soon, right? Chase, Sherry? You could

consider taking your wedding photographs here. The course is so beautiful that even I feel better just by looking at

this scenery!” said one of the girls excitedly as she took her phone out and snapped a picture of the surrounding


“I’m going to take more pictures of the scenery! Like… Here! And here! And there as well!” said the girl with every

photo that she took.

“Woah!” said the girl out of the blue. Frozen in place, she squinted at one of the pictures she had just taken.

“What’s wrong, Lucille?” asked Karen, Sherry, and Chase as they turned to look at her.

With a shocked expression, Lucille then pointed toward a direction before saying, “Ms. Karen… All of you, look! That

person standing in the distance… Doesn’t he look a bit like Gerald?”

“What? Gerald?”

Shocked, everyone then turned to look at where Lucille was pointing at.

It was true. The person standing at the corner of the golf course with his hands in his pockets, was indeed, Gerald.

“Is that really him? What is he even doing here?” asked Lucille curiously.