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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 186 Earth Realm! (Part One)
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The glowing sphere made of pure vital energy flew out of Austin's elixir field and rushed towards the prime masculinity blossom immediately. It was almost as if it knew what he was thinking. It stopped right above the blossom, and its gleaming golden rays shone like a small sun, irradiating the blossom directly.

At the same time, as if triggered by the light shining on it like a solar cell, the blossom immediately erupted a strong stream of masculine vital energy much like an active volcano. The energy rose up ferociously, spread like a vast expanse of water, and surged onwards like ten thousand galloping horses.

Austin's sphere voraciously took the energy flowing from the blossom into itself as if it had been starved for ages. It was acting like a bottomless pit that could never be filled.

In one sudden outpouring of bliss, Austin's eyes got filled with amazement and admiration. The powerful masculine vital energy bursting from the blossom was exactly what he needed to cultivate the Golden Sun Scripture and he had not found it till now.

What was extremely fortunate was that the blossom seemed to contain so much energy that it was beyond Austin could imagine.

Going by his calculations, he wouldn't have to worry about where to find energy anymore in the future.

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The energy kept on flowing out of the blossom in a steady stream, and the sphere kept on absorbing it desperately. The more energy it absorbed, the bigger it grew; like the energy was physical somehow. Initially, the sphere was about the size of a fist, but now, it was expanding slowly at a pace visible to a naked eye.

Also, it had been giving out a faint light at first, but now it was flashing with a dazzling golden brilliance, so much that even Austin did not dare to look straight into it, afraid that his eyes might get burned.

The golden sphere that had flown out of Austin was actually condensed and accumulated masculine vital energy which had coagulated when he was refining the Golden Sun Scripture. It shared the same origin with his own vital energy, and thus, both of them were getting stronger together.

With the sphere getting larger and larger by the minute, Austin could feel his vital energy growing more powerful and aggressive.

It was running through his body continuously like a flowing river and refreshing every single cell with a new power.

One hour passed. Two hours did.

Then three. Even four hours passed... . ...

Even after twelve hours had passed in the blink of an eye, Austin did not seem bored. In fact, he kept his spirits up all the time.

Finally, the sphere stopped absorbing energy. By now, it had reached a volume five times of its original one.

The effect of taking rare herbs had really broadened Austin's outlook. He had been cultivating the Golden Sun Scripture for quite some time now, and the sphere formed around his elixir field was always growing at an undetectable speed these days, although he was always diligent and conscientious about it. But today, it had inflated by as much as five times compared to its initial size in just half a day! And the only reason for this expansion was the masculine vital energy given out by the blossom.

Austin then summoned the sphere back into his elixir field. It looked like it had taken in enough energy for today and was slowly simmering like a happy kid humming a tune. After that, he examined the blossom carefully and found that there was still a fair amount of vital energy left.

He wasn't going to let this precious gift go to waste. He stepped forward, picked it from the ground and thrust it into his mouth without any hesitation. In one split-second, he felt that it was taking over his body, and he hurriedly informed the vital energy stone he had integrated with himself to get ready. The stone awakened immediately and gathered the surplus masculine vital energy, storing it within itself easily.

After gobbling it all up in one go, Austin suddenly felt a tickle running through his meridians and his bones began cracking at the same time.

This was the sign of a breakthrough! He was thrilled with the idea. Since he had already reached the ninth level of Energy Gathering Realm, this meant that he would step into the Earth Realm if another breakthrough occurred.

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Obviously, jumping into another realm was something that could only happen on very special occasions and not through seeking.

Austin was thinking that it must be the impact of that masculine vital energy he had taken from the blossom. Time and tide wait for no man. Austin was specifically aware that he must seize this opportunity, and if he missed it, he might have to wait for a long time before the next one came.

He had planned to check on how Mindy was doing when he was done in here, but now he had to drop the idea. Instead, he sat down on the ground with his legs crossed.

Taking a deep breath to pull out his vital energy, he stretched his right hand and opened his palm. All the five Energy-prevailing Elixirs appeared on it, and he shoved all of them into his mouth in one single go.

To be honest, he had no idea how much energy those Elixirs contained and how much help he could get from them, but with the vital energy stone integrated successfully in his body, he was sure that he could handle them. As a matter of fact, he wasn't afraid of any medical pill or elixir of strong effect. With the vital energy stone, whenever there was too much for him to stand, the surplus would get stored into it automatically.

Everyone knew that Energy-prevailing Elixirs could help fighters make a breakthrough and jump into the Earth Realm, and therefore, there was no doubt this intake was going to improve his chances. Austin had five of them in his pocket, and had left them there for a rainy day. Now was the moment he had been waiting for, and therefore, he did not hesitate to empty his pockets this time.

After putting the Elixirs into his mouth, Austin immediately concentrated the whole energy and murmured the Golden Sun Scripture silently in his mind. Meanwhile, he guided all of his vital energy across all of his meridians at once, trying to throw himself into the next realm.

Driven by the tremendous force, the vital energy started running through Austin like a powerful current pouring down from the cliffs, and all his meridians got buffeted by those strong waves of energy again and again. As time passed by, those meridians became wider and wider, preparing for a qualitative leap into the Earth Realm.