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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 276 The Message Of Unearthly Fire (Part One)
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Austin arrived at the elixir store with only one bored and sleepy waiter attending the shop.

He looked up at Austin lazily and told him they would purchase all kinds of qualified pills.

Then Austin took out six muscle-generating powders which he refined by himself.

The waiter nodded while identifying them carefully. Then his mouth slowly curved up into a smile. He was well pleased with the products.

"Well, they look good. I'd say they are on the superior qualified section. How about 150 vital energy crystals each? This is our usual price for that quality. Though we sell those inferior ones with the sprice.

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But I reckon you will understand the difference between selling and purchasing. After all, we need to make ends meet." "What? You mean their quality is that good? Are you sure about it?" Austin was way too surprised.

Hearing Austin's disbelief, the waiter looked a bit annoyed, "What do you mean? You don't trust me? | had been here for more than eight years! | am not a newbie here! Not to mention | have identified level One pills over a hundred times already, | even identified Level Three pills several times! And here you are accusingof making mistakes? This is unbelievable!" "No! No! No! That's not what | meant. It is a complete misunderstanding! Look at you, so experienced. How can you be wrong? It is totally my fault." Hearing the waiter's words, Austin was way too ecstatic. It never occurred to him that he did such a great job despite being a newbie in refining pills.

"So are you still willing to sell these six muscle-generating powders? | can offer you a better price since it's our first transaction together.” The waiter eased his look because of Austin's compliment.

"Of course! | will sell it!" "Great! Here you are. These are 1000 vital energy crystals in total.

Nine hundreds of them are the price | promised, and the extra one hundred vital energy crystals is a bonus! Lucky you!" Austin took it happily.

To be honest, those 1000 vital energy crystals were insignificant compared with Austin's huge wealth and expenditure.

But for Austin, it was different. It meant so much to him. He earned it by refining pills on his own. It was his ability to make a fortune! Nothing could be better than the sense of achievement.

The cost of these materials were a total of no more than 200 vital energy crystals, and then Austin got 1000 vital energy crystals after selling them, which means he earned more than 800 vital energy crystals in profit! It was more than a hundred percent return.

No wonder being a pill refiner was such a promising and profitable career! It was then that Austin decided to further develop his skills in pill refining to acquire more vital energy crystals and resources.

Then Austin continued to glance over the herbs on the shelves. He planned on buying smore to practice refining skills.

And this time, he was ready to refine Energy-promoting Elixir.

Energy-promoting Elixir had a great effect on one's vital energy. Warriors under Level Five of Energy Gathering Realm would definitely get stronger and their skills more refined after using it.

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As for those warriors at Level One or Level Two, the effect is more pronounce and profound. With the help of Energy-promoting Elixir, their speed and quality of absorbing vital energy would increase tenfold.

Other than the Energy-promoting Elixir, the other most helpful pill for warriors at the Energy Gathering Realm was the Energy- boosting Elixir.

The Energy-boosting Elixir has a more significant effect as compared to the Energy-promoting Elixir.

So after selecting all the material needed for producing such pills, Austin left the store with a happy heart. Outside was a busy street filled with people from all walks of life buying or selling pills.

Quite a few pill refiners were among the crowd busy selling their creations.

As Austin was about to leave, he heard an interesting conversation from roadside which caught his attention.

"We have to hurry, man! | heard that the Ganges Auction House would be selling an Unearthly Fire! You know what that means right? It is every pill refiner's dream! With an Unearthly Fire, a pill refiner can easily be promoted to the next higher level! It's like the miracle drug of pill refiners. Who wouldn't want it? "Of course | know what an Unearthly Fire is! I'm not stupid. But it seems like you are quite interested in it. So how much money are you willing to spend for it?" "Well, honestly | don't have much. As you know being a Level One pill refiner, the highest price my pills can get is just over 1000 vital energy crystals. Besides, my living expenses alone is quite costly. There's just too many things to buy in order to survive.

After all these years of being a pill refiner, | wasn't able to save much. So | don't really have much right now. Life is so hard, especially for the likes of us. Level One pill refiners are nobody in the industry! We are just like a dirt, trivial and insignificant.” "Con, man! You have five concubines! | will be more surprised if you have plenty of money left! And you have to spend smoney in order to have a good twith your beautiful concubines! Do you really even have the tand energy to refine pills? Well, Buddy?" "Okay, okay. You know, everyone has his hobbies and stress relievers. | am just human after all. | have needs to satisfy as well.

So what about you? How many vital energy crystals did you bring? Are you even confident that you could bid for the Unearthly Fire?" "Oh, buddy. Are you kidding right now? | am just a level one pill refiner like you. Why would | even dare to buy the Unearthly Fire? That at least costs about hundreds of thousands or even more vital energy crystals. It's definitely something we can only dream of having! But let's just go there and have a peek. It must be fun!