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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 429 Irate Abbott
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Austin fiercely barged into the house which the Blood Wolf Team took as their stronghold.

He crumbled the door with his fist, fragments of which flew into the yard and destroyed several rooms.

"What's up? What happened?" "Is there an earthquake coming?" "Anyone knows what's going on?" Suddenly, all members of the Blood Wolf Team inside the house, including Abbott and two guardians, were woken up by the loud sound. They asked each other as they got out of bed, confused as to what was happening.

At the stime, Austin and Violet, followed by 10 corpse generals and a procession of 500 guards, broke into the house with great strength and vigor. They killed all people on the way, including warriors and servants.

Austin walked as the head of the procession. After a while, a member of the Blood Wolf Team finally discovered the group of intruders.

"Who are you? Do you know this is the house of the Blood Wolf Team? How dare you barge in?" A dozen warriors exclaimed, surrounding them.

"lI am the man who will send you to hell!" Austin's voice was cold as if he had just risen from hell. He then utilized the sacred long sword to display his Illusory Swordsmanship with level seven sword intent.

Clink! Over thirty streaks of sword radiance with full and aggressive sword aura charged at the members of the Blood Wolf Team surrounding them.

They were night watchmen who were responsible for patrolling the area. Since their cultivation base of the Energy Gathering Realm was relatively low, they were far from being Austin's competitors.

After a while of screeching, all of them were either wounded or dead. Blood splattered on the ground, and broken legs were scattered everywhere.

"There is an enemy invasion!" shouted a man whose cultivation base was at the ninth level of the Energy Gathering Realm. His right arm was cut and bleeding profusely as he turned around to escape. At the stime, he spilled something into the air with his left hand, and a dazzling light beamed out and exploded in the sky, lightening the house with a persistent and harsh red glow.

That was a special signal bomb of the Blood Wolf Team, mainly used to warn others that there was an enemy invasion.

Austin knew what he had done, but he didn't stop him because he wanted to meet Abbott as soon as possible.

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He was even glad to see the signal bomb as it would make it easier for him to find him.

Saving Evan and Herbert was one of his goals, and killing Abbott was another.

Despite Austin knowing that it would not be easy to kill Abbott, he couldn't control the violent vital energy force anymore. He decided to fight recklessly without thinking about the possible consequences.

Right after the man ignited the signal bomb, a corpse general had already approached him. The general raised his hand violently and dismembered his body into pieces within a minute. There were blood and broken legs in every corner of the yard, making everyone horripilate.

Upon hearing the explosive sound of the red signal bomb, all members of the Blood Wolf Team realized that there was an enemy invasion.

A few minutes later, Austin saw that a group of warriors rushed out with weapons.

"Kill him!" All of them turned ferocious and merciless.

Austin roared like a bolt.

"Kill them all!" The drive of the 500 guards to kill was magnified. The corpse generals and the guards growled as they heard Austin shout. It was as if numerous mounted and foot soldiers were charging at once.

Seconds after, they rushed into the backyard like wolves and tigers.

The ten corpse generals, amidst their disgusting smell, swiftly moved and attacked with their sharp nails.

Each one of them was much stronger than an ordinary warrior at the premium stage of the Earth Realm. Their bodies were so rigid that even Austin's sacred long sword couldn't hurt them.

Therefore, normal attacks against the corpse generals would not work, as if they were throwing eggs against a rock.

Before fighting, Austin gave an order to the corpse generals—kill the warriors of the Blood Wolf Team at the Earth Realm.

So whenever they saw a warrior at the Earth Realm, they rushed up as a crowd and wiped them out.

Even the warriors at the premium stage of the Earth Realm could hardly resist the generals’ attacks, so most of them ended up dead or injured.

The ten corpse generals really gave Austin confidence in taking his revenge.

Without them, Austin and his 500 guards might lose in front of dozens of warriors at the Earth Realm.

Majority of his guards were at the Energy Gathering Realm, and only five captains were at the preliminary stage of the Earth Realm.

Despite their relatively weak fighting capacity, they still had incredible power, and all of them were loyal to Austin. In other words, even if Austin would ask them to sacrifice themselves, they would do so without any hesitation.

Now their only goal was to kill the members of the Blood Wolf Team. They would fight regardless of any danger and threat.

They also had the advantage in numbers.

After a while, the Blood Wolf Team had its back to the wall--most of its members were dead and wounded.

Austin swept over the situation in the yard by utilizing his spiritual sense.

He jumped onto the highest roof with the Wind-commanding Skill.

"Abbott! Cout, you asshole! I'm coming for your life!" Austin's words were sent out like waves with the support of the vital energy force from the preliminary stage of the Mysterious Realm. His voice thundered in the entire house, and everyone could hear him clearly.

"How dare you call my name?! Austin, this is your last day!" In a moment, three figures appeared in the sky and flew to the roof where Austin stood. Abbott's eyes were red, almost demonic and savage.

Like a brutal slaughterhouse, the house was full of dreary cries and screams.

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Also, under the instruction of the five captains, the guards set fires everywhere as they chased to kill the members of the Blood Wolf Team. Fires were ignited everywhere, and sparks flew in all directions as flames lit up the sky.

Abbott was enraged to see his house on fire. He roared like a monster, "Ah! Austin! You deserve to die! Son of a bitch! Austin! | will dismember your body, and watch you die painfully.

Austin, you are a dead man!" He was extremely furious and thirsty to kill Austin.

The only thing he wanted to do was to skin and eat him alive.

Abbott's roar reached several miles away, making people who heard it creep all over.

"Ha-ha, Abbott, you foul old thing, what about the surprise?" Austin laughed sarcastically.

Then he continued, "Old thing, | had no enmity against your Blood Wolf team before. But you assassinatedtand again, and even threatened my friends.

This is the day to settle our dispute! Foul dog, go to hell!" Within a minute, three strong warriors at the Mysterious Realm--Abbott and his two guardians formed a triangle to besiege Austin.

"Austin! You are too bold to break in our stronghold here in the imperial capital city.

You are strong. We know you have reached the Mysterious Realm.

But you're just showing off in the eyes of a master. We three are all at the medium stage of the Mysterious Realm, so how are you gonna kill me? Austin, today is your doomsday!" Abbott gradually calmed down and stared at Austin fiercely.

He knew that Austin had upgraded to the preliminary stage of the Mysterious Realm in the Outstanding Talents Exchange Games.

But he believed Austin was a definite loser since he was still at the preliminary stage of the Mysterious Realm while he and his guardians were at the medium stage.

'We have an absolute advantage. Austin is a mortal malady, so it is worthwhile killing him at the cost of a house.’ Such thought made Abbott completely calm down.

"Oh? Really?" A smirk cracked in Austin's mouth.

"Give it a try."