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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 5151
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Boom! Boom! Boom!

As the six gods of chaos' attacks rained down on the FSword Sect's ancient sword array, it began to tremble. Then it shook so

violently that it could no longer bear the pressure.

Soon, the sword array would break, leaving the FSword Sect vulnerable.

"Master, do you trust me?

If you do, | can get everyone out of here, just like | said,"

Martin said, looking at Eduardo. He took a deep breath.

"Martin, you..."

Eduardo trailed off. He didn't know how Martin could be so confident.

"Master, please trust me. The members of the FSword Sect are counting on it,"

Martin begged, cupping his hands together.

"Martin, is it true?

Do you really have a way to evacuate everyone?"

Eduardo asked in a voice coated with doubt.

"Yes, it's true. | promise,"

Martin replied.


Don't letdown."

Finally, Eduardo nodded. He was moved by Martin's sincerity.

"Great. | won't.

Please send out the order for everyone to enter my human world,"

Martin instructed.


Eduardo agreed obediently.

Immediately, he sent a message to every member of the FSword Sect, asking them to approach Martin and enter his human

world for their own safety.

When Martin had beca level-nine governing god, he had created many human worlds in his body.

After receiving the message, the members all gathered in front of Martin and Eduardo.

Under the control of Martin's mind, they were transported into one of the human worlds within his body.

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"Hey! What are they doing?

All the creatures from the FSword Sect are entering Martin's human world!"

one of the six gods of chaos exclaimed. The others looked over and were surprised for a moment.

"It doesn't matter. Just ignore them.

They can try whatever they want but it won't help them escape from the six of us!"

a god of chaos replied, snorting loudly.

"He's right! Let's hurry. We need to kill Eduardo and his disciple. If not, they will stir up trouble for us in the future,"

another god of chaos said.


We can't wait any longer. Let's start the attack now,"

a third god of chaos urged.

Then, activating their bodily movement skills, the six gods of chaos rushed towards Martin and Eduardo in an ominous group.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

From their bodies, they released rolling divine power and it rose like a tidal wave in the direction of Martin and his master.

The space around them was immediately locked down by the terrible divine power.

"Master, once you break through their space blockade, you must enter my human world too,"

Martin said.


Eduardo nodded.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A moment later, streaks of sword aura burst out from Eduardo's body and sliced long gashes through the surrounding space.

It was clear that Eduardo possessed terrifying swordsmanship, and because he was a god of chaos, he also had remarkable divine


In an instant, the divine power of the six gods of chaos was neutralized.

Then, Eduardo turned and ran into Martin's human world. He was gone in a flash.

"I haven't used the Illusion Skill of Reincarnation in a long time.

| hope it still works,"

Martin murmured to himself.

Martin was one of Austin's avatars.

After Austin ate the fruit of suprenlightenment, he condensed eighty-one avatars. Each of them had all of Austin's memories

stored inside of them. Therefore, they were proficient at all of the cultivation methods and martial arts skills that Austin had

practiced in his life.

Martin closed his eyes and

a powerful reincarnation energy spread outwards from his body.


His figure faded, like he had entered another space that was far in the distance.

In an instant, he started moving and left the FSword Sect.

"What is going on?

Martin has run away!"

"That's a brilliant bodily movement skill!

But if | remember correctly, it's not the bodily movement skill of the FSword Sect."

None of the gods of chaos could believe what they were witnessing.

"Go after him!"

Using their bodily movement skills, they followed after Martin.

However, the Illusion Skill of Reincarnation was too advanced. Martin was only a level-nine governing god, but the gods of chaos

couldn't catch up with him because he was using the core skill of the reincarnation race.

Soon, the distance between Martin and the six gods of chaos had increased further.

Before long, the six gods of chaos couldn't see Martin at all. They had lost him.


How did this happen?

How did a level-nine governing god successfully escape from us?

| can't believe it!"

Fury filled the six gods of chaos' faces.

But they couldn't act on it. Martin had left without a trace.


All the members of the FSword Sect have escaped!

None of them was killed!"

"It's amazing!

Six gods of chaos attacked them and they got away unscathed!"

"The FSword Sect suffered zero losses.

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| bet they will return one day

and get their revenge!"

In the distance, the creatures who had cto watch the fun started discussing frantically. The events did not unfold how they had

expected them to.

In a violent rage, the six gods of chaos rushed into the FSword Sect with their people.

When they arrived, they saw that no one remained in the FSword Sect. All the valuable items had been taken away, leaving

only sbuildings behind.

Stepping forward, they acted out and destroyed every single one of the empty buildings.

Meanwhile, in a space far away from the Heavenly Wind Space Sea, a figure zoomed into view and stopped.


It was Martin.

"Martin, you really did get us away from the siege!"

Eduardo exclaimed as he walked out of Martin's human world and saw that he was far away from the Heavenly Wind Space Sea.

"Master, we can't go back to the Heavenly Wind Space Sea for a while.

We have to find another space sea to settle down in.

When we increase our strength, we will go back and get even with those gods of chaos,"

Martin said.

"Yes. You are right."

Eduardo nodded.

"We must get our revenge one day!"

he growled through gritted teeth.

Straight afterward, he and Martin began their search for a suitable space sea to live in.

The two of them had fortuitous encounters in the Absolute Space Sea.

One hundred years later, in a space sea, thunder was approaching.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A huge Thunderstroke Doom descended. Martin stood within its range and let it fall on him.

Once it was over, Martin smiled.

"I've finally beca level-ten governing god!

It's tto go back!"

Martin murmured as he stared at the disappearing Thunderstroke Doom above him.

Before Austin's eighty-one avatars could return to him, they had to cultivate and beclevel-ten governing gods.