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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 598
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Austin wanted to end the battle as soon as possible. So he pushed his advantage and made a dash at the Sky Realm warrior who was darting through the sky. In a flash, Austin had caught up with him and like a shadow launched his attack.

Several quick, loud thuds were heard, followed by grunts of pain.

Again and again! Austin brutally punched his rival, eventually smashing the man's body in a relentless attack. Before the man could even cry out for help, his body was twisted and torn limb from limb, with twisted body parts plummeting to the ground in a bloody shower of guts and gore.

But Austin didn't retract his claws yet. Instead, he turned and lunged at the remaining Mysterious Sky Empire invaders. Although they were all at the medium stage of Sky Realm, Austin killed them swiftly and cleanly, like a lion tearing its prey apart with only a few strikes of its massive claws.

Very soon, all the Sky Realm invaders were wiped out! And all by Austin alone! He truly was an army of one.

Seeing that Austin had so easily finished off all the Sky Realm masters from the Mysterious Sky Empire in such a short time, their equivalents from the Violet Orchid Empire shuddered. They involuntarily took a step back each tan enemy was shredded, as if they feared that they would be the next targets of Austin's fierce fists.

"Well, problem solved," Austin said after catching his breath. "Your majesty, | think it's tthat you go and conduct the war below," he then suggested.

But he was looking at the Sky Realm cultivators from the Violet Orchid Empire when he spoke. They stood aghast, and still dared not move. Obviously, it was to them that Austin was sending a reminder.

Down below, armies from the two empires were still wrestling mightily with each other, and it seemed that the Violet Orchid Empire's forces were currently at a disadvantage. They might lose without help! However, Austin knew that if these Sky Realm cultivators joined the battle, they could turn the tide very easily. He hoped that his demonstration would galvanize them into action.

What was an army when compared with so many high level cultivators anyway? Hearing Austin's words, the emperor suddenly snapped to his senses. Using his spiritual power, he evaluated the situation down below and found that it was not pleasing to their side.

"Con. Tto end this war," he ordered decisively.

With a wave of his hand, Emperor Author led the Sky Realm cultivators into the battle. They swooped down, and like raptors pausing before the final strike, they cto hover mid-air over the battlefield in a flying formation. Then, the whole sky was brightly lit up as they unleashed their powerful vital force against the invaders below with their palms facing downwards.

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The army below mainly consisted of soldiers cultivating at the Energy Gathering Realm. Only a few had reached the Earth Realm.

While only the generals had attained the Mysterious Realm yet.

Sure enough, an army like this was merely a mass of weak and insignificant insects in the eyes of the Sky Realm cultivators.

It took each of the dozen or so Sky Realm cultivators only one attack to generate a storm of powerful vital energy force, with which to bombard thousands of the Mysterious Sky Empire soldiers. In the face of this merciless onslaught, the army disintegrated almost instantly.

It was fair to say that no soldier on the battlefield could survive this kind of attack. For them, seeing the light of vital energy showering down this powerfully meant a swift meeting with Death.

With the Sky Realm cultivators assistance, the enemy troops were struck down in no time. Their intervention was the last domino which set the collapse of the invasion in motion. Even the corpse soldiers were defeated and smashed into insignificance at this moment.

Despite the corpse soldiers being made of toughened bones, and being beyond death, as they were already dead, they were simply consumed by the energy blasts and reduced to ashes.

Austin breathed a sigh of relief from where he was watching the tide turning. 'Finally, | can expect the imperial capital city to be safe again, ' he thought contentedly.

He had planned to set up his two fiancees in the Austin Palace, together with Evan and Herbert before he left the capital again. If the city had fallen, this would have greatly inconvenienced him.

Naturally, he would prefer the city to be peaceful and safe in his absence. In fact, this had been his main motivator for rushing back to join the fighting.

If not for the threat to his own property, he would have had no interest in the territorial dispute between the two empires at all.

Sensing that their victory was assured in the war below, Austin then turned his eyes upwards into the sky, where the fiercest and most violent battle was taking place.

Above him, Emperor Kirkland was being harried by the ancient evil ape. Blow after blow rained on his back, shoulders and arms.

Big and heavy as millstones, the ancient evil ape's fast fists had restricted Kirkland's mobility, preventing his escape. He couldn't even defend himself, let alone fighting back.

The evil ape was a great primeval beast of prodigious strength. Despite its large size, it was frightfully fast. It threw jabs and punches, decimating the emperor in a smooth and clean attack. It moved so fast that it blurred and Austin could hardly see it clearly in the flurried activities of the fight.

In fact, its punches were so powerful that the very air around it seemed to reverberate and churn with the force of each blow's impact. The space was becoming distorted and the air around its fists was being pushed outwards, forming a vacuum that sucked the Emperor in.

As the assault raged, the stress and violence of the evil ape's attacks batted Kirkland's vital energy aside. Unable to gather enough vital energy to launch a counter attack, he kept retreating, trying to protect himself. Eventually he was forced into a passive fetal position.

Meanwhile, Warren was gradually gaining the upper hand while fighting against the leader of the Ghost Sect.

"It seems that this fight should also end soon," Austin said to himself.

Without a second thought, he used his bodily movement skill to rush over to Kirkland, who had given up on struggling against the ancient evil ape and was simply trying to survive the relentless barrage of violence.

"Damn, you bastard!" Kirkland swore when he saw Austin's fast approach from the corner of his eye.

He hated Austin's guts right now. Moments ago, victory was in sight for the Mysterious Sky Empire, but this hateful youth had just cout of nowhere and ruined everything! The victory which had seemed guaranteed had tasted so sweet, but now only bitter bile flooded the Emperor's mouth.

Now that Austin was drawing nearer and nearer, Kirkland wished that he could free himself from the evil ape and grind the offensive snot's bones to dust! Other than that, he had no way to vent his resentment! But the truth was, he was unable to pay Austin any more attention as he had to focus on fighting against the crazy evil ape if he still wanted to save himself. He was being hard-pressed in his defenses by the evil brute! Suddenly, Austin was at his side, a demon coming to gloat over his victory.

"It seems tothat you are about to lose the battle, your majesty," Austin teased.

In fact, he was trying to catch Kirkland's attention, for he had to establish a direct communication with his enemy if he hoped to deploy the Demon-creating Skill against him.

As expected, Kirkland shot a ferocious look at him when he heard these words.

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"I'll tear you into pieces, you asshole!" the emperor hissed through clenched teeth.

"Oh, | really doubt if you can, your majesty," Austin continued baiting.

"I don't think you will ever have that chance.

You see, the ground here outside the capital city will becyour burial mound today.

| feel sorry for you. Truly, | do! Yet | still don't understand why a distinguished and pampered emperor such as yourself would want to give up your affluent life of luxury to chere and die a miserable death. What a pity!" Austin said in a voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Don't count your chickens before they hatch, boy. This isn't over yet. He who laughs best laughs last," Kirkland retorted. He was now positively fuming with rage, and he glared balefully at Austin. If looks could kill, Austin would have been dead already! But just then, Kirkland heard a ghastly growl at the edge of hearing from within his Soul Sea. Then a murderous and dangerous aura registered in his conscious mind.

Before he could figure out what was happening, a malicious-looking demon had broken through his inner defenses and stormed into his mind.

He was being attacked by pure spiritual power! Damn it! As a cultivator refining at the Imperial Realm, Kirkland could immediately see with his powerful spiritual sense that the demon in his Soul Sea had been created using spiritual power with the aim to kill him.

He was right about its hostile intentions. As soon as the demon had completely formed, it made a dash for Kirkland's spiritual soul at high speed.

Kirkland was painfully aware of the dire consequences which he would suffer should the creature's attack succeed. Death would be inevitable then! So without delay, he activated his own spiritual sense and attempted to construct giant, roaring waves of spiritual power with which to meet the demon.

But as a result, he found it even harder to combat the ancient evil ape with his physical body, as he now had to do battle on two fronts and becdistracted.

The evil ape seized the opportunity and dealt Kirkland several heavy blows, which threw him back tand again, further weakening his body.

Austin sneered seeing that Kirkland was being completely contained. He then clenched his fist, and struck at him from a distance using his refined Brutal Blast Fist.

However, just as he thought that Kirkland was doomed for sure, the latter sensed his action. Before the power of the Brutal Blast Fist could reach him, Kirkland felt a strange and uncomfortable feeling threatening to overwhelm him. A hidden force? Kirkland was after all a much more powerful cultivator than a Sky Realm cultivator. He had already becan Imperial Realm Master, and he possessed a much stronger spiritual sense than theirs.

Secretly, Kirkland realized immediately that Austin was launching a furtive attack, as he felt the buildup of a fierce force from the young man. Without letting on that he sensed the impending strike against him, he began to prepare.