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The Unwilling CEO’s Love Game

Chapter 72
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Chapter 72
Gaught in a heavy downpour with overwhelming mental stress, Jocelyn could hardly avoid catching a cold,
Mer fever spiked to 40 degrees in the middle of the night
Melvin Immediately rushed her to the hospital. After two IV drips, her fever finally broke,
Dawn was breaking by this time.
Different from last night’s downpour, it was a sunny day this moming
Melvin’s phone buzzed insistently. He glanced at the woman in the bed before walking to the window to take the call.
‘Is it done?”
“Yeah, everything’s been pulled down. Also found the person who leaked the photos.”
“Willow.” Zephyr replied. “What do you plan to do?”
Melvin’s eyes darkened, his voice cold as ice, “She’s been too high-strung lately, time for her to take a break”
After hanging up, Melvin turned to see the woman had woken.
He walked over felt her forehead. The temperature hadn’t risen again.
Just for one night, Jocelyn was bleary-eyed and deflated.
*Got any explanations? Melvin pulled up a chair next to the bed, propped up his leg, ready to grill her.
Jocelyn turned her face away, swallowing hard. “No”
Her voice was raspy and far from pleasant, which clearly annoyed Melvin.
He let out a cold chuckle. This is how you plan to handle things?
Jocelyn faced forward again, clammed up.

She didn’t know what to say. Things had spiraled this far, even a mouth full of excuses couldn’t stand up to the cyberviolence.
She was
bound to lose this battle of words
Seeing her lackluster face, Melvin’s frown could ve squashed a fly
“Don’t act like you’re at death’s door. Why bother with things you haven’t done? You could’ve ignored all the nonsense and just
walk your way Melvin barked at her, kicking the bed unceremoniously. Turn around, look at me.”
Jocelyn refused to meet his gaze
Melvin didn’t push, and said in a cool voice. Getting your life messed up over a guy you’ve known for a few days? Have I ever
embarrassed you like this in all the years we’ve been together? Don’t think a guy’s good to you just because he’s willing to be
seen public with you. If he doesn’t bring you any trouble, that’s when he truly cares Melvin glanced at her, but she didn’t even bat
an eyelid.
Jocelyn had to admit, he hadn’t put her in a tight spot over the years, but she wasn’t naive Without someone pulling strings
behind the scenes, this would never be possible

Once she cooled down, it clicked. It could be an accidental snap capturing them at the hotel exit, but what about that other time
with Melvin? Waiting to release it now meant someone had been biding their time, ready to trash her rep
It was a long game She even had a hunch who was stirring the pot
It’s possible for anyone to snap the hotel dining photo, but that shot with Melvin in the frame? It wouldn’t be easy
The guy even took the photo from a particular angle that didn’t show Melvin’s face. Thinking of the people who were possibly
there, it was not hard to guess her identity
So, thanks for the years of secret love affairs. After all, it sounds like you were protecting me, she finally said, her voice weak but
Melvin didn’t seem to agree with her words. “Now that it’s out in the public, it might not blow up like this. But it would undeniably

“Ha Jocelyn scoffed, giving him a side-eye, “Do you even know who’s behind this mess?”
Melvins casually resting fingers twitched, Told you not to take those street interviews Don’t you think you brought this on
Jocelyn took a deep breath, fearing she’d lose it and throw the IV bottle at him.
She turned her back to turn. Thanks for bringing me here You can leave now.”
“Don’t get snippy with me.” Melvin showed a rare patience, “Think about who was with you last night, who took care of you. Don’t
be se
Compter 72
Jeceive fenched her teeth, the fight draining out of her
Melvin stood up, straightened his clothes. You’re smart Use your head. Don’t always be looking for the next best thing,
discontent with what you have. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.”
With that he left.
Jocelyn took a deep breath, fighting back tears.
She know Melion was too smart not to know who was behind this matter. But he still chose to pin it on her.
After all, his protection for Willow was his way of penalizing her for getting close to Harrison
She had no connections, no clout, no way to overthrow the traps set for her
Willow was entrenched in the entertainment world, weaponizing public opinion to kick her down was all too easy
Jocelyn dreaded turning her phone back on, unable to face the vitriol on social media
She even feared the school might suspect her conduct because of this mess. A dement was one thing, but what if some parents
demanded her fining?

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It wasn’t out of the question
Jocelyn could calm herself down, but how could she to handle all this?

She’d never been through anything like this.
And just this once could push her into the abyss
No wonder they said the common folk can’t fight the capitalists They’re just trying to make a living while the rich scheme for a
In this affair, she was the commoner, Willow the capitalist
Jocelyn lay restless on the bed for four hours until a nurse brought her porridge at noon She mustered the courage to power up
her phone
The moment it turned on, messages flooded in from her parents, Hamson, colleagues, even her leader at school had called.
Facebook’s notifications also maxed out
She reassured her parents with a call, then braced herself and dove into Facebook
A notice had been posted in the school staff group
Jocelyn clicked, heart in her throat.
About Jocelyn Jocelyn’s work in teaching is undoubtedly recognized by the school. We have done a thorough research on the
students feedback Their parents are very satisfied with Jocelyn’s work and there is no problem with her personalities as
suggested on social media On the contrary, the students respect and love Jocelyn deeply Parents reported that after Jocelyn
took over the class, the students grades have improved and they are excelling in all areas. The school will take legal action
against those who spread rumour about Jocelyn, for this is not only affecting Jocelyns personal reputation, but also discrediting
the school
Following the post, all her colleagues were lining up to give her a unanimous thumbs up

Jocelyn’s eyes welled up with tears that she just couldn’t hold back.
Then out of the blue, Ursula’s call came through, and Jocelyn sniffled and picked it up
“Oh my goodness, you finally turned your phone on You had us worned sick, Ursula’s over the moon, “Did you check the group
chat? We’re all rooting for you. And hey, those keyboard wamors hit up our school forum demanding you get the boot, saying if
you don’t, no one would dare send their kids to our school
But the tables have turned. Someone rounded up all the students and parents you’ve ever taught and they banded together to
clear your name. What’s more, some of the students parents are lawyers! They sent those trolls a legal warming. Those
loudmouths backed down so fast, it was like instant karma
Jocelyn’s tears kept streaming as she saw the screenshots Ursula sent her, including one with a “Jocelyn is a good teacher”
banner surrounded by a sea of signatures
The pics online got deleted, and even those clickbait accounts issued an apology. They didn’t spell it out, but it’s pretty clear
someone was out to tamish your rep. Anyway, thankfully it’s over
Ursula let out a sigh Don’t sweat if anymore. A cyberstorm like this just toughens you up Isn’t it exciting to see those haters eat
their den fruit? You should’ve thought. Try as you might, you can’t bring me down, and Ili just keep shining bright.”
That got a laugh out of Jocelyn.
crying? Usauds asked cautiously, “Knock it off, every storm leads to a rainbow. Time to hold your head high
away het tears. “Yeah, I’m good, thanks.”
though” Ursula suddenly asked her, “And what about your guy? You know, your man? What’s he think about.all
edhe think? He’s just been watching it all like it was some kinda show.