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The Unwilling CEO’s Love Game

Chapter 81
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Chapter 81
“Why did they break up?”
“No clue. Mom reckoned maybe Willow thought Uncle was too broke Or maybe ’cause Willow wanted fame, so she took off,”
Preston Turner shrugged, “I was just a kid back then, all hearsay from Mom.”
Jocelyn felt as if a heavy rock was pressing on her chest, making her hard to breathe.
Preston noticed her discomfort, “Don’t overthink II Mom says they’re ancient history. And hey, Uncle’s a peculiar guy. He doesn’t
reheat old soup, Most importantly, the whole family of us don’t like Willow.”
“As long as she had chemistry with your uncle, that’s enough.”
“No way,” Preston shook his head with conviction, “If there were, they’d be together by now. Jocelyn, don’t sweat it about Willow
Uncle won’t rekindle his love for her. They’re just friends at most, or maybe it’s a business thing.”
Preston’s words didn’t console Jocelyn
First loves are never easily forgotten, like a flint stone burning the back of your hand, always leaving a scar
Exiting the Martinez’s, Jocelyn dialed Melvin’s number.
After a few rings, he picked up
“Preston’s home now,” Jocelyn said, her voice steady
“When are you coming back? Fearing he might think she was prying, she quickly added, “School’s starting. You should be there
for Preston’s registration
“He can handle it, Melvin replied. “If you’re free during the registration, could you help him out?”
Jocelyn detected the underlying message: he wasn’t coming back soon.

Perhaps she was silent too long because Melvin asked, “Anything else?”
“Bye then.”
The call ended with a click, leaving a hint of bitterness in Jocelyn’s heart.
With the start of school and a hectic schedule, Jocelyn had little time for sorrow, throwing herself into work. Without love, she
found she could still manage just fine.
Ulla sent Jocelyn a Facebook message again.
[Caught her! Pictures of her and that guy spending the night together at a hotel.]

She attached five high-resolution photos. Willow leaning on Melvin as they entered the hotel, then heading into a room together.
Ulla had somehow managed to capture images of them inside the hotel.
Willow in a sultry spaghetti strap nightgown and Melvin in a black dress shirt and slacks, stood by the French windows on the
Though there were no intimate gestures, he had stayed the night in Willow’s room.
[Looks like Willow’s the other woman now. This kind of scoop could ruin her reputation.]
Ulla’s excitement about taking down Willow shone through her message
Jocelyn felt an unprecedented calm at the sight of these photos.
No one could track down Melvin’s girlfriend, nor prove he was taken. So the idea of Willow as the other woman was baseless
Jocelyn replied. [I’m out Look for something else.]
Ulla responded with a ‘confused’ emoji.
¡Weren’t you after dirt on Willow? Why give up now?]

Jocelyn messaged back before jossing her phone face down on the desk and picking up her textbooks, heading out of the office.
She truly was tired.
ted Melvin, but the images of him with another woman made it impossible for her to ignore.
She had enough of it
Jocelyn stopped calling Melvin, But Ulla kept sending photos of Melvin and Willow, sometimes entering hotels together,
sometimes in the same car looking inseparable, more like a real couple.
Jocelyn told Ulla to stop. She no longer had the drive to target Willow
Even if Willow did nothing wrong, Melvin had ways to keep her out of sight if he wanted to. As long as he didn’t want to
embarrass Willow, no amount of dirt could prevent him from clearing a path for her. In the end, her standing against Willow all
hinged on Melvin’s attitude.
Clearly, she hadn’t won over Willow.
*Jocelyn, it’s Friday night, mind if I crash at your place for dinner tomorrow?” Preston asked in a low voice while handing over his
School had been in session for a week, and Preston visibly seemed to have lost weight
Melvin wasn’t exactly reliable with preparing meals for Preston when he’s at home Now that he’d been gone for who knows how
long. Preston’s chances of a decent meal were slim.
Jocelyn tried to stay out of it but eventually gave in and nodded.

That afternoon, she took Preston over to her parents’ house for dinner.
Preston sure knew how to behave. He sweet-talked Jocelyn’s parents, making them quite happy.Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

It’s said that a nephew takes after his uncle.
But at that moment, Preston seemed nothing like his.
He even joined Calvin Winslet for a game of chess, drawing praise from the old man.
Daisy, aware that Preston was in town to stay with his unreliable uncle for school, felt sorry for the boy and told Jocelyn to bring
Preston along whenever she came for dinner.
Preston was obviously delighted. Though Jocelyn felt it was improper, she knew refusal would disappoint her parents.
She couldn’t keep bringing Preston home so often. Once Melvin returned, it would be out of the question anyway.
She agreed just for now
Around eight o’clock, Jocelyn wrapped up Preston’s final chess game and offered to sent him back.
“Look, it’s Friday night and there’s no school tomorrow. Let the kid stay up a bit longer. Your dad hasn’t had such a good chess
rival in ages. Let Preston stay to keep your dad company,” Daisy said with a fondness in her voice for Preston, the well-
mannered boy with clever look
Jocelyn’s brow furrowed in concern.
“How about this? Let him stay over for the night, Calvin chimed in casually.
“I think that’s a great idea, Daisy clapped in delight. “We’ve got a spare bedroom, and it’s just one night.”
Jocelyn could hardly believe how nonchalantly they were offering to let someone unfamiliar stay at their home.
Preston didn’t seem to mind, but he noticed Jocelyn’s reluctant expression.
Just as Jocelyn was trying to find a polite way to decline, Preston’s phone rang.
He glanced at Jocelyn as he checked the caller ID, “It’s my uncle.”
A shiver went down Jocelyn’s spine as she looked away.
Preston answered the call, “You’re back? I’m at Jocelyn’s No, her parents’ place Okay, got it.

After hanging up, Preston looked dejected as he informed Calvin and Daisy, “My uncle’s back from his business trip, and he’s on
his way to pick me up now.”
Calvin nodded, understanding the situation since Preston was not their own child.
“Then make sure you come over again when you’ve got some time, Daisy said, clearly not ready to part with the boy
“Yeah, I will,” Preston responded, eyeing the unfinished game of chess. “Calvin, we have to finish this match.”
Throughout the game. Jocelyn’s emotions went through a whirlwind
Melvin hadn’t called her and hadn’t even mentioned he was back
It wasn’t the first time he had done something like this, and it was clear how little she mattered to him.
Finally, as the chess, match concluded and Preston sighed, “Calvin, you’re too good. I lost again. Looks like I’ll have to come by
more often to learn from you.”
Chapter &
Calvin’s laugh was hearty and full of warmth. “You’re always welcome here, lad.”
With that settled, Preston hung up as Melvin called to say he was downstairs waiting.
Jocelyn’s heart raced with anticipation.