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The rise of the pervert primordial

Chapter 333 Battling A Sea Of Knowledge Cultivator (Part 2)
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Constant thunder like sounds followed by flashes of golden light and green smoke, kept appearing in on the sky with each clash of Dry Bone's spear with Aster's sword.

With each clash, Dry Bone felt his hands getting number, and the small cracks on the tip of his spear getting bigger.

"Why, why can't I kill you!", he shouted, pouring more of his spirit energy into his weapon and stabbing it towards Aster.

"Clang!", the sound of metals colliding echoed through the sky and for the first time Dry Bone managed to make Aster step back by a couple of meters.

As Dry Bone was about to smile, his expression froze as he noticed his spear's tip was pushing against Aster's stomach, without being able to pierce his skin, he deliberately aimed at the area where there was no armor, but the result wasn't what he expected.

The armor was a manifestation of he paragon body, whether Aster decided to use it or not, the defense of his body would not chance as it didn't increase in relation to the pieces of the armor manifested, but in relation to Aster's cultivation realm.

The different parts of the armor enhanced a certain aspect instead, the arms increased the strength, the chest plate allowed Aster to extend the protection to others, and the legs which were the last piece "unlocked" increased the agility.

So, whether the enemy attacked the parts protected by the armor or not, the result would be the same, the attack being blocked by the innate toughness of the paragon body, unless it was strong enough to bypass it of course.

But right now, Dry Bone was experiencing a living nightmare seeing that his spear even after using spirit energy with poisonous properties, wasn't able to even rip a hole through Aster's clothes.

Which made him greet his teeth.

'You aren't the only one who's got a treasure from a high stellar system', thought Dry Bone, he then made a feint with his spear and took some distance from Aster.

"So, you also come from a big family… then you would probably recognize this!", with a hoarse voice, the veins in Dry Bone's arms bulged and became black.

The sea of green smoke which was floating in the sky was absorbed back by Dry Bone, and then his body was covered in a green/yellow mist.

Aster's nose wrinkled, unlike the previous green smoke which kept trying to infilter his skin without any success and wasn't even registered as threat for him, this new emanation had an acid like scent which was impossible to ignore.

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"Hssss", Aster's attention was draw by a loud sound which came from the surrounding area, the mountain, vegetation and anything in a one-kilometer radio started being eroded, even when the green/yellow mist was only covering Dry Bone whose eyes were closed.

Dry Bone opened his eyes revealing his irises which were now inked black, still the reaction he expected didn't appear in Aster's face, but that made Dry Bone recover some confidence.

'After what he did to young master Daniel, if I kill this brat then I will be in his good books, then …'.

"Mm?", Aster suddenly felt a heavy pressure trying to force him descend from the sky, the aura surrounding Dry Bone went a notch up nearly reaching the Genesis Manifestation relm, but his skin started contracting as if his flesh was being consumed.

He was burning his life away in exchange of a temporal power up, probably thanks to that same technique he was using right now.

Knowing his time in this state was limited, Dry Bone discarded his spear and became a flash of green light which shot itself towards Aster.

"Haaaa!", Dry Bone appeared a few meters away in front of Aster and then pushed his palm frontwards.

Aster snorted and punched to receive Dry Bone's attack frontwards, which made the latter grin as his hand made contact with Aster's fist.

"Booom!", a loud explosion echoed through the sky, the clouds above them were dispelled due to the impact and Aster was forced to retreat backwards.

Aster looked at his knuckles which were now covered in that green/yellow smoke, there was faint traces of steam coming out of his gloves as its materials were being slowly eroded by Dry Bone's toxic spirit energy.

Dry Bone smirked, seeing the ability which caused all this situation to happen working on his opponent, he only agreed to kidnap women from the Myriad Occupation sect for Daniel, to get a technique exclusive from his sect.

"What do you think, the "Yang Melting Palm" of the Ludic Domination sect is quite something right?", said Dry Bone with a smile of sufficiency.

"So, you made a deal with an evil sect, that explains why you were so afraid of death", although Aster haven't heard of the sect mentioned by Dry Bone, judging by the conversation he heard earlier, Daniel was going to use those women as resources.

Dry Bone didn't say anything, with every second that passed he lost more vitality, so instead of losing time, he rushed towards Aster with his hands covered in green/yellow smoke.

Then the exchanged continued, with each clash more of Dry Bone's spirit energy kept sticking onto Aster's fist, their attacks collided and created thunder like sounds due to the strong impacts as well as green and golden flashes which illuminated the sky.

Aster suddenly dodged sidewards, Dry Bone changed his target to his face, probably because he was starting to feel the lose of his vitality, after a few more exchanges, his forearms were covered in that green smoke, which surprisingly wasn't dispelled with his spirit energy.

Although at the beginning Dry Bone was happy to see that he was forcing Aster backwards, he noticed he wasn't causing any real damage, which made him starting to panic.

"What the hell are you doing Dry Bone, hurry up and kill that bastard!".

Daniel who came out of the hole that was left on the ladder of the mountain, shouted from the ground, he looked miserable with dirt stains on his originally white robes.

Dry Bone gritted his teeth, if he were to fail in fulfilling Daniel's order, then when his escorting elder arrived, his only reward will be death.

"You forced me to!", with a growl, Dry Bone pushed his body to the limit, some of his veins exploded and the pressure all over the mountain increased so much the ground started trembling.

Dry Bone's hair fell and his tanned skin wrinkled and became paler, but the aura he was giving surpassed the limit of a Sea of Knowledge and reached the range of a Genesis Manifestation cultivator.

His eyes became bloodshot as he glared at Aster, his image blurred and a fraction of a second later, he appeared next to Aster and pushed his palms towards him.

Aster's pupils contracted, although he managed to follow Dry Bone's movements, the later speed surpassed his for a small margin.

As Dry Bone's hand approached Aster, Daniel smiled imagining the following scene, the yang melting palm was a technique developed to take advantage of sexual practices, to strengthen the yang of the man and then mixing it with some yang poison resources, an extremely acid reaction is created.

But then his smile froze on his face, the world seemed to stop for a split of a second before that, with Aster as the center, a pillar of blue flames pierced the sky, dispelling the green clouds that were isolating the mountain from the rest of the planet.

"Aghhhh!", Dry Bone's miserable figure flew outside of the blue flame pillar a split of a second later, making him impact against the ground creating a large crater.

Aster descended from the sky, but Rigel's flames didn't return to his body and instead spread all over the sky as it purified the green smoke using it as its fuel, soon the area of about one ten kilometers was completely surrounded by blue flames.

Aster approached Dry Bone which was coughing blood laying on the ground, his arms were filled with wounds due his veins not resisting anymore, still he had a triumphant smile on his face.

"To think I Dry Bone brought such a talented genius to his premature death, let's see how brave you truly are in front of a half Heavenly Transformation realm cultivator".

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Aster raised an eyebrow, not following Dry Bone's words, until he felt a strong presence coming from above.

Even Daniel poisonously glared at Aster while he laughed.

"Uncle Julius, I'm here, help me seek justice against the Myriad Occupation sect…".

A loud sordid sound interrupted Daniel, a battered figure fell next to Dry Bone, what normally would have been a decent looking man in his thirties had his face completely swollen, and his limbs were twisted in impossible angles.

And that wasn't all, under Daniel's surprised eyes, a fairy descended from the sky next to Aster and to his jealousy, she kissed the black-haired youth which severed his arm.

"How was it darling, did a Sea of Knowledge opponent met your requirements~", Lilia tried to cheer up her son, seeing that he wasn't really happy with the result.

Aster wrapped his arm around Lilia's waist as he shook his head.

"Not really, that guy had to burn his lifespan to be on par with me using the golden armor, but when I added Rigel's flames it was over, it was such a letdown".

Dry Bone nearly vomited blood after listening to Aster, he burned away about five thousand years of his life and he was now realizing his opponent never treated him seriously.

And his expression turned into despair when he recognized a singular emblem on what was left of the clothes of the person laying down next to him.

"S-Senior Julius", he mumbled, he wanted to cry but tears didn't come out, that was the last nail of his coffin.

Completely ignoring Dry Bone who was having a mental breakdown, Lilia rubbed her face against Aster's trying to comfort him.

"Don't worry darling, there will be plenty of "whetstones" at the sect just for you, at least you know more or less your limit just using physical techniques and the paragon body".

Without turning back, Aster extended his hand and pointed backwards, a line of golden light was shot from his index finger, which was followed by a loud scream.

"Aghhh!", Daniel who was trying to slip away in silence, suddenly felt his legs failing followed by a heart-breaking pain as he tripped.

Seeing a hole on his right leg, Daniel took out a talisman from his pocket and broke it healing his wounds, even his arm grew back, because Aster didn't cut it with annihilation, but by sharpening air after annihilation cut Daniel's robes which were a protective treasure.

After the talisman broke, once his wounds were healed, the image of a short-bearded man appeared on the sky above Daniel, with an angry expression.

"Who dares, to touch my son…", but without finishing the prerecorded message, it exploded in black flames as Lilia snapped her fingers.

"No way!", Daniel who was finally breathing again, suddenly felt his world collapsing, that was the life saving talisman his father a Heavenly Transformation realm cultivator gave him, although it only carried an attack of about 70% of its power, it was still more than enough to disappear a whole star cluster in a middle ranked stellar system and yet it was destroyed just like that, without any consequence.