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The rise of the pervert primordial

Chapter 336 The Notice That Shocked Galatia (Part 2)
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Aster didn't really care about the woman that seemed to be looking for trouble, so he just turned around and ignored her, which made her get angrier.

'Since when a random nobody from a middle ranked stellar system, dares to ignore me a member of the main branch of the Stal familly', she thought to herself, as she approached the counter and slapped her hand on it, to draw Aster's attention.

"As the newly appointed law enforcer in charge of the treasury I can't ignore your attitude regarding the Wanted Book of the sect, a large part of the funds of the sect are reserved for that".

"If more disciples like you overestimated themselves and just courted their death, with the delusion of getting easy rewards by hunting the younger generations of the evil sects, the impact would be negative after all".

Aster raised an eyebrow listening to the self-righteous voice of the woman, but he then smirked and turned to see her.

"None of that explains why are you bothering me, you aren't an elder of the Battle Peak, nor have the authority to reprimand me since I'm the Lord of the Twin Sword valley".

The woman's expression became grim, but as she was about to unleash her spirit pressure, she remembered the kid in front of him couldn't be suppressed by such methods... at least not within the territory of the Battle Peak.

Angela checked her own version of the book which did have the rewards and then answered Aster's question.

"Daniel Ikteas is a high-grade C wanted, there wasn't anyone specifically asking to eliminate him, so the reward will be the standard amount, a total of fifty million low grade spirit jades, since it's a special reward it's eligible to be converted into middle ranked sprit jades for a 1000/1 ratio".

"As for the contribution points... one million will be added to your record".

"Oh?", Aster's eyes glowed for a split of a second, the reward wasn't as high as he expected, but the option to get it in middle ranked spirit jades was worth it, while middle ranked spirit jades aren't impossible to get in the public market, their price is often around 1500 low grade jades to buy a middle ranked one.

Seeing Aster's interested expression, the woman who was still looking from the sides, snorted as she added.

"Little receptionist, you forgot to mention that for the rewards of the Wanted Book, to be awarded, the merit can only be awarded if a sole person battled and killed the target, without the help of others, and any try to bypass that rule will be severely punished", the woman put emphasis on the last part of the sentence as she glared at Aster.

Even if it was already known that Aster eliminated nearly twenty thousand enemies with a single slash of his sword, a really shocking achievement, the fact that all were from a middle ranked stellar system and weren't allowed to use any treasures, made Jenna believe Aster was just bluffing.

It wasn't completely her fault though, the protective robes Daniel used were enough to protect him even against constant attacks of Sea of Knowledge cultivators for about half a day, unfortunately how could she know Aster's attribute could bypass protections which focused on defense, instead of pouring high quantities of spirit energy to defend the owner.

The only way to fend off annihilation was using large amount of spirit energy to "exhaust" the attack, after vanishing the spirit energy, annihilation would disappear as if it had satiated its appetite.

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Aster smirked, since that new law enforcer wouldn't cry unless she saw a coffin, he was more than happy to take her on.

"It seems like the law enforcers in charge of the treasury have a lot of free time, the previous one also liked to meddle in other people's business, get lost".

"What, did you say you little...", the woman nearly lost it, she was being insulted in broad daylight and what was worse was that other disciples had been appearing since a moment ago, so now there was a small crowd watching her.

"Humph, I'm just waiting for you to coax this little receptionist into believing your lies, I would like to see you a mere Stellar Constellation cultivator defeating anyone in the Wanted Book, by yourself!".

Aster inwardly grinned, now that the bitch had taken the bait, it was time to act.

"Now, rules don't apply to me, but they do apply to others and as far as I remember defamation against a Holy Son, in other words the Lord of a valley is a crime, since among the disciples they are the maximum representation of the sect, despite their position in the Heavenly Rankings".

The expression of the woman became bitter.

"So, what, it's not a defamation as long as you are just talking nonsense... if you manage to defeat anyone in the Wanted Book by tomorrow, I'll personally bow and apologize as well as offer a compensation doubling the reward, but if you can't do it, then you'll kneel in front of me and give up on your status as a Lord, what do you say, do you dare!".

The crowd which was gossiping between each other, suddenly went silent, face for a cultivator was big thing, and both options proposed by the law enforcer involved apologizing, but then Aster's next words made their minds nearly go blank.

"I lose my position but you don't, it's better for me to skip on such unfair bet", said Aster as he shook his head.

The woman smiled seeing that her "plan" worked, she purposedly didn't put her position on the stake, so that she could add it and force Aster to accept the deal.

'Humph, a brat like you is still one hundred years too young to act all high and mighty in font of me', she thought before saying.

"Deal, my position as law enforcer against your position of a Lord of a valley, you have 24 hours to...".

Aster took out the ring which contained Daniel's corpse and handed to Angela, with a calm expression.

"I'll take the rewards in middle ranked spirit jades".

Angela inspected the ring and her eyes widened a bit, as the one in charge of the counter on the floor of the extermination type missions, she didn't freak out at the sight of a beheaded corpse, what surprised here was that Aster ended up facing someone in the Wanted Book, in a mission which was supposed to be taken by newly ascended core disciples.


Silence, a sepulchral silence fell on the room, until the woman rushed towards Angelica and shouted.

"What are you doing, evaluate the proof, there is no way he is saying the truth!".

Angela raised an eyebrow, as an appraiser herself, her spirit sense was sharp enough to affirm that the corpse inside the ring only had scraps of one person's spirit energy, in this case Aster.

Also, while she had to show respect towards a law enforcer, her direct superior wasn't subordinated to the woman, but to Salazar as this was the Battle Peak's planet, still she looked at Aster and only after seeing him nodding, she proceeded.

The counter was suddenly covered in a dim white light, Angela then took out a spherical device and placed it at the left side of the counter, before she took out the contents of the ring.

A beheaded corpse appeared on top of the counter, making the curious disciples in the crowd to take a breath of cold air.

"Please inject a bit of your spirit energy in the sphere", asked Angela.

Aster nodded and did as she asked, the sphere then illuminated in the characteristic golden color of Aster's spirit energy, then after a moment, the counter did the same.

"No way!", the woman shouted, the counter had the property of perfectly inspecting the spirit energy in the wounds and other stress parts of whoever was placed on top of it, the sphere was only to show Aster's spirit energy firm.

When those two things were combined and their results matched, then the answer was pretty clear, Daniel was only battled and killed by a single person, in this case Aster.

Angela returned the corpse to the ring and kept the ring, the light covering the counter to prevent any blood or other materials to stain it, deactivated, she then took out a talisman which hanged from her neck and placed it on top of the counter, a series of images showing different serial numbers appeared.

Angela looked for a specific one and tapped on it, then a large spirit formation glowed on the counter before a small coffer appeared from inside of the formation.

Without opening it, she handed the coffer to Daimon.

"As requested, the reward was given in middle ranked spirit jades, please confirm that the amount is correct".

Aster used his spirit energy to inspect the coffer, just like the many rooms in the castle he now owned, the space inside the thing was larger than what is outer aspect suggested, and the coffer was used, because spirit jades tended to lose some of their energy in spatial rings which weren't specialized to contain them.

Instead of that, these coffers functioned as private treasury rooms, which isolated everything with the idea of maintaining the spirit jades on their prime, similar to how alchemist used special cases for some spirit herbs and jade bottles for their pills and elixirs to keep their effects for a long time.

Aster then turned to see the woman whose face was incredibly black right now, as if she has swallowed a fly, and showed her the coffer

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"If you are going to apologize hurry up, I don't have time to lose with you".

"Y-You, do you even know who you are talking to, you despicable brat!", the pressure of a peak Void Manipulation cultivator spread across the room making the air tremble a bit, the disciples felt as if they suffocated but the sensation didn't last long as another pressure cancelled the one of the woman.

"You people from the Blacksmith Peak, surely think you can come here to cause troubles", Salazar who just arrived from the stairs, slowly spoke.

The woman snorted, her hair which had a silverish tone glowed before her pressure increased one more time, setting a foot in the Law Integration realm.

"So, what, a mere old man in the Void Manipulation realm isn't enough to scare me, a member of the Stall family!", the woman's pressure which was now equal to the one of Salazar, threatened with surpassing the latter.

But then the woman spat blood and fell to the ground, as a man's lazy voice came from below the stairs.

"Oh, and what if you count me in for the fun little Melisa?".

Everyone turned to see the origin of the voice and had to wait roughly a whole minute, until a middle-aged man wearing shorts and sandals, appeared.

The woman forced herself to look at the newcomer and her eyes seemed to throw fire.

"William, you bastard!".

William yawned and then gave Aster thumbs up.

"Kid, you are making this boring place getting interesting, good job".

Aster turned to see Lilia, who just shrugged.

'The Talis are... battle maniacs or lazy asses, there is no middle point, your godmother belongs to the first category by the way'.

'I guess mom's friends couldn't be normal', thought Aster as he shook his head.

"I'm still waiting, law enforcer... no, since you betted your position, I should call you Melisa now that your status is below mine", said Aster with a disdaining expression on his face.

Salazar felt the powder on the air and he inwardly sighed.

'I chose him since he was bold, but maybe he is a bit too much... whatever, battles can't be won with cowards or sheltered flowers'.