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The rise of the pervert primordial

Chapter 337 The Notice That Shocked Galatia (Part 3)
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Melisa tried to get rid of William's pressure a couple of times, but no matter how much she increased her cultivation, she couldn't take the final step into the Law Transcending realm, and even if she did so, one must take into account that William wasn't using his Transcending Gate, in other words he was just playing around.

"The more you wait, the more people will come you know", said William as he scratched his chin.

Noticing that more people kept coming in, Melisa gritted her teeth and then poisonously glared at Aster.

But as she was about to speak, another person barged in the mission hall.

"Don't you think you are being too unreasonable, young Tallis, miss Melisa's position isn't lower than yours".

The attention of all the people in the room as attracted to the stairs, where a tall woman wearing silver robes and a veil slowly walked in.

Although the woman was completely calm, the aura she gave off was enough to make others either revere her o tremble in her presence.

With a few exceptions, the first one being Aster who observed how things developed from the sides, and the other being William who didn't dispel his pressure and kept Melisa on the ground.

"In this stellar system I'm the punishment law enforcer, and trying to attack a junior out of shame, it's worth punishing".

William then walked towards Melisa and increased his pressure, making the ground below her crack.

"However, I don't care about boring stuff, when I arrived at this place, I heard an interesting bet was made between that kid and Melisa, if someone with the same status as mine were to broke its word, then wouldn't I lose face".

"Whatever happens now will depend on him", said William with a smirk on his face as he pointed at Aster.

The silver robed woman then turned to see Aster, and she directed some of her pressure towards him, not enough for the Twin Sword protection formation to activate, but enough to cause anyone below the Mortal Transcending realm to shiver.

"Perhaps we didn't have a good start, so how about we forget what happened here, of course the monetary compensation offered would still be yours, in fact the Blacksmith Peak will support you, all the cultivators require weapons and equipment after all".

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Now all the eyes fell on Aster, all the supreme elders hid their faces for some reason, but their appearances were well known among the core disciples, so everyone here was well aware that the silver robed woman was the supreme elder of the Blacksmith Peak.

The silver robed woman inwardly smiled, her job was to maintain things between the descendants of the main branch of the Stal family, relatively good with the ones from the other ruler families.

'I shouldn't have brought her since William Talis was here'.

Seeing that Aster wasn't answering and instead he was talking with Angela about other things, the silver robed woman frowned, but she thought Aster was just making things hard for face's sake.

'Humph, you have no idea how big id the world brat, don't think that just because I'm giving you a hand, you can take a mile', she thought before saying, in a less friendly voice.

"So, what's going to happen, Lord of the Twin Sword valley, do you want to become a friend of the Blacksmith Peak, or do think you can endure the consequences of demanding an apology from miss Melisa?".

Aster stopped what he was doing and slowly turned around to see Melisa who was still laying on the ground, with an angry expression, it was clear she didn't think she was in the wrong, not like he cared though.

"If she is in the sect, then I'm not, if I'm in the sect she isn't, it's as simple as that".

An awkward silence fell in the room, but it only lasted a couple of seconds until a thunderous laugh made the tense atmosphere to vanish.

"Well said kid, a man must only concede in front of his parents and his women HAHAHA!".

Without caring about anything, William added fuel to the fire.

What surprised others was that even if the supreme elder was supposedly the strongest in the room, she didn't dare to raise her hand against William, despite his lack of manners.

The silver robed woman sighed, she had no option but to see Melisa, the meaning was clear, she could not help her get out of this situation, without her apologizing.

'Miss... I think it would be better for you to return to the family, but don't worry I will make sure to make that kid pay for this with everything he has'.

Melisa heard the silver robed woman's voice directly in her ears, and nearly lot it, with her teeth clenched she slowly said.

"I apologize for having slandered the Lord of the Twin Sword valley", she mumbled in a low voice trying to minimize the number of people that heard her saying such humiliating words.

Only then William cancelled his pressure, liberating Melisa, which immediately stood up, she clenched her hands to the point that her skin became pale, but ultimately, she only took out a bag and threw it at Aster, before she became a flash of light that disappeared from the room.

The silver robed woman then looked at Aster and left not without saying.

"I won't forget what happened here Lord of the Twin Sword valley, mark my words, there is always a higher mountain".

After saying that, the silver robed woman was about to leave when she received a sound transmission directly to her ears as well.

'You know what happens to my enemies, if you want to fight bring it on'.

The eyes of the silver robed woman contracted, she snorted and then disappeared from the room.

Salazar who watched every second was holding onto a talisman with all his might, he didn't know why the supreme elder didn't attack William, but he was prepared to call the supreme elder of the battle peak at the slightest sign of a complete fall out.

"Kid, you surely like to cause troubles… ahh I need something for my head", mumbled Salazar before he also left the mission hall, followed by William who was still laughing due to the previous situation.

The crowd slowly dispersed as well, leaving only Aster, Agnes and Dahlia's aunt left, besides Angela of course.

"The contribution points were already awarded… you now hold the position 24,625 in the Heavenly Rankings, congratulations".

Angela wasn't exaggerating by congratulating Aster, he is a new disciple while the top fifty thousand in the rankings are all veteran core disciples and winged disciples, in a couple of days in the sect he achieved more than others in years.

"Thanks, can you show me the hardest mission available for the current amount of contribution points I have?", although Aster was content with the result, he was still far from what he wanted to achieve.

Angela smiled, normally the receptionist isn't required to show the missions to the disciples, as they are displayed on the board, so it is up to her discretion if he wants to do it or not.

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"I don't mind, but it doesn't look like the kind of mission you would do, it isn't only an extermination type, but also an escorting mission, also the whole information regarding it, won't be updated until a couple of days from now… I can register you for it if you want to, but the issuing side would be the one to choose who will take it".

Aster raised an eyebrow, who would publish an incomplete mission, to the strongest sect in Galatia.

"What's the reward?".

Angela raised her ten fingers as she answered.

"Ten thousand middle ranked spirit jades… and five million contribution points, it was only issued a few minutes ago but there are already nine people who have registered for it".

Aster nodded, he placed his hand on the spherical device which was on the counter and Angela registered him for the mission, making him the tenth applicant, and also the last one because apparently that was the maximum quantity.

Aster had been keeping Angela for himself for the last fifteen minutes or so, so no one in the third floor could register for it, and those who took it were lucky enough to see it in the second floor after the commotion caused by Melisa ended.

"Thanks", after thanking Angela, Aster left the third floor followed by Agnes and Helena, the others didn't go upstairs, despite what happened earlier, of course Aster knew Lilia was ready to start a bloodbath in case the silver robed woman attacked him, but it wasn't needed.

Aster had no way to know that, that was the main reason as to why William hurried to the mission hall as soon as he felt Melisa's spirit energy in the center capital.

Helena looked at Aster from time to time while they were walking downstairs earlier, only now she remembered the extra reward she offered, originally, she was going to give him some options among the relatively rare spirit herbs she had, but now she changed her mind.

"For the extra reward… I have some interesting spirit herbs garden for you to choose from, would you mind paying a visit to my store?".

Kana's eyes sparkled as soon as she heard Helena mentioning a garden, her big eyes gazed as Aster in an adorable way.

"Big brother, can we go?".

Aster chuckled, as he patted her head.

"Sure, why not, we are taking a rest from missions for the next days anyway and depending on the situation, it might be a good idea to look at that store".

Since he has already decided to open a "family business", which included alchemy related things, having a decent provider of materials was a must, and while Helena's cultivation was nothing too remarkable, her whole person had the fresh and enjoyable scent of spirit herbs.

While Aster and the others flew towards Helena's store, a series of notices from the Myriad Occupation sect spread across the stellar system.

First, the rumored core disciple did exist and on his first mission, he saved a large number of hostages and easily defeated a whole bandit crew which included a Sea of Knowledge realm cultivator, without suffering a wound or losing a hostage, and while no one knew who killed the bandit leader, the Lord of the Twin Sword valley defeated a Star Tribulation evil cultivator from a high ranked stellar system by himself.

And the even more shocking second notice was that he forced a law enforcer to give up on her position and she even left the sect, while the first notice was spread thanks to the girls that returned safe and sound to their respective sects and planets, no one was sure who leaked the second one, but one thing was sure… a huge wave was about to bring changes to Galatia, whether they would be good or bad, it was yet to be discovered though.