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This Young Master is not Cannon Fodder-Novel

Chapter 323: Blockade
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Chapter 323: Blockade

In the secret meeting inside the Extremity Night Sect, the Eternal Night Emperor sat at the main seat, surrounded by his allies. No, not the upper echelons of the Anti-Heaven Alliance, but his true comrades. Those who knew the true plan and origin of the Extremity Night Sect and many other first-rate sects.

The Eternal Night Emperor scanned the room. He saw Monarch Evernight, who Tianyi had once seen during the most recent Three Heavens Connection Gathering. Aside from the immortal monarchs of the Extremity Night Sect, the leaders of the Northbound Longevity Sect, Skymist Gorge, Goldlight Sect, and Yangsource Sect were also present. In addition to them, there was a final figure shrouded in a hooded cloak. A shadowy mist leaked out from under his hood.

“Have you caught wind of what the Saintly Scholar School has been up to, Spymaster?” Eternal Night Emperor said.

Spymaster shook his head, causing the hood to shake. “Whatever they are planning, only the upper echelon knows. All those people dispatched to every corner of the Mortal Continent are only tasked with delivering materials.”

Eternal Night Emperor and the rest of the immortals present frowned. “Can you not discover more?”

“No,” Spymaster said. “They aren’t hiding their movements, but they are very secretive about the final goal. Even with my position, I cannot learn anything. If I push too far, I might expose my identity. My conjecture is that they are planning something big, something that won’t matter once they complete whatever they want.”

“Damn Saintly Scholar School,” the Skymist Gorgemaster said. “They are taking advantage of the chaos, knowing that we and those on the Heaven Continent won’t be able to interfere at this critical juncture.”

“Should we dispatch a squad to delay them as much as possible?” The Northbound Longevity Sect Master asked.

“That sounds like a good idea,” the Goldlight Sect Master said. “We can give the pilfered materials to the Yangsource Sect to refine into artifacts in our war with the Eight Pillar Sect.

The Yangsource Sect wasn’t a first-rate sect, but it had influence equal to one. The reason was that they specialized in refining artifacts. Their members might not have the best combat prowess, but everyone asked them to refine artifacts.

Eternal Night Emperor spoke out at this time, “No. We haven’t reached the point of needing to steal materials. The risk of losing our operatives is too high. We cannot forget our main objective, to conquer the Earth Continent. Everything else, including revenge, does not take precedence, and if we really need materials, we can supply them through another channel.”

Although the other people present had questions, such as who would supply the materials, they didn’t ask. Or maybe, they would just allow the Eight Pillar Sect to eliminate a sect of an opposite faction, giving them more resources and control of the Anti-Earth Alliance. Whatever the reason, they all defaulted to Eternal Night Emperor’s decision.

“Speaking of which,” The Goldlight Sectmaster said. “I heard from my spies that the Eight Pillar Sect requested aid from the Buzhou Immortal Sect, and they agreed.”

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“They sure have a lot of free time considering their domain is embroiled in war,” The Northbound Longevity Sect Master said. “Who did they send?”

“According to my intelligence, it’s the two newly ascended immortal monarchs, Monarch Nine Heaven and the Sword Sovereign’s son,” The Goldlight Sect Master Said.

“I can believe an old monster like Monarch Nine Heavens reaching the Seamless Immortal Realm, but a brat that’s only two hundred years old? I’m still doubting if he really became an immortal after only a hundred years. Who is the Buzhou Immortal Sect trying to fool?” The Skymist Gorgemaster said.

“I wouldn’t discount him so soon,” The Yangsource Sect Master said. “With how ancient the Buzhou Immortal Sect is, it isn’t inconceivable that they would have a method to raise an immortal to the Seamless Immortal Realm. Sword Sovereign Xi also reached the Immortal Realm in only a hundred years, didn’t she?”

“That’s more logical,” The Goldlight Sect Master said. “Still, how should we deal with them?”

“We have more immortal monarchs than the Eight Pillar Sect. Two additional ones won’t change the situation, especially if the Sword Sovereign’s son used a shortcut,” The Northbound Longevity Sect Master said. “The one I’m worried about is Monarch Nine Heavens. It’s public knowledge he mastered the Law of Space, meaning his strategic value is too big to ignore. But if we kill him, we’ll earn the ire of the Buzhou Immortal Sect.”

“You don’t have to worry about Monarch Nine Heavens,” Eternal Night Emperor said. “The Buzhou Immortal Sect doesn’t want the Eight Pillar Sect to gain such a large advantage. The current question is how we should deal with Xi Tianyi.”

“If only we had a youngster who could compete with him. Shortcut or not, the difference between a true immortal and immortal monarch is far too large,” The Yangsource Sect Master said.

“We actually do have someone,” The Goldlight Sect Master said. “If we give him a half-monarch artifact, it isn’t outside the realm of possibility.”

“Who?” the other people present in the room asked.

“Monarch Pillrabbit’s disciple, Divine Flame Immortal,” The Goldlight Sect Master said. “He passed his Immortal Ascension Heavenly Tribulation over twenty years ago. If Monarch Pillrabbit wasn’t lying, Divine Flame Immortal should have nearly mastered the Law of Flame.”

“Should we address him as Divine Flame Immortal Lord, then?” The Skymist Gorgemaster asked.

“I find it more interesting that he has some relationship with the saintess of the Cloud Goddess Cult,” The Goldlight Sect Master said. “Aside from him, are there any other outstanding disciples?”

“Why? The Skymist Gorgemaster asked.

“It’s not just the Sword Sovereign’s son that’s coming. I also got the news that her disciple, who also became an immortal under two hundred years, will also be arriving. Not just them, but the Buzhou Immortal Sect Master’s disciple, No-Heart Sword Immortal, will also be arriving,” The Goldlight Sect Master said.

The Skymist Gorgemaster sighed. “The amount of talent in the Buzhou Immortal Sect sure is enviable.”

Eternal Night Emperor sighed. “It really seems that the quality of disciples has dropped ever since the fall of the Cultivator Alliance. Our most outstanding disciple is from someone who we thought died over ten thousand years ago. Need I mention the fact that his previous disciple nearly killed him? Good thing Pillrabbit never mentioned us, or the whole realm might know us being the Cultivator Alliance’s remnants.”

“Enough of that,” Eternal Night Emperor said. “Let’s plan on destroying the opposing faction and the Eight Pillar Sect. Once everything is over, we’ll be able to return to the light.”

All the other occupants of the room nodded in agreement. Those close to the Extremity Immortal Realm all increased their diligence. This was their dream, passed down by their predecessor. Once they defeated the Eight Pillar Sect and claimed the Earth Continent, they would be able to return to their true identity.

When Tianyi and Daoyi boarded the Eight Pillar Sect’s immortal boat, he noticed that Duan Muli stayed without boarding. Hostage and all that jazz.

He had donned his regular attire while his clone had taken his role as Monarch Nine Heavens. Soon enough, His identity as Xi Tianyi and Monarch Nine Heavens would merge, but not now. Ba Shifang had holed himself in his room, ignoring all but the bare minimum of interaction.

As part of the aid sent to the Earth Continent, a hundred true immortals and a few immortal lords boarded the boat. What Tianyi didn’t expect was Xia Yushan also joining the mission. More alarming was the fact he noticed Xia Yushan staring at him and Daoyi whenever they were on deck. Like now.

Tianyi couldn’t help but wonder what he wanted. Did jealousy get to his head? Xia Yushan did confess to Daoyi directly before accepting his confession. He thought Xia Yushan had given up after years of no activity, but that might be because he and Daoyi had disappeared for a hundred years.

“What’s wrong?” Daoyi asked while turning her gaze away from the endless seas and to him after Tianyi hugged her against his chest.

“Do you not feel it?”

“Feel what?” Daoyi asked.

“Xia Yushan’s stare,” Tianyi said. “Wow, if you didn’t detect it, he must be hiding his gaze really well. If it weren’t for my mastery over spacetime, I wouldn’t have noticed either. I thought he had given up.”

“Really?” Daoyi asked. “Even if he is secretly staring at us, I should have detected it. As long as the gaze is laced with emotion, killing intent, and love, it doesn’t matter. I should have sensed it. I didn’t feel anything at all.”

Tianyi furrowed his brows. “What does that mean? Maybe he was staring at me? Murder the hypotenuse?”

“Maybe,” Daoyi said. “If he was directing it at you, you should be more careful. You aren’t as sensitive as I am.”

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“Relax,” Tianyi said. “Xia Yushan won’t be able to kill me. Most immortal emperors won’t be able to either.”

“That is true,” Daoyi said. “You should still be careful. Won’t it take a long time to restore your body?”

Tianyi nodded. “Noted.”

After the talk, the journey to the Earth Continent resumed. There were no accidents, and all was peaceful, almost too peaceful. Considering that they had come to aid the Eight Pillar Sect—at least on the surface—it was strange that no one had come to stop them.

So, of course, something had to happen when they reached the shores. Over a hundred true immortals led by an immortal monarch blocked their path.

“I suggest you return to the Heaven Continent and mind your own business, or don’t blame me for being impolite!” The unnamed immortal monarch said. His voice reverberated through the surrounding. A few immortals on board couldn’t stand it and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Tianyi frowned and waved his sleeve, dissipating the force attacking Daoyi. “Are you alright?”

Daoyi’s face, which had gone slightly pale, returned to normal, and she shook her head. “I’m fine.”

After making sure she was fine, Tianyi flew out of the immortal boat. He observed the immortal monarch. The unnamed immortal monarch possessed a burly physique, mane-like hair, and lion-like eyes. “Who are you?”

The immortal monarch ignored Tianyi’s question. “You must be the Sword Sovereign’s son. I don’t know what method you used to reach the Seamless Immortal Realm, but you aren’t my opponent. Scram and never return if you don’t want to get hurt.”

‘Alright, I’m kicking your ass,’ Tianyi thought. He didn’t say another word and pointed at the sky. Thunderclouds instantly appeared above him, roaring with lightning.

The immortal monarch crossed his arm and smirked. “I hope you’re only thunder and no lightning.”

Tianyi pointed down, and to everyone’s shock, the lightning struck him. The lightning shroud coating him quickly turned into a mixture of five different colors: red, green, black, white, and yellow. Before anyone could react, it shot toward the unnamed immortal monarch.

The immortal monarch screamed in pain as the lightning coated him, crisping his skin and melting his hair. The scream turned into a roar as his features began to change, looking like a half-human, half-lion humanoid. “You brat, how did you control Five Element Lightning?”

“Oh, I don’t know, maybe because I mastered all five elemental laws?” Tianyi said as he looked at his nails as if taking the immortal monarch’s anger lightly. In truth, the immortal monarch was under his spatial senses. Even if people detected it, they would only think it was the work of Monarch Nine Heavens.

“Hmpf, I don’t believe you can do it for long,” the unnamed immortal monarch said. After he said those words, white qi began to leak from his body and formed a white lion over a hundred meters large, emanating the Law of Metal, a martial manifestation.

Tianyi only had two words. “That’s cute.”