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Twin Reincarnation: Epics Of The Worldline

Chapter 62 62 A wind of tomorrow*
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Chapter 62 62 A wind of tomorrow*

[OP: ]

In the dark of the night, under the glorious red and blue moons hanging in the starry sky, a bullet was shot from the top of a bell tower, its destination—the strange people wearing dark robes and plain black masks.

It passed through the surroundings without making a sound, only leaving behind a blue trail that would be hardly visible to the normal naked eye.

However, the pure red eyes hidden beneath those black face-covered masks noticed the arrival of this attack and tried to go away from its path but…!

Just when the long bullet was in the range of these masked people, it suddenly exploded and needle-like objects were scattered all around them.


But they reacted quickly once again and called forth strong shields of black Mana that would have been enough to block any normal bullet let alone needles, however, to their dismay, neither the bullet that was fired at them was normal nor the white needles that came out of it.

-Skith. Skith. Skith!

The needles passed right through the protective barriers and ended up precisely in the neck areas of all these people with the black masks.

And, as soon as these white needles collided with their necks, they burst into a white light, and, the heads of all the nine people standing in the middle of a blood-covered ground littered with human corpses, also popped like a balloon.


Pulling back the handle and taking out the empty shell from the sniper, she stood up from the prone position and looked at the scene far away from her with the special drone's footage before her screen.

The targets were taken care of but the human blood that was spilled today was not something she could do anything about.

She could have saved them if she had known about this bunch and the things they were doing out in the open like this even a few minutes earlier, but, she didn't. And their deaths were not her fault.


[Sudden <F> rank quest complete.]

[Reward: 10 skill points, 5000 Oz, and three basic stat stones have been obtained.]

Her work here was done, so, she looked at the two moons, her bright blond hair shining with the lights of this pretty night, her sky-like blue eyes gleaming with a unique light, and, her unique black outfit that didn't hesitate to enhance her mature beauty.

Her face was a piece of art too, but this art, instead of representing sunshine-like happiness, embodied the essence of fatigue and sadness.

She had a unique power no other in the world did and it definitely gave her more than enough strength to be far better than other people of her age, but, this power came at a great cost and responsibilities.

And, these responsibilities were her greatest source of weakness.

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But, she had to live with it. This was the only way she could keep living, so she wanted to live at all costs until she achieves the ultimate goal of her dreadful life…

She was probably loved by Death… just like how he was loved by Life.

"Ugh… you taste bitter."

"Hehehe—haha~. You don't like bitter~?"


He licked the blood off her neck and when his tongue touched the marking from his two sharp canines, they quickly started healing. And then, he thrust deeper.


"Who likes bitter? Of course, unless it is prepared with something sweeter than that bitterness."

He looked over her shoulder at the one standing at the door, watching them with an eccentric smile, her mind filled with unbearable erotic thoughts, and her heart racing without her permission.

And, as soon as his enchanting dark blue eyes met hers, she lost all control over her own body and rushed to his side, bare, wet, and out of her mind.

And he took pleasure in whatever he was doing.

Those were some of the only things he had been doing for an unknown period of time.

He had seen decades, centuries, probably millennia pass. But, he was still the same he had been since the moment he last remembered.

He had seen nations getting destroyed and empires rising from nothing, and, even after trying his best, trying everything one could do to attract that unfussy Death, probably the Life loved him too much to even let her opposite come close to him.

So, he had given up on trying that useless thing and was exploring the world with a desire to find something fun.

And, perhaps, he was going to find that something soon in a certain academy of the great empire of Barnacle.

And just like him, the crown prince of this great empire, the person with imperial blue hair but unknown red eyes standing outside the bedchamber of his 'father', with a deep frown from the familiar yet unsightly and unknown voices, was soon going to meet his salvation in that academy.

However, the salvation that will save him from this world and himself, the girl with very mature assets, the one this world will someday know as the saintess, was currently being rescued by a certain swordsman with red hair hidden under a straw hat, and a face covered under a unique mask.

She could very well take care of herself but, from how this person carried her, to how he defeated all those strong people with nothing more than a simple movement of his sword, had completely mesmerized her.

She did not know why but she defiantly felt something unique about this person and though it was a complete coincidence that they met like this in this dangerous forest, as he carried this elf with a cute face, long silver hair, and silver green eyes… he couldn't help but think just how heavy she was!

Maybe it was a mistake he was princess carrying this princess.

She was pretty strong so she would defiantly have survived the hands of that tentacle monster but, seeing this bathykolpian pure beauty in those disgusting hands… nah.

He didn't care about curtesy stuff but being distracted during his hunting would be the last thing he would want.

So, he had to dispose of this heavy patty somewhere and get back to his hunting.

He was close to unsealing the first layer of his restrictions so he had to quickly go and kill that bastard and everything else there alone so that he can have all the juicy experience and finally reach level 100.

So, he just ran through the forest at a speed and precision unmatched by even some of the creatures of nature themselves.

The sword around his waist was unique, his platinum eyes that had a unique crimson glow inside them were looking out for any sudden attacks, and, his clothes that danced with the winds were certainly far more old-fashioned than the girl he was carrying.

He didn't know why she was here or how she almost fell into the hands of that <B> rank creature despite being so strong, but, he could tell she was strong. Probably more than any other young girl her age. So there could only be two reasons she was almost caught by that creature leading that strange hoard of other creatures.

'Either she is dumber than she looks or… there is someone even stronger than her behind all this.'

He wasn't sure, but there was only one way to find out.

He had to use her to lure that strong person out and finish him first so that he can go back without any burden.

"That is as far as you go bastard."

And, this sudden voice that he heard, plus that wall of earth magic that suddenly came out to block his path, were enough clues indicating that the fish had caught the bait...

He stopped and from behind him, a person in a lavish, red mage outfit walked out of the darkness while sitting atop a red-black wolf.

"Uncle…? What are you doing here?"

Sun was rising from the horizon behind him as he smirked down at this clueless girl.

"It seems like you still don't understand, little girl."

There was a pleased smirk on his face as he looked at her with eyes that had suddenly turned into strange pure red eyes without any pupils.

And seeing just this much was enough for her to know he was the reason she was in this situation right now.


She shouted at him, asking for something that he would definitely take a long time to explain if he actually wanted to.

And, the person that saved her, the protagonist of this game, the martial artist that knew many arts of many fields, did not have that kind of time to spare for a monster that had already sold his soul to a demon's contractor.

"I would have loved to hear your baseless talk and shit, but I know you one scene villain just increase the word count so, just quickly say if you have anything important."

His sword resembled a Katana, a very finely forged one, but, in truth, it was a heavenly artifact that had been sealed when he came back to this world, just like most of his other powers.

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It couldn't do much but it was still a good enough sword for a small fry like him.

"Hahaha! What will you do if I have nothing to say~? What can you even-"

With one hand on the sheath of his blade and the other on the handle, he took a deep breath and got into position without caring for this bastard that was already beyond saving, or the princess that was experiencing a situation like this for the first time in her life.


He took his sword out in a unique manner and raised it above his head as it suddenly burned with a bright golden Aura, his eyes sharply locked on his target, the blade and hands both ready for the attack, and his calm breathing overwriting the vibrations from his voice.

(First unleash: Splitting The Heavens)


He swung down his sword ever so slightly that it didn't even seem like he had put any strength behind it.

And then, he just gracefully put his sword back, his opponent still laughing with that cynical smile.

He must have found his actions strange and funny as nothing seemed to have happened after his single funny sword swing… but, the very next moment, he saw as the view before both his eyes slightly shifted up and down, and, the very next moment, he felt something very strange.

Something had happened, he didn't know what but something definitely happened, and, when he finally realized it, he and the dog he was raiding had been split vertically in half.

He didn't understand anything until the end, and he ended his life in a pile of their flesh, his own black blood, and his pet's greet one.

It only took one attack from him even though he himself was a level 250 beast tamer blessed by the powers of a demon contractor.

He just died, and, after taking the dumbstruck girl away from that place, he just left her without saying anything at all.

She was left there alone, he left for his hunting, and the prince continued his work with his unshed tears.

The immortal vampire sighed as he left the two women half-alive, and the sniper that had just killed many of the weak ones similar to that beast-tamer bastard, rested in her warm comfortable bed.

They were the five protagonists that will become another center of our protagonist's journey. And, the remaining sixth one, the reincarnated girl that had been born with her own unique powers, privileges, and sadness… was surrounded by a bunch of thugs in the great capital city of Barnacle.

She had just entered the city and didn't know anything about it, but, she definitely knew being surrounded by weird people like them was not a good thing.

And, she was told to not harm anyone until absolutely needed, so she just stood there, not knowing anything as the bunch narrowed the encirclement in this back alleyway.

There was no one around so they can do whatever they wanted… or so they thought.

"Don't you think that's enough?"

A voice rang from behind them and when they turned back in unison, three figures, a pretty woman, an even prettier girl, and, a hot-looking boy glared back at them.

"Leave now or leave after being beaten to the pulp. My hands are itchy after going through that wrap portal anyway."

The sexy girl with red eyes was smirking down at them, the pretty boy with blue eyes was looking at the girl behind them with a worried gaze, and, Eva was looking at all the people that were obviously going to get beaten up regardless of their actions with a pitiful gaze.

They had just arrived in the capital city too, and as luck would have it, they had crossed paths with the most suitable protagonist of this child-like world of theirs…