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Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle by Heap Heap

Chapter 3267
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Chapter 3267 The Kids Are Worried About Her *Alright." Luke heard Luca's request and turned on the TV, but he quickly lowered the volume, finding it too loud.

He knew she just wanted sbackground noise, not something too distracting.

Luke continued feeding her the oatmeal.

After finishing one bowl, Luca could not eat anymore, so she rested for a bit. Then, Luke gave her the medication Johann had prescribed.

Since she was lying down, she ate everything slowly.

After taking the medicine, Luca yawned. Even though Johann had not prescribed any sleeping pills, the IV and medication had a calming effect.

"If you're sleepy, go ahead and rest," suggested Luke.

Luca frowned slightly. "But I want to take a bath." "How about I help you freshen up a bit?" offered Luke, knowing she was not in any condition to take a full bath. *I'd really prefer a proper wash. I was sorting documents this morning, and a lot of people were smoking around me. I feel like the smell has clung to my clothes," replied Luca as she heaved a sigh. The men on the Island of Despair loved to smoke.

Whenever they were around, she always ended up smelling like smoke.

Especially Abel's cigarettes.

She hated the smell of them.

"Listen, just bear with it for tonight. You can take a bath tomorrow when you're feeling better. I'll get swater and help you wipe down," said Luke. Johann had advised that Luca should stay in bed as much as possible.

Plus, she was too dizzy to get out of bed.

Luca listened to his footsteps as he walked away, then heard the sound of running water from the bathroom. She reminded herself that it was just for one night.

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A little later, Luke cback with a basin of water.

After closing the door and drawing the curtains, he wrung out a towel and carefully wiped her down.

*Feeling better?" Luke asked as he helped her change into clean hospital clothes.

She replied, "A little. But my hair still smells like smoke." *Try to bear with it. You can't wash your hair today," Luke replied in a gentle tone. He did not mind helping her wash it, and the nurses had special basins for that, but she was too weak to go through the hassle right now.

"Luke..." Luca called softly.

"Yes?" "I miss the kids," continued Luca.

She often missed them when she did not see them for a day or two, but today felt different.

Perhaps it was because, in moments of weakness, one would think more about the people who mattered most. Luke was here, and she could not tell Jack, Queenie, or the Rayne family about the car accident, so her thoughts naturally turned to the children.

"I'll call them after I pour the water away," replied Luke, bending down to pick up the basin.

*They probably already know, right?" asked Luca.

"Nina went over, so they definitely know. But I also told them you're fine and that you'll be hafter a couple of days in the hospital," Luke reassured her.

"Okay," replied Luca.

After emptying the basin, Luke sat down beside the bed, picked up his phone, and called Nina.

"Mr. Crawford, how's Luca doing?" Nina asked as soon as she answered the call without waiting for Luke to speak.

She was furious when she heard that Karen had gone off the deep end and rear-ended Luca's car. She wanted nothing more than to confront Karen.

However, Percy stopped her.

He pointed out that Karen had been taken into custody by the police, and no one could visit her. Karen claimed she had a mental illness and did not intentionally crash the car.

The police were likely arranging for a psychologist to assess her.

Now, only her lawyer could see her.

With no other options, Nina took the initiative to offer to look after the three kids.

"I'm feeling better," said Luca. Her eyes were still closed.

"You gavea scare. How about turning on the camera?" asked Nina. She wanted to see for herself that Luca was okay.

She knew it was just a bump on the forehead and a mild concussion, nothing too serious, but she could not help worrying.

*Maybe not. I'm a bit of a mess right now. But don't worry, I'm okay. By the way, are the kids with you?" "Yes, they knew it was Mr. Crawford calling and figured you'd want to talk to them, so they're all here. I've got the speaker on," said Nina just before the three children's voices filled the room.

"Are you feeling better, Ms. Luca?" *Are you okay, Ms. Luca?" "When are you coming home, Ms. Luca?" Luca felt a pang of guilt when she heard the concern in their voices.

It should be the mother worrying about the children, but here they were, worried about her instead.

Luca answered, "I just need to stay in the hospital for 24 hours for observation. If everything's fine, I'll be hsoon. In the meantime, you all need to listen to Ms. Nina and Aunt Neile, okay?" "Okay, we'll be good," the three children chorused.

Luca then asked how their homework was going.

After hearing that they had finished it, she let out a yawn.

Luke saw that and said to the kids, "Alright, it's getting late. She needs to rest, and you should too. Don't give Ms. Nina a hard time." "Got it, Dad," they replied in unison.

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After hanging up, Luca pouted slightly. "I wanted to talk to them a bit more." "You'll be hthe day after tomorrow. They'll have plenty to say to you then," Luke reassured her as he tucked her in. Then, he leaned down to press a kiss on her forehead. "Now, get srest." "Okay, goodnight," replied Luca.

"Goodnight. Don't worry, I'm right here," said Luke.

Luca eventually fell asleep even though she felt unwell.

She had one dream after another. None of them were nightmares, but none of them comforting either.

She dreamt of Abel, then of Karen...

When she finally woke up, she was drenched in sweat.

"Luca." She heard Luke calling her softly. When she opened her eyes, everything was pitch-black.

Panicking, Luca exclaimed, "Luke, I can't see!" A moment later, she heard a click, and the lights were turned on. She realized it was not that she could not see but that it was still in the middle of the night.

She had only been asleep for a short while, but it felt like much longer.

Luke placed his hand on her forehead with his brows furrowed together. "You were mumbling in your sleep.* *I had sbad dreams, but that's normal. My body's not feeling great, so my sleep quality isn't either," explained Luca.

She thought it was nothing serious until he said, "Your forehead feels a bit hot. I'll call the nurse to check on you." Then, Luke pressed the call button.

The nurse quickly arrived. After taking Luca's temperature, she m frowned. "It's 102°F a bit of a fever.

, I get the doctor to see if you need sfever medication." After the nurse left, and soon the on-call doctor cin.

The doctor gave Luca a quick examination. He confirmed it was just a fever from the shock, and everyone let out a sigh of relief. "It's nothing serious. Take sfever medicine, and you should feel better soon." *Can she get an injection? It might work faster," asked Luke.

"She could, but the fever isn't too high, so an injection isn't really m necessary d'd recommend just taking the medicine," suggested the doctor.

Luca knew Luke wanted her to feel better quickly, but she alsounderstood the doctor's reasoning. Hence; she said, "Just the medicine would be fine." Ads by Pubfuture